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An Acquiescent Composition
Trembling instantaneously and incomprehensibly, my hands moved
uncontrollably across the defiantly blank sheet of paper, my fingers
flapping passively on its surface without marking visible points. I
wasn't sure precisely how she was able to discern such an enduring
pattern without previous entanglements. Gemine was a recent
acquaintance, our residing interlocution enduring for only a handful of
time. There was no real way she'd be able to arrive at such a profound
conclusion without any previous veracity. I felt unsure how to respond.
I had no intention of upsetting her further, intruding in her space or
causing further disruption. Looking at her resulted in an unexpected
mixture of curiosity and trepidation. She remained visibly unsettled but
remained surprisingly stoic on the surface, initially. Her reserve began
trod wane as stood up suddenly and began pacing back and forth across
the floors. She remained surprisingly quiet despite her sudden burst of
energy, sliding mutely across the surface, without saying a word. She
went back and forth quickly, seeming to search for an undefined
objective. I noticed she was trying to avoid looking at me or the
accompanying platform. It was unclear whether Gemine was doing so
purposely or whether her attention was diverted elsewhere. Watching her
maneuver across the surface carefully didn't reveal lingering entropy,
the objective she sought kept itself silent, deliberately hidden from
sight, her prudent maneuvers revealed little, while the objective she
sought retained its elusive underpinnings.
Her silent maneuvering brought about a mixture of conflicting
determinations. Taking a surface measure, initial conclusions appeared
to indicate that I'd unwillingly created an unexpected fissure with my
drawing. However, this wasn't conclusive. Most importantly, I wasn't
entirely sure what precisely she recognized in my hands, and wondered
how I'd be able to reassure her. Without knowing with absolute
certainty, it was difficult to know how to proceed without causing
further alarm. If I stopped suddenly, this would require a thorough
explanation, given how much effort had gone into setting up the easel in
the first place. Stopping an illustration half-way or even
three-quarters finished would only cause more questions to arise.
Conversely, I could try and determine a new set of expectations, or
change tactics without declaring my intent. This would require some
effort and I wasn't sure that I could pull it off successfully.
Eventually, I decided to attempt a change if course, hoping it would
shift her gaze. I'd continue drawing at the same pace, while attempting
to change my technique without letting her catch on, hoping my
retracements were merely an unfortunate coincidence. I wasn't sure I'd
be able to change techniques. In order to give myself some breathing
room, my location changed location in a subtle way. Instead of standing
at a perpendicular angle, allowing a slight remove to form between me
and anyone observing from behind. I stood in directly front of the
easel, blocking it from view, at least partially. Arranging my feet
until they marked a physical barrier that would at least temporarily
give my mind a chance to internalize her unlikely determination.
Looking back in her direction, signaling that I was increasing my
determination and concentration by leaning forward into the painting, I
wasn't entirely sure she entirely believed my efforts. My eyes glanced
backwards in her direction seeking reinforcing erudition instead
revealed unexpected dislocation. My efforts seemed to have had the
opposite of their intended effect, She appeared to have lost interest in
my painting and appeared to have become distracted. This change became
obvious and she once more wandering in circles. This was discouraging
until she finally calmed down. Slowly, she began concluding her furtive
journeys and coming to a pronounced halt. Still unable to look me
directly in the eye, she turned her attention in another direction and
commented that the walls surrounding us were far too plain, their
emptiness wasn't conducive to her creativity. This deflection wasn't
entirely surprising but somewhat disappointing. She continued that she
was grateful that I was able to convert the emptiness into something
resembling a spark of life, but resisted further elaboration. It seemed
that she realized that she might have said too much by that point.
Gemine sought a logical, speedy exit from the potential unexplainable
contradictions and inescapable contortions she'd accidentally
half-articulated before catching herself. I walked away from the
painting somewhat casually, purposely attempting to cloak my concern. I
knew she was watching my every move, so I had to move slowly, without
panicking, so I wouldn't appear entirely defensive. I slumped my
shoulder and shrugged nonchalantly as to throw suspicion off course.
Remaining nervous, yet simultaneously worried about distancing myself
too effectively. I was conflicted but eventually came to a realization
that I needed some reinforcement. I didn't want to take the ruse too far
and deciding it would be better not to turn her completely away from my
efforts. I put the pencil down onto the easel. It made a pronounced
noise to gain some attention, and stated with quiet firmness that I was
finished, pronouncing that no further elaboration was needed on my part.
Appearing somewhat relieved that I'd managed at least to dissuade
further inquiries for the moment, she nodded appreciatively and shook
her head. This didn't entirely dissolve the questions lingering in the
atmosphere but it released the building potential. I took several steps
in her direction and stood at her side, released from the unspoken
expectations I hadn't anticipated. The easel appeared to diminish in
importance as we watched its meandering, unspoken retribution go
unfulfilled. I knew there were potentially unpleasant connotations
lurking beneath its seemingly tranquil surface. It was better not to
delve further beneath the paper. I managed a quick glance in Gemine's
direction and noticed she appeared tangibly more relaxed, her shoulders
remedied their preceding rigidity with newfound reclinement, the stern
movements of her arms became increasingly natural, less forced as time
went along. Instilling a sense of calm overcame the tension and she
managed to look at me with a sense of relief, gracefully managing the
situation. She finally spoke in a measured tone, intimidating we had
more important things to focus on than the unexplained intersection. She
finally explained that, perhaps, strong parallels were to be expected
when exploring similar areas.
This wasn't entirely satisfying, but I reluctantly decided that it was
acceptable. She walked across the expanse and didn't seem overtly
bothered by her vague rationalization. Gemine instead walked across the
room and looked in my direction. She appeared displeased but it wasn't
clear whether there was something else I'd done wrong. Looking me over
carefully she reiterated an earlier, somewhat disconcerting observation.
Gemine implied that she wasn't expecting me to be perhaps, or quite so
young, in any case. I waited, carefully withholding my reaction, and
pensively looked across the room's exterior walls for some sort of exit.
Our situation was quickly becoming increasingly awkward. There didn't
appear to be any graceful exit in the immediate area where I could
gracefully escape her penetrating gaze. I stood across from her, waiting
patiently for further explanation that might intervene, but she'd
managed to reiterate her position, adding another layer on top of my
increasing confusion. I felt increasingly at a loss, I had no adequate
response that would change her perception, and instead felt cast adrift
within her improbable contradictions that I couldn't mitigate.
Gemine maintained her unwavering disposition, holding firm for an
uncomfortable interval before finally moving closer to examine the easel
in greater detail. I watched from a cautious distance as she took the
page and turned it over, gazing once more at the illustration I'd
hastily drawn. She leaned in and viewed it closely, searching for
anything of further note. There was nothing inherently troubling about
the painting itself, the visualized structure maintained its steady,
nonthreatening form, she finally announced, but there was something that
drew her back to it that she couldn't quite comprehend or understand.
Surveying its surface, she seemed dismayed that I hadn't put more effort
into is details, this made it harder to determine its precise location
or it purpose. I wanted to tell her that, in this case, it was actually
recalling a place I'd actually encountered earlier. I wanted to tell her
all about the things I'd seen inside its walls but faced the dilemma of
not wanting to give too much away without thinking through the possible
effect. Silence seemed the best response. Narrowly shrugging my
shoulders, signaling a somewhat casual approach, I made it appear that
it was just something I'd made up from my imagination, the structure was
nothing more significant than it appeared. Gemine seemed to accept my
resigned indifference, and turned the page back over, sparing the both
of us from a long, elaborate explanation. Standing in front of the
easel, she stood quietly and looked over the stacks of empty paper. She
quickly decided to take a forceful hand and unexpectedly picked up the
pencil herself. My inclination to leave the room suddenly evaporated. I
wasn't entirely sure what she was capable of, but I wasn't about to walk
away before finding out.
Watching without undue expectations, I waited for her to begin the task
of filling in the blank page. She made no indication of her intentions
and quietly flipped through the sheets on the easel before finding one
that was among the least undetermined. Its surface was crisp and visibly
untouched, though it has some minor discoloring along its sides. She
placed it sideways, parallel to the easel, and looked it over, searching
for any indications of flaws. These imperfections might have been too
prominent or distracting but she held a clandestine antidote. Gemine
turned the paper over insistently and found the reverse was unobtruded.
Any residual discoloring wasn't visible, the clear page was hers to
fill. Borrowing a moment to contemplate her action, she took the pencil
in her hand and began running her fingers across its surface in quick
motions, spinning it around. She twirled the pencil around a few times
before holding it in a firm grip, arriving at a conductive position
around two-thirds' length from the peak.
Without fermenting additional recalcitrance, Gemine commenced her
unfettered incursion into the page. Her fingers moved quickly as she
began marking initial routes across the surface. The initial sequence of
unapologetically curved lines were surprisingly resplendent.
Effortlessly bending and wordlessly circling in sweeping motions that
looked livelier than I'd anticipated. She drew her sweeping, intuitive
lines with remarkable speed. However, her motions weren't random, the
narrow lines were placed carefully on the page, unfolding in quick
succession. I watched carefully while her uneven strokes methodically
built the foundations of a cascading landscape. Her fingers quickly
realized an imaginative landscape that unfolded in unpredictable
patterns. Filling the empty space in quickly, her diminutive lines
created a robust environment as they converged. The lines began crossing
one another, building possession of the world. She filled the details,
and an unmistakable style began to emerge from within the disconnected
figures. The vague outlines which predominated initial stages, slowly
coalesced to form firmer manifestations.
I noticed the speed and intensity of her work begin to accelerate as she
continued to add detail to her increasingly elaborate composition.
Objects seemed to appear from within her curving form, though it wasn't
clear whether this occurrence was purposely designed or a result of
serendipity. She marked the paper without pausing, maintaining her
consistent speed and consistency. She elaborated and embellished certain
portions of the page. She seemed to narrow her focus at points,
encouraging reticent areas to take increased prominence while
intimidating specific sections from becoming overbearing. Alternating
quickly between those competing motivations, her fingers appeared to
move in simultaneously in contrary directions. This intrinsic divergence
didn't appear to slow her process, instead seemed to inspire Gemine to
move even faster. I was impressed that she created the circular
surroundings regardless of external pressure.
She moved between points on the page without hesitation. Her hands
moving swiftly and surely I watched as she systematically started
marking the page. The recently-constructed area responded affirmatively.
The closer portions completed, she moved to elaborate on the outer
sections towards its horizon. She arranged the resulting curving figures
in a strangely natural sequence that seemed to flow outward into the
distance. Not withstanding the limitations of the page itself, these
rows of lines unfolded seamlessly without barriers. I watched her with
tempered enthusiasm, impressed by her unmistakable capabilities and
boundless imagination. Enchanted by the world she'd managed to form by
untempered resilience. I felt myself drawn in by its extending and
expanding into the distance. It wasn't immediately clear what place the
lines represented but they held a unique energy that was indescribable
and irresistible to my curious eyes.
Imprinting her elaborate visual formulation with a resplendent, measured
approach required a dual concentration on her part that wasn't
immediately visible. Maintaining her resolve while ensuring her
intuitive engagement wasn't an easy balance. I kept myself a respectful
remove, holding a distinct approach that allowed me to follow along with
intruding on her work. She maintained her unwavering commitment to the
illustration, following its curved surfaces faithfully, never hesitating
along the way. The visage she illuminated along the way became
increasingly resilient, appearing to reinforce its dimensions with
additional layers, her fingers adding to its depth and nuance with each
pass. Gemine's hands never wandered and she determined the paths and
structure beforehand, allowing her to move quickly without the need for
duplicative retracements and wasteful erasures.
She filled the page with remarkable efficiency, and it soon began to
show undeniable flourishes of vibrancy. Remarking that she was reaching
a barrier where the process of enhancing existing or adding to
additional elements was rapidly becoming a claustrophobic exercise given
the small-scale the page allowed. Once its surface became saturated with
redundant objects at the margins, she haltingly began diminishing her
previously frantic progress to a more reasonable pace. Taking a few
steps back so she could survey the illustration's appearance from a
comprehensive approach. Gemine took its measure for several minutes,
silently internalizing its expanse, she examined its lines carefully,
looking for any residing flaws that might need adjustment while trying
to correct any lingering areas left open that she might have missed. It
didn't take her long to perform this task given her exceptional talents.
After several minutes' expenditure, she held the pencil sideways. She
brushed its surface with her fingers and cleaned the residue of shards
of lead and stray wooden splinters from its tip. The pencil's sharp edge
had become noticeably shopworn due to excessive use but benefited
immediately from her incisive sharpening,
Placing the rejuvenated pencil down on the easel, she rested it
carefully on its surface, allowing it a respite from the preceding
frenzy. Taking a step back further from its oncoming surfaces, their
clashing, circular storm began to subside as she walked away.
Insurmountable peaks slipped into rolling surfaces, the sharp edges
smoothed out by the distance. Her position revealed previously obscured
paths. These walkways began emerging from within the twisted lines she'd
carefully plotted and vigorously sketched across the paper. Their
pronounced imprints appeared to converge towards the page's horizon,
pointing towards an objective that wasn't immediately clear, but plainly
visible just beyond the edge. She didn't completely elaborate all the
details within the boundaries. I managed to walk several steps closer,
overcoming my guarded reluctance. She signaled that I was welcome to
come inward and examine her work. I wasted little time and moved inward.
I was immediately impressed by the ferocious level of detail that she'd
managed to infer, but also struck by what she'd managed to avoid. Her
movements had offered insight and a general sense of proportion and
dimension while simultaneously leaving many questions unanswered. Her
open, yet concealed approach resulted in a contradictory illustration.
It was unmistakably beautiful yet vague to the point that precise
directions and objective measurements weren't possible.
Gemine's resplendent illustration covered an evasive outward-facing surface of
what appeared to be tangled paths, Her determined approach created an inner conflict that couldn't be eaaily resolved. Her composition appeared
purposely designed to elude efforts by intrusive eyes to systematically
determine anything lurking beneath its surface, including its origin and
location. She invited me to take a step forward to gain a thorough
visualization of her rationalized inquiries. I wasn't sure exactly what
she meant by that, but I was intrigued and knelt slightly towards the
easel, making sure to keep a respectful distance. I looked down at the
newly-sharpened pencil and observed that it appeared to rest dutifully,
awaiting her command without pressuring her fingers. Looking into the
resulting assemblage gave me unexpected inspiration. Her intricate,
sweeping motions created an unresolved journey, where the routes seemed
indeterminate while cresting towards a concealed location that remained
out of reach, even as I moved inexorably closer. My eyes turned back
towards the nearby sections, which created a similarly disconcerting
effect. Shadows formed at the edges and the rolling, indistinct hills
they formed gradually became believable, almost tangible. I'd been
reluctant to verbalize my reactions, feeling hopelessly out of my depth,
but I managed to compliment her work in a deferential manner that felt
appropriate without going overboard. Extending my arms outward and
leaning into its surface, I told her that the composition was impressive
and so realistic that I could almost feel myself walking through its
nascent forms, gliding over the hills into the horizon.
Issuing a generous compliment, I enthusiastically raved that I felt the
world she'd created using only a humble pencil to be unimaginable.
However, something interrupted my praise, unexpectedly. I felt a
disconcerting question emerging from within the page, I paused before
nervously asked her without thinking, where exactly the resplendent
landscape was located. Her mute response eradicated that line of thought
but I was able to think of another line of inquiry that might impress
her. I reiterated that I was impressed at how effortlessly her style and
function was. Her convergent lines and accumulative structures appeared
to flow together seamlessly until it converged, emerging in prescient
steps to rapidly configure itself into a nearly-complete realization.
The imaginative landscape she'd managed to create was such a stunning
vista. It was amazing to see such an elaborate place come alive from a
previously unoccupied sheet of paper. I held my breath caught my
thoughts before they become overly solicitous, unsure whether my
enthusiasm had become overbearing. Looking in her direction nervously, I
was unable to gauge much from her stoic expression, it wasn't
immediately clear whether I was following the right path on the page or
if I'd managed to completely miss one of the subtle artistic turns she'd
left partially visible, potentially marking my premature conclusions as
misdirected or incomprehensible.
She held her own counsel regarding my initial excitement and
encouragement, advising me not to get caught up in the semantics of the
moment. Sensing my immediate fervor, she further explained that the most
effective paths weren't always the most prominent, or even the most
visible. Gemine turned her attention from the surface and finally looked
in my direction. It wasn't immediately clear what she was undertaking,
but I saw within her purple eyes, and inquisitive glare that appeared
oddly transparent. It was almost like she could see directly through me.
I needed to switch my gaze quickly in order to maintain my privacy, If I
let her see directly into my eyes for too long, there could be trouble.
I quickly realized that she'd find out precisely what my thoughts were
if I stood passively in her path and allowed her to proceed without
impediment. Gemine's resulting effort and unwavering psychological
technique she implemented using only her eyes was immediately
discomforting. I found her suddenly heightened level of internal
scrutiny unsettling and couldn't immediately form a response. Her
mesmerizing eyes narrowed and followed an unexpected inroad directly
into my subconscious. It felt unsheltered, I was vulnerable with no
recourse. She maintained her unsettling conviction, directing her full
impulse completely in my direction. I had no reasonable way to respond
without appearing rude or disrespectful. I decided to maintain a steady
position and not make any sudden moves that she might find excessively
defensive. I felt I had nothing to hide, but wanted to maintain my
privacy regardless. I wasn't sure how to countervail her incursion at
first by slowly arrived at a rational response.
Firmly deciding to evade her direct glare and the subsequent problems
that might arise, I determine an effective, yet not disrespectful
solution. It wasn't immediately clear exactly why she maintained her
insistent focus, but I simultaneously needed to find a measure of
protection. I couldn't determine the precise reason she had behind using
such an unfamiliar and intrusive approach. I decided to turn in another
direction, faced the western wall and avoided her by simply turning in
another direction. She was somewhat taken aback, but maintained her
unrelenting focus, initially ignoring my efforts to get out of its path.
She kept at it for an unsettling interval, attempting to reconnect our
gaze, I maintained my defensive posture, my shoulders turned against her
eyes as I turned my attention elsewhere. I didn't actively thwart her
efforts, but my reluctance to acquiesce became clear after a few
minutes. She tried to return my attention back in her direction several
more times by waving her arms and asking me to turn around. However, i
was able to resist her temporal hold once I figured out what she was
trying to accomplish. Gemine made several more attempts to flatten my
attention before eventually deciding not to pursue this approach any
further or risk alienating me and diminishing our putative relationship.
Taking a step back, I turned around eventually. At this point, she'd
given up. I watched her shoulders recline and her eyes resumed their
normal appearance. She walked towards the easel, somewhat reluctantly.
I'd managed to balance my defenses against a residing respect. She
responded with unexpected humility. Perhaps, she realized that she'd
overstepped her boundaries. I watched carefully as she figuratively
returned her attention to the easel and deciding against needlessly
intruding in my space, as uncertain results would doubtless cause
unwanted discomfort. She nodded her head, apologetically, expressing
regret that her temporal incursion might have caused needless
She reiterated that she meant no harm to occur, and quietly turned her
attention back to the illustration, its myriad connotations still
unresolved. I remained unsure how to perceive her erratic approach,
simultaneously elusive yet incomprehensibly intrusive, these were
strange contradictions I wasn't able to reconcile easily without further
explanation. I waited for her to elaborate but she wasn't forthcoming.
Instead, Gemine shifted her approach again. Without adding further
elaboration, she directed my attention back to her creation. She
motioned for me to assist her, and resume exploring the illustration's
structure while bearing in mind its overarching appearance. She
explained that I'd nearly gotten lost, my eyes stranded in within its
detailed lines. I needed to expand my point of view, she elaborated. I'd
managed to make some impressive observations but there remained much I
couldn't easily comprehend by myself without her help.
I waited for some type of guidance from her end, but she wasn't
immediately forthcoming. Standing quietly in front of the easel, I
looked purposefully for anything that might have gone unseen, or been
overlooked. Looking over the canvas repeatedly revealed little I hadn't
seen previously. Its tangled lines felt scattered and disconnected,
twisting into each other seemingly at random without discernable
patterns. I realized that I was probably looking at it too closely and
decided to take a step back to view the composition from a longer angle,
Gemine didn't seem worried by my lack of progress at first but seemed to
become aware of my frustrations after a period where I made little
progress. Finally, she relented and gave me some tangible advice, though
she did this somewhat reluctantly.
Holding her perspective and talking slowly to avoid confusion and ensure
my understanding, she began to guardedly advise me to examine her
drawing carefully, She told me to look for something that might release
a hidden aspect or a clandestine formulation. She wanted me to
investigate its subliminal aspects, which would hopefully uncover
something I hadn't encountered previously within its elaborate
composition. Resuming my inquiry with renewed focus, I traced its
formulations and structure systematically. I was gradually overcame its
resplendent colorful surface and looked further beneath its outer design
for hidden aspects lying beneath its immediate presentation, unseen
elements prominent constructs. She took a step back and allowed me to
draw my own conclusions without interference. Her approach wasn't
entirely passive. Gemine observed my methods carefully, attempting to
gain some insights from observing my techniques, whether my methods
systematic or scattershot. Patiently, I continued the fevered search for
some time, going over the illustration repeatedly but finding little
additional insight or elucidation. The process became increasingly
frustrating since I had nothing to guide me. It was difficult to locate
an objective despite the fact that i had no idea precisely what I was
Despite my studious efforts to examine the figures on the page, there
remained some underlying concerns that I couldn't reconcile. I remained
nervous for a residual period and it took some effort to resolve my
intuitive sense of safety and privacy to the point that I felt secure
enough. It took me some time before I could fully concentrate on the
task at hand. Despite my persistent efforts, the painting wouldn't
divulge any secret passages or significant denouements. At the same
time, I gradually came to the conclusion that her incursion was due more
to curiosity than menace. It took concerted effort. but I slowly moved
beyond her disorienting actions and what seemed to be an accidental
over-reach. After a pronounced effort, I was finally able to fully
re-examine her elaborate composition for an extended period. Unforeseen
aspects began to surface tangibly from within. Emergent formations and
structures appeared once I finally managed to transcend its individual
lines. However, they remained surprisingly resilient and distracting
from the main image. It wasn't immediately clear what conclusion my
extensive efforts would eventually reveal. I wondered if there was
something in the empty spaces between them that I overlooked but
couldn't be sure, since Gemine purposely removed herself from my
immediate proximity, maintaining a distant observation while overseeing
my efforts.
Things began to grow increasingly disconcerting, I made little headway
into unraveling the mysterious composition's layers of conflicting lines
and contrasting surfaces. After struggling to find answers on my own, I
decided to take a different approach. I took deep breath, swallowed my
pride and summoned her for some assistance. With a nervous tinge in my
voice, I asked in a plaintive tone whether she wanted to fill in any
additional portions of the page, pointing to the recently sharpened
utensil. She responded negatively, the composition was finished. She
politely but firmly turned down my request, and carefully explained why
wanted to keep the pencil sharpened. She wanted to leave it in punctual
condition, so it could commence in readiness for the next task. It was a
gesture of kindness for whomever might come along and follow in our
wake. She'd finished her illustration to that point and further
elaboration would create additional confusing layers. I accepted her
explanation with resignation; she was correct; there was no purpose in
additional efforts. Looking closely, I quickly surmised that her hands
had become visibly weary and exhausted by that point, I needed to
quickly switch tactics and arrive at an alternative method.
My eyes continued thoroughly examining the picture, straining my eyes to
figure out the meanings hidden within its narrow lines. I found myself
distracted by their paths, despite her entreaties, I thought they shared
a connection that I was missing despite my efforts. She spoke up without
prompting and reminded me not to get lost within its circular paths
again, and to constitute a deflection, where I'd be able to focus
attention on their destination, and not focus excessively on the paths.
This was more difficult than it appeared, their complexity made
overlooking them quite difficult, but I managed to achieve a balance
after some effort. Looking beneath the confluent surfaces and attempting
to discern meaningful insight from the hidden area beneath revealed
little insight. Gemine unexpectedly pulled in my direction and pushed me
on the shoulder with somewhat surprising effort and force, making a
repeated attempt to withdraw my attention from the overwhelming details
that were persistently distracting. I'd fallen beneath their spell and
had become stranded within her illustration, just as I had previously
become mesmerized by that mysterious book she'd placed innocuously on
the table, extracted from the entrancing volumes shelved within her
She waited patiently for me to realize the misguided approach of my
techniques patiently and looked away silently watching for me to
discover the conclusion. She purposely averted her eyes so as not to
distract me, she certainly didn't want to risk destabilizing our recent
acquaintance. Gemine decided not to push me too hard at that point and
risk going any further than she already had. She maintained a somewhat
disappointed disposition. but it remained unclear what she expected me
to discover at that juncture. I held my hands in front of me and began
running them over the surface lightly, moving across the page in
circular motion, parallel to its wavy lines, still unable to discover
what she wanted me to find. She took a step further back and began
making some strange observations that caught me off-guard. I hadn't
anticipated her change in tactics, which were accompanied by a strange
adjustment to her tenor which become more pronounce and louder Gemine
began speaking in a louder voice and began asking a series of strange
Her fingers traced a specific line on the page and followed its branches
from side to side quickly, crossing over its uneven imprint several
times. She then asked me, in a determined tone, whether or not any of
this was familiar. I wasn't sure what she was attempting to determine,
and shrugged my shoulders quickly. Despite me repeated efforts, I was
confident that I'd never been to this place before. Carefully explaining
the contradiction to her didn't appear to change her mind. Gemine
insisted that I should have at least a passing familiarity with that
place. She moved her fingers across the page with a measure of intensity
I hadn't previously encountered. Her hands grew more strident with each
movement across the composition. Attempting to outline a more pronounced
angle didn't alter my perception. It was a magnificent illustration but
I didn't recognize any of it. The resplendent landscape she drew wasn't
eliciting any hidden memories. I took a step back and tried repeatedly
to engage from different perspectives but nothing indicated a previous
encounter. Standing a pace back from the easel, I felt somewhat
disappointed and frustrated that I was unable to locate what she
expected me to find.
She didn't share my frustration at that point and reasserted her
questions before resuming the inquiry undeterred, Gemine didn't
procrastinate further and dwell on my lack of progress. Gemine was
absolutely determined, and refocused her attention fully into attempting
to help me with deciphering the evocative image she'd intuitively
composed on the easel. She insisted that there was something within its
elaborate composition that would dislodge something from my
subconscious. She moved directly in front of me standing between the
easel. Waiting to ensure I received her message, she resumed her
exploration, asking no further help from me at that point. She turned
her full attention into interpretation of the page, looking into the
existing forms carefully. She glanced down at the pencil and it took a
pronounced effort on her part not to elaborate on the drawing. Gemine's
was steadfast and didn't succumb to its insistent appearance, resisting
the temptation to pick up the pencil.
Any additional details she added would disturb its uneasy balance with
distracting elements. Offering a countering explanation, she asked if
there was something located within the page that was upsetting, that
perhaps I wanted to avoid recalling. I took a few steps closer, drew my
head toward the surface and looked it over with a mixture of reluctance
and nervousness. I was frightened by what I might find lurking within.
Taking a cautious perspective towards the incursion, my wariness
dissolved quickly when I realized that there weren't any prominent dark
sections visible. It wasn't immediately apparent what she was expected
me to find, but there wasn't anything particularly upsetting. I wondered
how she could have arrived at such an unsetting perspective. I looked
over the brightly-colored, resplendent composition that appeared vivid,
colorful, and optimistic and couldn't see any significant objects that
would cast a shadow over its elaborate design.
She slowly drew closer to the surface, unwilling to change her tactics.
My consistent denial only reinforced her conviction that there had to be
something there. Overlooking my consistent denials, Gemine persisted in
her determined effort, interpreting my intractable reaction as partial
vindication. Unwilling to give up, she reiterated her determination that
I had to remember something. Without elaborating, she fearlessly drew
her fingers further across the mysterious forms outlined on the canvas
with an implicitly demanding gesture. Its surface intuitively, almost
involuntarily guarded itself from her forceful movements, pushing back
and withdrawing in response to her increasingly insistent patterns. It
appeared that she was performing another elaborate visual trick but had
gone a step too far. Gemine withdrew her fingers from the page, lifting
them up several inches away from its front. The swirling, curved lines
relaxed quickly resuming their stationary posture and settling, fixed in
place. Their appearance hadn't materially changed but she contacted them
too closely with her fingers, disrupting them unintentionally. Gemine
was noticeably more careful during this sequence and kept her hands at a
slightly elevated height above the page, she wasn't going to unsettle
their intricate balance. She waited and took a longer, somewhat
unfocused swipe across the page, careful to maintain a respectful
distance. Her fingers moved quickly and turned in the opposite
direction, which shifted her attention. She began to slow tracking the
lines and stepped back to a neutral position.
Gemine began pacing deliberately in front of the easel to block my view
while simultaneously repeating her question: Was I absolutely sure that
I'd never actually journeyed to the place depicted in her composition.
This was something she needed to know, implying that I should think
about my response carefully before answering, Hearing her forceful
inquiry was surreptitiously disconcerting. I reluctantly walked over to
the canvas again and examined it at close range. Her drawing remained
entrancing and beautiful but while some elements appeared familiar, it
was most like due to my recent prolonged interpretation than any
tangible memories. There was nothing that would evoke actually running
or walking across its surface. I could remember nothing that her
sketched, seemingly off-hand pencil rendering might have provoked in my
mind. This approach wasn't effecting any dislodging of clandestine
occurrence from the past. We encountered a formidable deterrent and had
to find a better way through it before we found ourselves stranded there
for an extended period. This was frustrating but she decided to take a
different tactic, maintaining a contrary approach I hadn't anticipated.
Her drawing's function appeared to shift unexpectedly within a
surprisingly short period. Its innate purpose and perspective changed
from the creative result of a fantastic, imaginative rendering into a
justified construction, intentionally representational figure resembling
a map or blueprint though without accompanying results, leaving its
indeterminate location and origin unsettled.
I was surprised that her composition had taken on such an unexpectedly
tangible dimension but she continued in this unusual course of inquiry.
Gemine pulled the paper upward into the brighter light in order to allow
me a more effective and pronounced viewpoint. I looked at its design
carefully with increasing veracity but despite its elaborate appearance
and immutable style, I felt little more than aesthetic appreciation for
her inspired artwork. She took a moment to reflect on my subdued
response but remained convinced there was something more to it than
might appear upon deeper reflection. Gemine asked me to concentrate and
close my eyes for a moment, to think about the picture from another
perspective. I did as she asked and blinked my eyes, looking downward,
and subsequently closing of the exterior for several moments. When I
came back, she was looking directly at me, but I didn't recall anything
that I'd be able to connect to her drawing in any physical sense. I
thought back through all the meandering expeditions through the myriad
locales encountered during our recent excursions. My memories vividly
recalled walking alongside the mysterious figure in the black cloak and
her enigmatic navigator, but none of these excursions reasserted
themselves in a manner that could evoke her magnificent drawing. I
plaintively shook my head with a mixture of disappointment and
frustration. I desperately wanted to find some answers, but was unable
to locate anything lurking within my subconscious tangibly connected to
the composition. She insisted that I needed to make additional effort to
ensure with certainty there was nothing visible within the frame that I
might have possibly remembered.
Gazing on the easel's surface furtively made little difference, she
maintained her watch but became increasingly resigned to the realization
that her efforts hadn't elicited the desired results. Allowing further
contemplation of the drawing's intricacies wouldn't change my
perspective or benefit surreptitious memories, Gemine appeared to
reluctantly reach this conclusion, realizing that I wouldn't ever be
able to find something that wasn't present. Walking over to the easel,
she took a regretful, forlorn look into her picture one final time
before turning over the page and hiding its intricate yet ineffective
design from view. She'd finally given up on her efforts, signaling me to
follow suit. I wasn't expecting her to surrender to its non-existent
pull but she had no obvious alternative. I began walking away from the
intangibly diminishing easel slowly and noticed that its surface and its
accompanying pencil hadn't changed appearance, unmoved by her motions as
she passed its back-facing surface. Its dormant surface undisturbed by
her nearby presence. I noticed she kept her head down, looking away from
her illustration, as she walked past from the easel with pronounced
dejection. She arrived at a brief respite and stood across the room,
placing her hands at her sides, Avoiding eye-contact with me and looking
past the easel along the other portion, her eyes looked somewhat
distant. She stared into the remaining room somewhat distant, staring
noncommittally on the perimeter. Gemine took one final glance at the
canvas, looking in its direction, and regretfully motioned her
frustration with a dismissive wave of her hand . Gemine took a moment to
resolve her misdirected energies, which allowed her mind to quickly
dispatch any residing doubts. It had taken much effort but she'd
reconciled herself to its unsuccessful conclusion and appeared to reach
what was obviously a profoundly disappointing realization.
The somewhat despondent period she endured was surprisingly brief. It
didn't take long before she recovered from this setback with surprising
speed and dexterity. revealing rejuvenated inspiration. It wasn't clear
what exactly propelled this change in her disposition but it was
unmistakable. She appeared to reach a partially reasonable conclusion
before moving on quickly, then finding a different path. This seemed to
lift her spirits enough to pass through the insurmountable blockade, a
deterrent she'd accidentally created with her own hand. Without a word
of explanation, her intuitive approach shifted its objective
effortlessly. She transitioned quickly from remote observation to
textural installation. Gemine's posture regained altitude and strength,
her arms straightened while her fingers followed suit, forging an
unbreakable hold on the surroundings. She pivoted suddenly and faced
forward, standing directly across the canvas while her remaining
position followed quickly and she moved forward with renewed purpose.
She recalibrated her viewing angle and suddenly her sights uniformly,
aimed squarely in my direction. Gemine's visage coalesced and narrowed
until her gaze resembled a slender path, taking a precise path to a
uninterrupted state. Her eyes calm and detached. Gemine held absolute
control of her instruments, flawlessly following an retracing my
movements undistracted. Her intrinsic stamina, incisive capabilities and
incontestable determination instantaneously converged. Before realizing
what occurred, I felt her eyes piercing through me without encountering
even marginal obstruction. Unable to summon any significant defensive
maneuvers, there wasn't adequate space or time for me to repel her
unanticipated incursion.
- Michael Palisano
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