A Fleeting Glimpse
I looked around and everything looked different. I saw the world in a
different light and it was very strange. The sun didn’t seem to be as
oppressive as it would on a typical hot summer day, it seemed like its heat
was almost bouncing off me, almost as if I wasn’t there. Walking through the
parking lot past the rows of cars, each one seemed less a vehicle and more a
shelter, protecting me from the world. In many ways, I hadn’t changed much
of anything in the way I walked around, but I felt like a different person.
I didn’t really understand what was happening. It was the oddest thing and I
felt like I was almost invisible, no one was looking at me, and this was an
odd feeling. I felt the sun on the pavement, and the heat seemed to lift me
up. It was like walking without feeling the ground under my feet. I looked
around and no one noticed me, even people who walked directly in front of
me. She had given me a strange shield and it didn’t seem to make much sense.
I saw her and yet no one knew I was even there. I looked at my feet and
noticed my shadow had changed. I didn’t recognize it and it kind of threw my
rhythm off. I stumbled a little, and forgot who I was for a moment. This was
unexpected, I was staring into another mirror only to see a reflection of a
person that I didn’t recognize, or expect to find. As I walked on the
sidewalk, I looked down and noticed that even my shadow seemed different,
not casting as darkly as it should on the surface. I walked further down the
beach further down under the trees and walkways, and felt the shade reduce
my presence even more. It was like I was shrinking, nearly vanishing under
the trees. I felt a strange sense of protection and safety, which gave me
the ability to look around and explore unimpeded. I walked around for an
hour in a kind of daze, wondering how I’d ended up in such a strange and
unexpected situation.
With each step, things began to change and this altered my perception. As I
became someone else, the world seemed to grow before my eyes. This wasn’t
what I had expected to happen, but I decided not to let it bother me. It
could have been upsetting and strange, but the longer I walked, the less it
seemed to matter. I felt alone but not really lonely. This gave me a sense
of relief from the expectations I usually had.
I didn’t feel the pressure to
compete with anyone, and this gave me a strong sense of relief. I passed
under the trees and decided to take a moment to rest my mind from the
confusing cross-currents. I closed my eyes for a moment and remembered what
she had shown me in our previous encounters, in the peculiar sense of things
she had done. I thought of the strange machine she had built and its
other-worldly light patterns it created before our encounters. In other
times, she seemed to show up from out of nowhere, stayed for a short time
then left just as quickly, leaving me another small piece of the puzzle.
This would leave me more confused and occasionally I though that I had been
playing tricks on myself. My mind wandered a bit back to the games I played
myself. I remembered how I moved around, slipping through the gates on the
edge of the forests and into the mysterious buildings and other places. It
seemed to make much less sense the more I thought about it. There were some
strange coincidences and the patterns seemed to reflect each other, moving
in parallel, though in ways I couldn’t quite understand. Opening my eyes
once again, I decided not to try and figure out the whole thing at once and
would instead try and take into account a few pieces at a time. This would
make progress low but at least I could feel like I was finally getting
It was still a hot summer day and some things hadn’t changed despite all
that happened. Everything was in the same place, and people hadn’t really
noticed me, and it hadn’t really changed that much about me until that day.
Gradually, with each step, I began to see things in a different way and I
didn’t expect that it would feel so strange. I decided to walk back towards
the sand and took a few steps back under the sun. I took a look down towards
the ocean, searching for something I hadn’t seen before. I stood there for a
few minutes scanning the beach and nothing really seemed out of the ordinary
at first. I and could see some things that I recognized, the beach chairs
and life guard towers, the swing sets and dunes were where I remembered
them. I had to look closer and spotted something I hadn’t noticed. I looked
out over the water and saw the small platform, which seemed strangely
abandoned after having been so busy earlier in the morning. It wasn’t
something I expected and I saw other things that surprised me. I watched the
waves moving closer towards the shore and wondered why this hadn’t attracted
more people, it seemed oddly out of place and time, for a moment. I realized
that there may have been other things happening that I couldn’t see with my
eyes. I took a moment and focused on the sound of the ocean swirling in the
distance, which seemed to be accompanying the reflections at the same speed.
I heard boats churning farther out and waited to see them cross through the
water, gliding over the waves quickly. I looked towards the pier and saw
fishing lines and hooks hanging from it, the arrayed people seemingly
oblivious to my presence. I silently watched the other kids running and
yelling around in the sidewalks, as a seemingly average day unfolded under
the sun.
I was searching for more signs or messages, but there was too much going on
that didn’t really matter. After a few minutes of watching what everyone
else was doing, I came to the conclusion that I was looking for answers in
the wrong places. I had to find out what was really important. I decided to
take a different approach and trace back to the most interesting thing I’d
observed, ignoring the things obscuring the messages I was looking for. I
cleared out my mind and looked back towards the water. After those many
distractions were out of the way, I decided to return to the mysterious
patterns I’d seen before. I looked in their general direction and tried once
again to see what they were up to. I bent my head down for a moment and
turned my attention towards the waves. It was still bright and I could only
see the patterns when I squinted and looked carefully. I began partially
closing my eyes and alternating between them, I tried and decipher the
reflections and patterns, but nothing came of it at first. I concentrated my
gaze in the distance for a few minutes and began to see something that I
remembered. It was something I’d first seen a while back. At first I didn’t
want to believe it, but it was unmistakable. It was a distinct signal, one
I’d first encountered in the winter, during one of our encounters in the
At first, it didn’t seem that important, just a few small glimmers on the
surface, slowly swirling around each other. When I looked closer, patterns
emerged that seemed out of place. When I concentrated, they seemed to come
together unexpectedly. I watched in slight awe, there was something there
that no one else had seen, a secret coded message. The sun had cast on odd
reflection on the water, making sparkling notches that seemed to cut through
the waves, revealing itself sporadically and only if you watched closely. It
wasn’t something I was looking for, but once they caught my eye, I couldn’t
believe what I was seeing. When I looked closely, I noticed something
happening, the pulses seemed to be quickening. There was a strange urgency
that suddenly seemed to overcome them, a pattern that was definitely
recurring, faster and faster. As they washed and curved over the waves, they
almost seemed to be talking, almost rolling in a determined motion or a
specific sequence, attempting to communicate a message. It took me a few
minutes to see what was happening and there was still nothing that I could
really understand in their movements. I turned my eyes downward towards the
waves and tried to time their crests on my own using a simple mechanism of
counting to ten. This approach worked for a short time, but this quickly
fell behind, going out of sync from the waves after a few moments. This was
frustrating but I tried to take a different approach, using the natural
beach rhythms as my guide, I mimicked breathing and suddenly it began to
coalesce for me, and I felt the movements coming into form. I took a nervous
step back when I realized what was happening. There was a distinct pulse
that I saw between the waves, almost becoming symbols, floating on the
surface. They seemed strangely familiar and then I remembered what they
were. It didn’t expect to see it there but it couldn’t be ignored. Despite
my best efforts to stay hidden, someone was watching.
I walked over the sands and towards the sound. My
feet were getting wet as the tides over-ran the squishy sand. I looked in
the distance and saw that the tide was starting to roll back in, and I was
tempted to go back in the water. There was still more for me to see.
However, I wasn’t in the right place at that moment. I realized that the
disguise I was wearing would be ruined if it got wet. I stood there and
wondered what to do. I felt safe like that and I wasn’t quite ready to go
back to my normal appearance. I worried that I would feel vulnerable and go
back to my old habits. I thought about it for a moment. I looked down at my
feet sunken down in the sand and wondered how it would feel to return to my
normal sandals. I decided that I didn’t want to let it get away from me so I
decided it was time to go back in the water. I reluctantly took the disguise
off and changed back into my normal clothes, putting them back into the bag
quickly. Peering inside the bag at them, they seemed to belong to someone
else once again. I took the blanket out the bag and wrapped it up safely,
and placed it in the sand facing down. It was unlikely anyone would look
inside, but I wanted to be sure no one else saw the secrets it contained.
I took off my sandals and began to wade back into the water, letting the
waves push me forward until it got deep enough for me to swim. I hadn’t
expected to want to go back there, but something told me to go back. I
hesitated and looked back towards the beach as it went back into the
distance, and I felt my body drifting for a moment, floating on the surface.
I had gone too far out and my feet could no longer touch the bottom. I took
a few quick strokes and found myself moving back towards the rickety
platform, though not as quickly as I had earlier in the morning. It took a
bit more effort than I was used to, and I could feel myself growing a bit
tired. I wasn’t deterred, deciding not to let the long day get the best of
me. I resolved not to slide back, and kicked my legs with a new energy. I
moved quickly after that, and before I knew it, I arrived. I took a deep
breath. When I got closer, it seemed to be less secure than before, rocking
on the waves, unsteadily. It seemed smaller than it had earlier in the day,
and the ocean waves seemed to be washing over it more forcefully, almost
like it would sink. When I got closer, I saw that the back half was almost
submerged completely, which was something I didn’t expect. Probably all the
jumping and running had caused it to lose its buoyancy, which made it seem
dangerous and probably why the other kids were staying away. I was a little
reluctant at first but decided not to lets its unstable surface get in the
way. I had come out that far
and wasn’t going to waste the opportunity. I
climbed the small rope ladder and stood on the surface, trying to keep my
balance as the platform swayed unpredictably. I felt my legs struggling to
stay balanced on the slippery surface, with its shaky boards barely staying
afloat underneath the waves.
It took a few moments, but I was able to steady myself on the platform
enough to stand, and I felt the waves coming over my feet, slowly at first
then quickly overtaking them. I looked around and discovered the problem.
After a day of everyone jumping around, some of the rubber buoys underneath
had somehow gotten pulled apart and untethered. They were floating at the
edges of the diving board, offering little support and making it unstable. I
could see the boards half-sinking under the waves. However, I looked around
and discovered that they only needed to be tied back to the boards. It was a
simple fix and I decided to take a few minutes and strung them back into
place quickly, though not perfectly. It took some effort but I was able to
stabilize it enough to provide a steady surface for me to stand on. After a
few minutes walking and testing it out, I was satisfied enough. I took a
deep breath and waited for a moment, allowing the hot sun to dry me off as I
prepared for the next thing. I walked towards the edge of the platform and
waited for a moment. There was no one else around and I decided to take a
quick jump to get in the water to resume my search. I knelt down and sprung
up, though a little more carefully than usual so I wouldn’t dislodge the
tenuously attached cushions. I splashed down feet-first and quickly
descended down towards the floor, my toes quickly hitting the muddy surface.
I looked own and spread my hands underneath, looking for something that I
thought might be there. I grabbed a few small rocks and pebbles at first and
quickly dropped them. Scanning my surroundings, I looked a bit further out
and deeper, heading downward for a closer examination. I didn’t see much
that really stood out, but I wasn’t giving up. I grabbed another group of
rocks and they seemed to slip out of my hands before I could really examine
them. I was running out of time and would have to resurface. I decided to go
back up and resurfaced quickly. I looked and saw the diving board was
further away than I realized. Instead of swimming all the way back there, I
took another deep breath, jumped backwards and dove right back down into the
The water seemed a bit calmer beneath the surface on my second dive, which
allowed me to concentrate on looking for something else. My previous attempt
seemed to have kicked up enough mud so that the water wasn’t as murky,
allowing me a better viewpoint. I moved farther away and went a little bit
farther down, into the choppier section where there were more rocks for me
to look at. I picked through a couple of handfuls, letting them slip through
my fingers, going through each cluster quickly. I mixed things around for a
few moments and cycled through several in an attempt to find something,
though I wasn’t completely sure what. I felt myself running out of breath
after a short time and knew I needed to hurry up. I looked around and turned
up to look at the surface and noticed that something seemed odd. There was a
narrow beam of light from above me, which seemed to point in another
direction. I hesitated for a moment, wondering what I was doing, if there
was some point to all of my explorations. I decided that I had come this far
and might take a chance. There was always the possibility that something
interesting might happen, but I had to keep going.
I turned and swam towards the deeper, murkier water. The currents were
moving quickly but I was able to keep up with them. I broke through back to
the surface for a moment, and dove back down into the deep to resume my
search. I took a few more clusters of rocks in my hands and looked through
them carefully, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I searched for more
and tried to maneuver my hands underneath the rocks, hoping nothing
dangerous or sharp was lurking. I noticed an unusual object on the ground
that was blue and round, almost like a small pendant. Heavy and clear, it
definitely wasn’t a natural object. There was a strange energy when I held
it towards the sun, definitely not like it belonged there. I felt like
someone had lost it. I rubbed the surface and felt its smoothness, and also
its fragility. It felt like it would melt in my hand if I gripped it too
tightly. I knew that wasn’t an ordinary rock. It was quite unusual. I
grabbed it firmly and returned to the surface, quickly. I took it out of my
hand and placed it firmly on the platform. I noticed it had a new resilience
and was sitting almost completely still in the water. I placed my hand on
the edge of the platform, placing the rock on the boards and pulled myself
up onto the surface. I held the pendant in my hand and extended it towards
the sun to get a closer look. It seemed to have changed color from blue and
was now emanating in a strange shade of green. I was more than a little
interested in this strange object, but then I noticed something behind me.
I looked down towards my feet and noticed something I didn’t expect.
There was another shadow on the water, cast alongside mine.
She was standing behind me, waiting.
- Michael Palisano