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A Tentative Implication
She wasn't immediately persuaded by his exhortations and had to think about
things for a short while. Her motions conveyed that she wasn't convinced
that further investigations into the areas would be a good idea. Slumping
her shoulders from unseen weights, she was decidedly reluctant to pursue
this route, but he didn't stop his determined approach, moving his arms with
increasing determination until he was finally able to convince her that she
could trust him. Reminding her that she'd given him the directive to lead
the path, he walked in our direction and jumped a little bit, starting to
make broad circles with his arms. She reluctantly took a few steps in his
direction, then stopped unexpectedly. Looking back, she turned her attention
to my direction, she appeared torn and looked to me for advice.
I thought about our next move for a few minutes before I carefully conveyed
my instincts to her, quietly and cautiously, not wanting to offend him or
dismiss her concerns. Our promising excursion to that point suggested that
we should give him a chance to maintain the lead, he'd taken us this far
without incident. She reluctantly agreed and resumed walking toward his
location with a noticeable change in her disposition until she was standing
beside him, carrying an improved perspective. Walking in their direction, it
didn't appear that anything out of the ordinary had appeared. I managed to
reach them after several nervous steps and looked at the fixated stone
tower, somewhat confused but intrigued. Looking over the temporal structure,
I couldn't visualize what could have resulted in a revelatory moment on his
part. The tower remained obtrusive, looming over us with quiet enforcement.
Its surface impenetrable, forming an immovable barrier acting simultaneously
as marker and deterrent.
Entranced by its strangely silent repose, we looked it over carefully, but
the structure gave no signals or indications as to what it might contain,
there was no evident shift in it arrangement. I found his excitement obtuse
and baffling, looking at her unsteady demeanor, it seemed that she shared my
trepidation, and wondered why he was insistent on us joining him. Further
examination didn't reveal any additional intricacies, nothing more than we'd
already discounted. After several minutes, our perceptions underwent a
subtle change. The atmosphere appeared to shift its focus as the overhanging
sun began reaching its apex. It gradually became evident that seemingly
unimportant aspects weren't completely straightforward; deceptive as to the
purpose they might have initially appeared to serve.
We began gazing anew over the tower's unflinching surface. It appeared to
shrink in size under the brighter light, diminishing to a significant
degree, losing its unseen protective force. She turned her eyes toward him,
seeming question whether he anticipated the transformation that occurred
beforehand. It seemed that he might have travelled there previously, and was
merely waiting for the right moment to arrive. His expression changed and he
couldn't help suppressing a small grin from appearing over his face. We'd
been focused on an incorrect object, he quickly explained. We needed to
train our sights beyond the embedded stone tower, and instead needed to
recalibrate in order locate and subsequently follow a counter-intuitive
Scanning the mountainous impediment beyond revealed sharp-angled structures
lacking in cohesion and determination. It appeared that the scattered,
uneven formation that blocked our way wasn't changing; its radiance and
purpose undiminished. He told us to examine its perimeters closely, and
focus our intent on the spiky mountainous formation's lower portion. The
shadows at its base had shortened beneath the sun's unrelenting glare,
shrinking further beneath its apex. They quickly subsided and their absence
began to unravel the secrets they covered. Their gradual disappearance
revealed countless additional rows of uneven grey surfaces, adding further
layers of blockage. Examining them closely led us to encounter an unexpected
phenomenon; a solitary shadow had resisted the sun's impervious forces.
Somehow, the dark reflection managed to keep its size in shape without
alteration. This inexplicably immovable shadow remained steady in appearance
and size, maintaining an odd consistency while the other shadows undulated
and quickly vanished. They couldn't compete with the ever-swirling sun and
streaking clouds above, with one exception.
Taking several steps closer we carefully examined its steadfast appearance,
wondering why this undulation hadn't changed its form while the other
shadows maintained a constant state of metamorphosis before evaporating. It
took a minute for me to figure it out, but she apparently beat me to the
realization. Suddenly tilting her head with renewed intent, she examined
that portion closely. Quickly concluding that this particular sight wasn't
actually another shadow, instead it was a substantial, gaping opening; an
unlikely entrance carved into the mountain's base. We looked back and saw
that his smile further broadened; he'd managed to locate a path that would
have been easy to overlook if he lacked advance knowledge or if he'd managed
to find a supernatural insight.
He didn't allow knowledge of his methods, and instead motioned for us to
follow him towards the nascent breach. The sun was only growing stronger,
heating the stony plates beneath our feet. He began walking carefully over
the inconsistent ground. He walked with surprising caution almost meandering
across. As he stepped further onto the shaky surface plates, they appeared
to shift position, responding at first by warping from his pressure, weighed
down by the force he presented. Their surface destabilized, their
undulations becoming less predictable as he travelled deeper over the uneven
plates, maneuvering over the precarious surface with increasing agility.
He moved carefully and traversed the predominantly flat surface with
surprising dexterity given the challenge presented. He didn't move with
excessive speed; it became apparent that caution was warranted. Their
untethered positions shifted from the pressure and started to buckle and
twist beneath his feet when he walked further ahead. We stood back and
watched his travails with trepidation. Watching carefully made her somewhat
nervous, but she finally decided to follow his lead. She stepped onto the
uneven surface and began maneuvering carefully. At first, making hesitant
steps onto each before gaining a tenuous balance. She began forging ahead
with increasing momentum, quickly covering the same general area, following
his path with approximate consistency. She moved ahead at a somewhat
cautious pace, carefully looking downward, avoiding the numerous crevices
and gaps along the way. She proceeded towards the impending formation
steadily, forging ahead through the gaps despite its apparent size. She kept
walking, until she'd carefully navigated about a quarter of the way through.
At this point, she paused and looked back in my direction, expectantly. I
knew immediately that it was my turn, but realizing it wouldn't be an easy
walk, I took a deep breath and prepared for the arduous journey ahead. I
took a few nervous steps onto the surface and it felt strange, like my feet
were constantly fighting the surface. It felt like it was about to collapse,
and I couldn't find a firm grip in any location. This made it difficult to
maintain stability or balance, my feet became unsure. I had to squint and
stand in place momentarily to adjust my bearings before moving forward. I
quickly realized that some locations brought more stability, but I couldn't
count on them consistently. Compensating for this, it wasn't too difficult
to pass the less stable sections. I found some relief following their path
closely. I felt the surface giving way at points when I diverged and stepped
over the unsteady, periodically cracked openings across the surface. When
staying largely within the path they'd forged, I could anticipate the sudden
shifts in location with greater accuracy. This allowed me to navigate the
numerous uneven stone plates with increasing speed.
Navigating the arrays of disconnected plates improved further as I moved
quickly over the surface; not standing too long in any particular location.
This measured approach to the uneven ground allowed me to catch up until I
was only a few plates behind their position. It didn't take long until we'd
managed to traverse the unstable portions. We finally reached the other side
of the uneven steps and found ourselves standing on firmer ground. It seemed
to solidify and there were only a relative few steps ahead. With greater
confident in the ground's stability, we walked ahead quickly until we found
ourselves standing at the base of an imposing formation, staring directly
into its cavernous path.
Quietly, he stood in place and surveyed the seemingly vast gap, pondering
the inherent mysteries shrouded beneath its dark interior. Silently, he
scanned the innards looking for a plausibly safe route we could follow. She
held onto my arm firmly, holding me back and firmly reiterating this wasn't
the time to go charging ahead. I watched as he carefully took a few steps
towards the break in its surface. It appeared to lengthen but grow slimmer
as he drew near its entrance. Pausing to consider its repose, he looked it
over before moving deeper toward the breach. He seemed unsure what to do
next before deciding on a reasonable intermediary. Picking up a nearby rock,
he gently tossed it into the breach and listened carefully as it echoed
through the chamber when it hit the ground. He waited for an audible signal
before making his presence known. He shouted into the dark cavern but
received no response. This could have been unsettling from a differing
perspective, in this case it was reassuring - the coast was clear. He walked
into the breach without further delay and signaled for us to follow him. She
didn't seem to share his level of certitude, and stood several feet in back,
maintaining a safe position outside the breach.
I took a several uneasy steps ahead of her and waited for any further signal
from him. There were several minutes of unnerving silence before he yelled
out affirmation briefly, wondering why we remained so hesitant. I took his
yell to be a clear indication that we should follow. She maintained her
cautious position outside the breach, but decided she could help us without
entering the gaping mass herself. From behind me, I noticed a narrow beam of
familiar light shoot into the darkness and quickly come into view overhead,
lighting up the surrounding surface to a degree that allowed for much faster
movement inward. I followed his apparent path and quickly arrived at a
location just behind him, catching him off guard. He seemed startled to find
me standing at such a close range.
Perplexed that I'd made so much ground without making too much effort on the
task, his eyes appeared somewhat surprised. He didn't see the slender beam
shining overhead until I pointed it out and he understood immediately. We
moved ahead a slight distance and noticed the beam had grown weaker and
dimmer quickly. It wasn't as strong as we would have liked, she was standing
too far back. We couldn't navigate into the intimidating depth much further
without further assistance, and turned around. We called back in her
direction to assure her that we were secure and it was safe for her to join
us. The beam held in place for a bit, she wasn't going to anything reckless
and leave her stable location, at least not without further reassurance.
He was perplexed about how he'd be able to provide her this endurance and
stopped in place for awhile to contemplate her request. He looked to me for
some help but I felt stymied initially. I searched my pockets for something
I could use to aid him but found nothing I could use. We looked around
quickly over the dim ground for something tangible that might prove its
stability but couldn't come upon any embedded objects. Our visibility was
hampered by the distance she held and we didn't want to risk entering the
darkness encumbered. Looking ahead, the surroundings appeared almost
completely dark and quiet. He decided to shout outward in her direction,
hoping she wouldn't misunderstand his loud cry and become needlessly
frightened by his exhortation.
We waited patiently for several minutes with little resulting movement. The
rupture seemed unchanging but the longer we stayed there, the smaller it
seemed to become. After several moments, its walls felt like they might be
caving in on themselves, there was a sudden shift in our narrow beam, which
appeared to waver. Its accompanying light scattered over the walls, moving
haphazardly in all directions. This was frightening and it wasn't
immediately clear what was going on since it was surrounded by darkness. We
watched as it jumped around over the surfaces and noticed tall stalks of
rock twisting into each other in the distance.
It was difficult to measure exactly how thick they were, but they clashed
with one another in somewhat sharp contrast, magnifying the sense of
impending doom. Slowly, the narrow beam began to grow and strengthen around
us. We heard echoes footsteps that quickly grew louder. She'd eventually
decided to join our foray and was navigating towards our direction in a
haphazard fashion. It took her several minutes for her to join us but she
brought a sense of release. The pressure of maneuvering through the cave
relaxed allowing us to move ahead forthrightly without dreading trouble
beneath our next steps.
She maintained a strategic position just behind us waved a friendly greeting
in our direction, simultaneously marking the surroundings wit a resolutely
pulse of light emanating from her machine. We began walking ahead with
increased conviction and traversed quickly without further delay. Our
journey only managed to cover a few additional dozen yards further until we
encountered an unexpected form blocking our path. We'd managed to get ahead
of ourselves only to find our feet knocking unsuccessfully against a solid
surface. It wasn't immediately clear what exactly stood in our path, it
remained too dark for us to maintain a clear view. She managed to catch up
and immediately began scanning its surface.
He quickly located a large wooden doorway embedded in the wall. It was
partially closed and but wasn't securely sealed. He noticed its hinges were
rusting and had shaken nearly completely ajar. Further examination revealed
its paint was faded and beginning to splinter. He walked a few steps closer,
which made it appear older and weaker. It seemed to be hanging onto a sliver
with only sporadic supports. She followed and examined further, pushing it
inward gently and allowing it to swing back, releasing a corresponding moan
as its wooden planks reluctantly opened briefly, allowing a quick glimpse
inside. The doorway closed quickly but wasn't flush with the thick
surrounding wall. There were no markings on its surface, the door's aged
locks appeared unfixed. He made a cursory examination and pronounced that it
was stable enough that it wouldn't collapse. He ventured ahead quickly and
opened it again without much effort. Looking overhead for any impending
destabilization, he paused briefly then motioned for us to proceed. He
pronounced it secure before walking with determination through the nearly
clandestine passage. He walked quickly past the wooden doorway and entered
what appeared to be a narrow room, without much further assistance. He
didn't seem to be making much noise along the way, so it was promising that
he wasn't crashing into or knocking over anything in his path.
We peered inside the structure from our remove, carefully searching for any
unseen dangers.
It was difficult to measure the space ahead of us, its enclosure was cloaked
in darkness. It felt tightly wound, there was little room to maneuver for a
single person, let alone a group. We watched his shadowy form moving around
and couldn't quite make out what his purpose was, it wasn't clear. After
several minutes, she took another measure of the surroundings and decided to
join him. She placed the machine above her head, allowing for its narrow
beam to light her path. Walking ahead nervously, she stepped onto the
concrete floor uneasily, slowly moving into its clouded interior. Scanning
the surfaces, she promptly located a small switch along its western wall,
and pulled it upward. Nothing happened at first, but after a few minutes a
small glow became visible. It slowly warmed up and the light source came
from an old-fashioned electrical lamp. Its metal surface discolored by age
and rust, it was hooked-up to a open wall socket, somewhat dangerously with
a single tangled, visibly frayed cord jutting out from its side.
Brightening at a slower pace than I was accustomed to, the bulb looked like
it was on its last leg, providing an intermittently flickering light. It
looked like the lamps' residual power was diminishing. I watched from
outside as it gradually lit the room up, struggling to maintain a consistent
luminance. It wasn't particularly bright, but gave off just enough energy to
illuminate the room. As the weak strain of light filled the room, unseen
details began to emerge from the shadow. I noticed its solid walls were
covered in a yellowing paint, visibly aged and peeling at points. Its
surface was further disrupted by cracks spreading upward from their sides.
Small pieces and sections of plaster appeared to be hanging loosely,
furthering its unstable appearance. There wasn't much else I could see from
that angle, since it was a relatively narrow space, occupied by two figures
who blocked much of my view. Taking a few steps closer, I was able to see
more inside, there was an outline of a small shelf, a narrow desk and
several old piles of wood stacked in the corner. Walking past their
position, I had to move carefully and found a constrained space just beyond
my reach. Moving slowly until reaching the outer portion but couldn't go
further until they moved apart carefully to made space for me. They did this
as best they could but I had to maneuver almost sideways to get past them.
The opposing end of the constricted space revealed what appeared to be a
tiny metal oven with a miniature lamp sitting nearby. Walking closer, I
could tell that both were significantly older than expected. Both appeared
to be almost antique, showing signs of significant aging and wear. It seemed
neither had seen use in quite some time. They looked almost fixed in place,
their metal forged and condensing to make them resemble immovable
sculptures, almost melted in place. Time appeared to have preserved and
frozen them in place. I looked around the surrounding area and it felt like
it had been carefully constructed to remain safely out of view. It seemed
hidden beneath the shadows, revealing itself only reluctantly. We'd located
its clandestine location almost by accident, and they were initially
surprised by its unexpected appearance.
I wondered what had inspired someone to carve that remote room, emerging
without fanfare from its cloaked base, purposely hidden within the midst of
a vast mountainous formation. Taking a secondary examination of the room
didn't reveal many additional secrets, it seemed like had been mostly
deserted, existing in its forgotten state for quite some time. They seemed
not to share my line of inquiry, largely unconcerned by uncovering the
surrounding mystery of its origin. Focusing their attention instead on
something else entirely. Looking across the room back in their direction,
they were unexpectedly leaning over the narrow desk. They were carefully
examining something quite closely. They appeared almost completely engrossed
by this, but they were standing directly in front of it so I couldn't see
precisely what they'd found.
Moving a few steps closer until I was right behind them, I was able to peer
over their shoulders and saw what they'd uncovered. A compact folder held
its place beneath the assembled, folded neatly for support and protection.
Arranged on top of the folder were a series of papers that were immediately
connected to one another. These consisted of what appeared to be a series of
black-and-white portraits. Elaborately designed and exquisitely rendered,
each portrayed the face and figure of a mysterious woman in vivid detail.
They moved aside and allowed me closer examination. I couldn't tell how old
she was with her identity shrouded but there was evident determination
evident in the unyielding energy that infused even the smallest portions of
the figure's expression without compromise.
Moving a step closer to further investigate them, they became ever more
resplendent and elaborate. I kept myself from touching or handling them in
any detrimental manner, even accidental contact could be disastrous. I
didn't want to tear or rip their fragile pages and decided to observe their
fragments would require me to hold temptation in reserve. It wasn't clear
why she inspired such devotion, and what the overall purpose of the
enigmatic sequence might have been. I stood and let their unarticulated, yet
undeniably powerful energy permeate my consciousness. Attempting to
rationalize the accumulation of paintings wouldn't do them justice, instead
I took the opposite approach and attempted to appreciate them from an
emotional perspective.
I found myself unexpectedly transfixed by the clearly aged yet strangely
timeless portraits. I fell under their spell; gazing upon the mysterious
artworks in total silence for what probably approached what felt like an
eternity. This lasted until their mute hold over me was unexpectedly broken.
A familiar voice began speaking, guardedly making unusual pronouncements,
without previous prompting. She appreciated the creative energy and
remarkable skill accomplished using only a single black pen, remarking that
the illustrations showed a rare consistency and quality in my work that
impressed her. He followed suit, quickly interjecting his admiration for the
passion and talent I displayed. Furthermore, he expressed graciously that my
art was undeniably resplendent, the enigmatic woman appeared to be alive. He
said that his eyes needed little imagination; that he could almost see her
breath fill the surrounding atmosphere, taking in the air then exhaling
robustly. She added in concurrence that she could feel life; the spirit
still shone through in vivid fashion despite the significantly aged pages.
Taken aback, I found myself unsure how to respond. Their compliments were
disorienting and confusing; I had no memories of the drawings.
- Michael Palisano
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