The Putative Implication
Determinedly avoiding my expectant stare to deflect further explanations
that might potentially cause additional uncertainties to emerge.
Swinging past my insistent gaze impetuously, she ruefully explained that
he might have overlooked something of great importance before she turned
and pointed back towards me, insisting there were indications that he
missed. He seemed unsure exactly what he might have glazed past, largely
uncertain of was happening until she articulated further detail. She
held tangible frustration with him before methodically and patiently
explaining there were too many profound invocations within my work to be
easily dismissed and ignored. Sliding her fingers over the composition,
she expressed a significant measure of disbelief, wondering how I'd been
able to move fearlessly to recreate her composition without external
prompting. Looking over the work with his own eyes elicited a startling
revelation. Articulating that he quickly realized where she was heading
with her incipient observation. Looking at me directly, I felt Gemine's
piercing violet eyes flow right through me, but I was able to resist her
direct incursion by quickly turning away from her unwavering glare.
Appearing somewhat surprised, she hastily withdrew her insistent stare.
Hastily adjusting her piercing eyes away from direct confrontation, she
quickly turned attention towards the cloaked figure with visible
resignation. Shrugging her shoulders, tangibly revealing that she didn't
need to breach my vulnerable defenses. She responded dispassionately,
marginally agreeing that I'd earned a measure of security, convinced
that acting too aggressively would disrupt further artistic
Stepping forward, the enigmatic navigator quickly followed her
example and stood squarely in my defense. HIs brief word to Gemine
brought a sense of transitory relief. Hastily conceding that he had no
idea where my inspiration might derive, but it could possibly be
understood from a figurative perspective. I didn't exactly understand
what he meant by this unusual l slant, but it clarified as he
elaborated. He began explaining to her there was possibly a clandestine
evocation or profound connotation at work, set far beyond our immediate
comprehension. He intimidated that my prescient work was possibly
echoing and resonating at much greater resonance than its outwardly
uncoordinated, sketchy appearance might have indicated than his initial
encounter indicated.
She thought about his provocative statement for an extended period,
seemingly convinced but needing to make sure his observations were
following the right path. I waited without trying to interfere with her
silent contemplation. Gliding across the ground, she moved towards his
direction. This motion appeared to signal conditional agreement with his
complicated pronouncements. At the very least, she seemed to find his
determination. She walked deliberately towards the navigator's location
before setting herself at an appropriate remove. Steadying her gaze and
peering back in my direction, though not as intense or focused. she
began to reformulate her conclusion, assimilating his theories and
refined perspective. She enunciated her idea that there was a strong
possibility that an external energy that infused certain areas within my
design. She'd thought of another convergent theory, professing that it
was possible that I wasn't entirely aware of its power. He nodded and
agreed that something unseen might have been subconsciously motivating
methods, surreptitiously guiding my fingers, that I wasn't entirely in
control of my imprints. He listened closely when she further
extrapolated her concerns and worries, tugging at his sleeves in further
consideration as she spoke. Preparing her words deliberately, carefully
avoiding anything that might cause confusion. Explaining in a measured,
calm tone, she held a concern there was a strong possibility that an
uncontrollable possibly malicious threat was becoming increasingly
certain as the composition grew increasingly complicated with every
additional layer implemented.
The intricate vantage created uncorroborated elicitations and
disorienting illuminations to emerge with uncontained power while Gemine
watched passively. She appeared inherently unsure how to interpret the
overpowering design, intractably perplexed and mystified by the source
my prodigious abilities. Her experience couldn't help her decipher the
intrinsically uncontrollable energies forging the pencil's path. She
explained her eyes couldn't avoid the realization that something
approaching magic was happening. The reanimated style was unavoidable,
even in rough form. Slowly, she arrived at a tangibly unsettling
realization. Looking at my illustrations brought a resplendent memory
back to her undiminished by the extended interval that passed. She
became somewhat shaken but was able to carefully reveal her suspicions
that the vibrant work wasn't entirely my own. Sliding his hand out of
his pockets and clasping his fingers at an uncertain rhythm, he narrowed
and squinted his eyes while habitually folding and adjusting the robust
handkerchief extruding from his jacket involuntarily before nodding his
head in agreement. Speaking with firm conviction he proposed that
perhaps the elaborate intricacies in the work were the result of
hibernative or long-dormant memories. Perhaps, without realizing its
ancestral presence, I held a subconscious inheritance.
I was partially relieved but predominantly unsettled with their
reacquainted. It felt overwhelming to a degree I hadn't anticipated.
Taking a measure of strength, there was relief at the realization that
they found promise in my capabilities, at least on some tangible level.
it was also pre-emptively reassuring that they'd simultaneously arrived
at a shared and reasonable. Understanding and convincing explanation. It
wasn't comprehensive or entirely determinative but I realized it
wouldn't be a good idea to delve deeper into the oddly convergent
conclusions and circumstances they both reached. She underlined her
conclusions in a forceful manner, implying that she appreciated his
interest, but warned he shouldn't allow himself to become lost in the
myriad details. He seemed somewhat surprised with her dismissive
approach, but listened respectfully. Since he couldn't see what we were
talking about, the somewhat oblique conversations probably sounded
ponderous. Appearing to agree, he tugged at his jacket, prompting her to
continue. She'd considered his elaborate theories intriguing, but didn't
have enough energy in place at that preliminary stage to ponder the
unknown possibilities he wouldn't articulate. Quickly shifting focus
from the underlying inconsistencies arising from his unexpected
re-emergence and his imprecise assumptions about our compositions didn't
take long. She moved expeditiously across the room, drawing attention
from the empty easel standing forlorn at the room's center.
Brushing aside his implicit demand for agreement or denial, she turned
around and walked in my direction, Stopping just sort of my location,
she pivoted towards Gemine and waved for her to come closer and join the
group. Gemine remained hesitant for several uneasy moments and seemed
persistently unsure about the encounter and its complexities and
contradictions. After thinking about things for awhile, I was relieved
that she eventually decided to take a measure of solace and reassurance
from an underlying confidence. set by their long-standing acquaintance.
They'd obviously known each other intensely in the past and could
proceed confidently without needing further elaboration. I couldn't
understand precisely where or how my tentative sketches and
uncoordinated aesthetic fit into their undefined mission or comprehend
where they might have previously encountered within similar
compositions. To my mind, it appeared they'd never come across something
nearly as elaborate as her original evocative designs, my comparatively
inadequate work surrendering impetuously, consciously forsaking any
measurable claims to equivalence, their unfocused implementation set far
beneath the qualities she effortlessly implemented. Perhaps, I was
overly critical of my designs. Fortunately she saw the incipient work's
potential, despite my inability to accept its intrinsic erudition and
emotive capacity at that point.
Unconcerned by the lingering questions she moved in the design's
direction unrestrained by the figures' inherent deficiencies and
aesthetic contradictions. Instinctively opening ample space within their
immeasurable fold, this neutral location allowed them to converge across
from the easel unobtrusively. Without realizing the adjacent
implications as they stood quietly, they found themselves standing
alongside on another, taking apprehensive measure of the lingering
uneasiness. They seemed unsure how to transcend their lingering unease
but seemed determined not to allow it to predominate. Gemine turned
toward the mysterious suited figure and nodded positively. Grinning
slightly, spun around and winked at her in a knowing gesture. This
seemed to temporarily put her worries at ease and I saw her shoulders
relax. It seemed that this sequence of simple gestures had cauterized
lingering tensions between them. This uncomplicated re-spproachment
seemed reassuring., and appeared to set off an unexpected reaction, and
one of them slid back as soon as she thought of the undiminished
connection and convincingly unguarded connotations. It didn't seem like
Gemine was entirely re-assured by his defensive explanation of his
underlying doubt.
Standing across from the tilting easel in reluctant acquiescence, but It
seemed that she'd reluctantly lend him the benefit of hindsight, but
whatever occurred between them couldn't be easily forgotten. Together,
their unsteady convergence formed an incipient alignment that appeared
to have taken hold, with some reluctance. She took a respectful step
away from them, opening a stratified breach which largely diminished any
continuation. They'd expended inordinate effort within intervening
explorations. It seemed they'd spent too much time apart from each
other. While their paths converged again in an unlikely manner, their
combination didn't appear predestined. They held each other in regard,
but held a remove which formed an immediate incursion. Standing apart,
they lacked a straightforward re-convergence. She hadn't entirely
achieved her objective, putatively locating Gemine but not revealing her
motivations. She'd succeeded in surfacing a renewed connection that
remained outwardly steady but a wary trepidation appeared noticeably
prominent, his was especially evident when I stepped only half a pace
closer, viewing their lingering reluctance to fully embrace each other's
Pivoting quickly, I studied his arms and fingers looking for a tangible
signal, and found visible indicators. Remaining passive and still, they
didn't appear as steady or firm as he'd previously displayed until I
looked closely. There were oddly-spaced pulses that came to the surface,
indicating a nervous energy in the form of sporadic tremors and minor
conniptions that shook him through the surface, I noticed his eyes
shifting back and forth quickly as he surveyed the easel nervously. He
grew increasingly impatient with our extensive contemplation of the
composition's permutations and possible significance. She continued
gazing into the canvas and almost seemed to ignore him pacing alongside
our pictures, Concerned that she might be squandering her energies on a
seemingly minor diversion, he moved directly in front of her to block
the view, crossing in front of the painting with increasingly agitated
steps. His purposefully intrusive placement worked to annoy her. She
tried to wave him away from the composition but he responded with
recalcitrance, taking longer, unavoidable steps into a concise position
that almost completely blocked her viewpoint. Eventually, he came to a
complete stop in front of the easel and expressed unvarnished annoyance,
He turned in her direction and looked directly in front of her Gemine
appeared at his side to form an unexpected alliance, her presence was
surprising but she held an unexpected sway over the other figure. He
stood straight up, no longer hesitant, in order to effectively reinforce
the outlying energies.
Struggling against a significant measure of unmanageable apprehension,
he asked in terse manner, directly why she was expending so much energy
on an apparently nebulous task. Assuming she'd be more productive when
focusing on tangible elements nearby instead of the immediate
distraction, he continued imploring her to shift focus. Waving his
determined hands across its flat, pulsating surface, he noted that the
mis-formed characters I'd pictured weren't necessarily profound or
important as they might conditionally appear. There was little
additional insight that she'd be able to discover at that point. His
disposition narrowed as he confronted her directly pointing in my
direction, asking me whether I even understood what I was fervently
drawing. This took my defenses down and I could only shake my head
apologetically, much of the figures' and shapes were beyond my
comprehension. He looked me over with a measure of insolence, and grew
somewhat aggravated though he didn't articulate it emphatically.
He moved onward, brushing past the easel in a quick burst of annoyance.
Without engendering much sympathy in my suddenly vulnerable direction,
he looked at Gemine and took a long breath inward to regain composure.
Calming down noticeably, he quickly apologized to me, telling me that my
efforts were impressive, though somewhat incomplete and unformed. It
didn't take long before his underling motivation returned to question
her motives directly, He complained that her unshakable focus on the
esoteric painting had become a distraction. Explaining somewhat
defensively that he'd observed while its divergently elaborate,
deceptively hypnotic construction had surreptiously taken control and
was attempting to alert her to its invisible hold over her constrained
attention .
Its unexpectedly malevolent form had built to a clandestine presence,
its emerging shapes silently, yet dangerously coalescing into a steep
barrier that had thrown her off the proper bearing. He exhorted that
he'd watched in silent fear as the picture had prodded her attention and
pushed apart her focus, drifting away from her most important path. He
demanded that she disperse her attention immediately. Appearing somewhat
surprised but not entirely shocked, she took a step back somewhat
angrily denying she'd fallen under its spell, maintaining that she held
firm control throughout..Somewhat defensively, she apologized for
getting caught up in the sketches and scribbles before elaborating he
motivations. Explaining that she was seeking signals within my work
while attempting to prevent its tangential force from taking command.
Rebuffing his lack of confidence in her capabilities, she walked towards
the easel and turned the page over. The shapes on the paper disengaged
immediately, demonstrating how easily she maintained unquestioned
control of them. .
Showing further dominion over the page, her tenor lowered as she took a
moment's reflection before explaining that she wasn't squandering her
prolonged efforts. Further explaining that she remained impressed by the
remarkably proficient quality within my somewhat incomprehensible
designs. Expressing a measure of surprise and discordance, she carefully
reiterated that she couldn't easily explain the evocative forms'
familiar lines and recurrent forms. This brought forth an unexpectedly
wistful moment when she shared that. The unexplained phenomenon
inevitably brought back distant memories she'd been unable to
articulate. Examining the parameters within the reflective designs
elicited an emotional response on her part, there were connotative
elements that seemed guided by another hand. It was quickly becoming
evident that my uncannily designs evoked a distinctive energy and
inherent style she'd previously thought long departed. She couldn't
precisely understand the connection between my work and the one she'd
encountered in the distant past. Her emotions took over and she seemed
to become disoriented and noticeably upset with the drawings. Walking
past the canvas, I sensed a different force emerging from the drawings.
It seemed they held more power over her than she realized.
Their strength re-energized, it became clear that she'd accidentally
provoked their temporal defenses, they'd grown concerned when they
encountered an unexpected visitor scrutinizing their intricate figures.
Inevitably drawn in by the distinctive shapes and lines, she appeared
unsettled as she articulated a disorienting conclusion. As she looked at
my work, the less ambiguous it appeared. She couldn't deny that my work
elicited the memories of a distant hand. It seemed that observing my
largely imprecise, yet strongly connotative designs had unexpectedly
invoked the unmistakable expression of a dormant spirit. She admitted
that couldn't be entirely sure whether that convergent phenomenon
represented a profound sign from a distant memory or an unfortunate
coincidence, Whether this occurrence was preordained act or a random,
reflexive manner wasn't immediately clear but it changed my perception
significantly. Realized that I could possibly have arrived at the wrong
conclusion about the drawing. Working without her prompt or command, It
appeared the figures within the page had a measure of their own
volition. Perhaps, the shapes weren't only confined to responding to her
acts and could respond to an unseen, outside force, This made them much
less predictable and tangentially uncontrolled than I'd anticipated.
This was an unsettling realization that changed my perspective almost
immeasurably; It wasn't clear how we should respond.
I looked at her for guidance or advice and seemed expressly concerned by
the symbols' newfound freedom. She unexpectedly apologized, admitting
that the composition held unexpected strength. Concealing it powers
without determination, she admitted that its malicious presence was like
visiting a ghost, if she viewed it from specific angles. Unable to
further elaborate further on this strange occurrence. Firmly
articulating her determination appeared to release her fears. Calming
its emotive force, her constrained nervous energies appeared to radiate
outward in a quick burst then quickly subsided. I wanted to run up and
comfort her, but my instincts told me to stay out of the way, Watching
somewhat hopelessly, I could only observe passively as she began to
recover. She continued stammering around the room for several moments
walking across the floor in panicky circles. This unease didn't last
long and she quickly recalibrated her disposition, Looking back at the
navigator, she waved him away as he began to attempt to assist her.
There was no need for undue worry, she held herself. Regained composure
quickly, assuring us the situation had stabilized, apologizing for the
distraction she created.
Eventually, she extended her hands with firm conviction, looking
erratically for a steady point in the destabilized atmosphere, waving
them around discontently. She wandered around the room for balance until
she finally found something tangible to hold onto. It took several
moments before she was loosely grasping Gemine's hands, regaining her
center. Steadying her hands, allowed her to concentrate her focus,
taking in an unpronounced measure of strength from the cloaked figure.
Grateful, she released a gasp of anxiety and thanked her for grabbing
her before she fell into the pit, The navigator shared their sense of
relief and brushed his head, and stepped forward, firmly standing tall
alongside her. This unlikely connection between them allowed her to
regain a shaky balance, Lingering doubts and uncertainty vanished
immediately underneath this newfound trust. His durable friendship
appeared to settle her nerves, reducing her worries significantly.
Catching her breath and regain her center between the understanding
pair, she was able to settle her shaken nerves. She regained her
composure and shifted back to the mechanical elements of the painting.
Reasserting command of the situation. theorized that the composition's
unstructured shapes and tentative forms held surreptitious qualities
that would potentially emerge in the future. Any subsequent answers
might have seemed intractable or elusive, but she articulated, taking a
subtle, near whispering cadence, that she was determined to find them.
They didn't argue with her, instead relieved that she'd defeated the
impeding consternation, dismissing the divergence she encountered as an
unfortunate result of excessive conjecture and wishful projections.
Looking over my composition with an unspoken mixture of uncertainty and
admiration, she continued studying the page with unsettled
perception set in place by its unusual level of confidence and
technical profanely. She accentuated her astonishment regarding my
shallow experience and diminutive age by washing her fingers above the
surface in hurried motions. She remained openly confounded but
inexorably curious as to how or where I'd derived presumptively mature
capabilities. However, she decided that there was a reasonable
explanation, unwilling to venture further into unknown permutations,
purposely avoiding potentially unpleasant evocations, She underlined her
attentive focus on the composition was for good reason. She'd become
voluntarily enraptured by my work unprovoked so it could be effectively
encouraged and cultivated by her. Deterring an adequate response took
him awhile, he expressed surprise that she'd taken on an protective role
and underlying appreciation of the present work and, more importantly,
the implied displayed. Thinking about it a bit deeper, he nervously
straightened his neck-tie, reconsidered his initial criticism and
changed his mind. Eventually understanding her motivation, he
apologized, explaining that he wasn't surprised by her methods after
all, given her consistently generous disposition.
I noticed his arms had resumed expressing their underlying uncertainty;
twitching nervously at this realization but his incomprehensible shakes
became increasingly pronounced. Circling around in the air, I noticed
his doubts begin to slowly take command of his inner serenity, causing
unexpected commotion. After several uncoordinated minutes, he walked
across toward Gemine and seemed ready to jump in the air unheeded but
came to his senses, allowing himself a moment to inhale. The gust of
cooling air appeared to calm his nerves momentarily. Stepping away from
uncomfortable proximity towards Gemine, he swiveled around for a moment
and looked askance, tilting away from her in apologetic fashion. She
didn't seem bothered by his sudden uncontrolled edge and remained
tranquil with his engagement, assuring him that an unseen force was
battling for control. Gemine presumed that it likely derived from the
supernatural composition, we'd all suffered its transitory attacks,
though not at the same level or intensity. Sensing her unease beginning
to lift, he relaxed and explained that he understood the fixation with
the figures and her curiosity to an extent. However, her remained
unhappy and expressed unease with the composition's disproportionately
defensive response. It seemed to have taken on excessive powers. He said
he felt alone, unsheltered and vulnerable standing outside the tower and
felt somewhat abandoned by us. Extending her hand, she grasped his
fingers and strongly reassured the putative Navigator that she hadn't
forgotten him. She expressed undiminished appreciation for his loyalty
and steadfast demeanor.
Accepting her considerate approach. he drew a breath before reiterating
his most important question, asking once again why she'd allow objects
covering a flat surface to maintain such a strong hold over he emotions.
She'd thought about things carefully in the intervening period and
concluded that she been taken in unexpectedly. Pointing in my direction
to underline my limited capabilities, Gemine elaborated and said her
task had begun as a form of protection. Eventually realizing that she'd
probably expended excessive energy attempting to decipher my
disorganized work, she turned her direction towards his direction and
her eyes narrowed, signaling a determined shift in her intent,
instantaneously recalibrated to focus solely in his direction. Needing
no further appreciation from her, he declared that there was little
additional that we'd be able to determine at that juncture. Looking past
the immediate surroundings, he pointed past the room's distinct accents
and back towards the vestibule beneath the entrance. He felt that it was
long past the time for us to leave the composition's powers, letting the
shapes slip back into its inner conniptions. He explained his theory
that its restless shapes would diminish and relax, they'd eventually
settle enough allow their deceptively powerful design and convergent
form to settle. However, this would only happen outside a direct
This passive technique seemed contradictory to how Gemine expected
things to end up but his observation seemed to make sense the more she
thought about it. Realizing he was following a correct yet elusive
tactic, she took note and signaled that she knew he was correct.
Standing up straight, she turned her steady gaze away from the canvas
field. She walked quickly past the easel and left the paper to flap in
the wind untouched, quickly shielding her eyes from its direct glare
before pivoting directly towards the doorway. Noticing a darkly-cloaked
shadow just beyond the perimeter, she impatiently realized someone else
had already reached the exterior before we could respond. Signaling
backward, her hands implemented a final swinging motion across the room.
Gemine was hesitant to leave her comfortable location safely ensconced
within the building, She looked across the room somewhat wistfully,
pausing to let its atmosphere soak into her. Gazing wistfully, she began
walking to join us at the exit while I kept going for several steps. She
stood in front opt the canvas and looked it over, somewhat regretfully,
and stared at the page flapping across the surface. Reaching out for the
page. Gemine's pace weakened then faltered as her sentimental misstep
led directly into its obstinate path. It didn't take long for her to
realize her mistake and she turned to face us, looking away from its
cognitive incursion before it could take hold.
Its fluctuations had quieted enough and she thought about rolling it up
once more, but though better of trusting it. Gazing in our direction,
she refocused her view in our direction, gaining enough confidence to
move away from her secure room. Gemine's route narrowed directly and she
crouched downward, folding her gown neatly so it wouldn't get in the
way. Straightening her shoulders and leaning back, she extended her foot
before effortlessly gliding across the surface. It didn't take more than
a few seconds before she sprinted outward, streaking across the room
before meeting us at the lower section of the perimeter. She reconnected
with her trustworthy Navigator without trepidation. Grasping each
others' fingers, they placed themselves alongside us, then readied
themselves. It took a minute until we built enough strength to cross the
breach. I felt an unexpected surge of energy burst from across the room,
but we anticipated and deflected its final assault. Purposely avoiding
further detrimental contact, the composition's redolent energies and
pervasive insistence seemed ineffective, its surge of energy only
allowed it to bounce off our backs harmlessly. With a strong sense of
release from its malignant invocations, we walked silently yet somehow
triumphantly underneath the opening before shutting the doorway firmly
behind us. Taking several seconds, we waited for a final clasp until we
sure it was safely sealed. Looking straight ahead, I noticed Gemine
wistfully glancing inside the room as we extradited ourselves from its
hold, narrowly forging a hasty yet prescient disengagement.
As we walked beyond the closed door, our footsteps quickened. The long,
straight corridors weren't difficult for us to navigate and we moved
towards the structure's exterior without encountering any further
delays. Taking the lead, the Navigator held a steady pace ahead of us as
we followed without premonition. We'd nearly gotten lost, trapped within
the composition's frame and felt fortunate that he'd arrived at just the
right time to shake our attention from its disorienting spell. Her dark
cloak concealed her feet but she was able to maintain her stealthy
shadow, keeping a strenuous pace alongside her companion. Her unyielding
footsteps showed no signs of concern about his sudden appearance.
Looking back, I noticed that Gemine was partially conflicted; somewhat
appreciative while remaining somewhat uneasy about leaving her secure
station within the tower. She walked a hesitant pace behind us
initially. While the corridors remained somewhat constrained, I noticed
the atmosphere in the routes had brightened and seemed less clouded. The
surrounding temporal release infused Gemine's steps with renewed energy;
as her uncertainties and reservations steadily diminished, she quickly
caught up with us. We took several turns in direction traversing the
tower's grounds, slowly ascending over its ramps until they flattened
and expanded, their unnamed paths unfolding inexorably towards the outer
He didn't slow his relentless pace and precise footsteps to any degree,
their consistent timing unfolded at a consistent rate. It was clear his
attention was completely focused on the next objective and he allowed
nothing to detract or impede his deliberate maneuvers. This made it
somewhat difficult to keep up with him but we managed without getting
tired. The long, repetitive hallways seemed to blend into each other as
we traversed endless rows of brightly-illuminated, largely vacant halls.
Its unrelenting sameness could have become discouraging but we were
encouraged. His confidence didn't waver in the slightest. He never
seemed to doubt his own capabilities. His demeanor remained unflappable
as he forged ahead fearlessly away from the interior, relying his
intuition and memory for direction. Inducing our position from within
the corridors was difficult since there were no markings or visible
indicators of distance or space that we could use. There was nothing in
the space that made any of the sections appear distinctive from each
other, the vacant walls and surfaces extended outward endlessly. It was
unclear how far we'd travelled or whether we were headed in the right
direction. Gemine didn't seem to have much apprehension as we walked
through the featureless conveyance, tracking her steps silently as we
forged ahead without meeting anything significant. I looked around and
wondered if the unchanging design and seemingly endless stretches of
monotony were purposely designed in order to dissuade unwelcome
intruders from venturing deeper, its sameness working protect her
through its unchanging visage and recurrent appearance leading to a
potentially disconcerting conjecture if you didn't know precisely where
you were heading.
It seemed like the long, monotonous path we followed would never change,
but we seemed to have little choice in moving across its narrow field. I
maintained some familiarity having gone through the tower previously,
but couldn't be completely sure we were following the same path back out
and precisely what awaited us. We continued walking through the long
corridors for what seemed like forever until we reached a section that
seemed to rise at an unexpectedly steep angle for a brief interval
before arriving at another flat section.
After undertaking such an extensive effort, it came as a conciliatory
relief when we finally arrived at a split in the path, where two routes
diverged unexpectedly. We took a brief moment to recharge energies, when
looking around, it appeared none of us wanted to take an extended rest.
He didn't stop for long, shifted his feet quickly and resumed his
journey. He knew precisely where he was going and wouldn't be delayed.
We followed his dark blue suit quickly, he quickly departed. taking the
eastern path without excessive contemplation Holding unwavering
certainty about the impending direction helped us shake off the
lingering haziness. Looking just ahead, I noticed her gaze fixed forward
with increasing confidence and determination. Achieving a steady balance
allowed her to move forcefully but she wasn't overtly aggressive,
allowing him to maintain leadership of our excursion. She didn't switch
location or try to take over as she'd done during their earlier
encounters. Keeping a graceful distance she instead graciously walked
slightly behind her companion, her trailing dark cloak shadowing her
movement and protecting her from exterior elements. Appearing to trust
his instincts, she didn't offer a word of intrusive concern, allowing
him to sprint ahead undistracted.
Drawing inexorably closer to the outer edge of the tower, his pace
visibly slowed. Scaling the final length of paths became bit trickier as
the uniformly flat surface gave way to uneven steps that had to be
carefully navigated. Their inconsistent formations and irregular depths
required greater care but weren't excessively difficult for us to climb.
Interspersed with the steps were short lengths of flat areas that were
somewhat uneven, tilting slightly at their edge, creating an
unexpectedly challenging portion. It required greater concentration and
effort than we anticipated but we weren't going to allow these
inconsistencies to defer us from walking further. It slowed us down but
couldn't dissuade us, though there were a few sections where I thought I
might lose my balance or trip. Fortunately, this portion of the tower
wasn't as smooth or polished but remained visible and clear. A bright
atmosphere went a long way making its surface relatively simple to
traverse once I gained familiarity with it uneven structures. The
inconsistent construction signaled that we were nearing the end of our
excursion beyond the tower's imposing barriers. Its environment opened
further, lending a noticeable gust that permeated the stagnant air. The
blowing wind seemed to flow under our feet, propelling us past the minor
barriers without causing any significant impediments. After enduing an
deceptively tedious engagement within the seemingly endless corridors,
we finally arrived at a flat surface that unfolded outward quickly from
the each side. The constrained, unchanging path rapidly opened until we
found ourselves standing firm over a flat, unobstructed plateau. Its
opening provided enough space that allowed us to stretch outward, keep a
larger distance from each other while walk around the immediate area
with welcome flexibility. This gave us the opportunity to rest for a
short intercession. Looking askance, I noticed the opaque windows
alongside the outer section were noticeably brighter than before.
It appeared that the raging morning sunspots had arrived at full force,
the emphatically bright unapologetically emanating from the twin suns
began to predominate, suffusing the sharpening atmosphere with a diffuse
yet coherent energy that was unavoidable. Gemine seemed ready to embrace
the radiating daylight while the other figure drew her cloak inward,
wrapping it around her body and pulling its trail above her head,
wrapping herself in a protective layer. Shielding herself from the
light, she managed to find a location where she could hide from view.
Standing in front of the outer doorway, the Navigator seemed uncertain
how to proceed exactly and set himself in firm position. I kept a slight
remove and observed the surroundings while contemplating the extent of
our excursion. It seemed that we'd spent days or weeks examining and
thinking about the canvas. Looking outward towards the brightening
horizon revealed a different frame,
The aesthetic diversion appeared to take an inordinate amount of time
but in actuality, we'd only spent a modest effort contemplating the
evocative design within its narrow frame, consisting of perhaps a few
hours, designing, sketching then studying and observing the
composition's intricate designs and hypnotic style. The strange
movements and elaborate dances the figures performed seemed almost
delusional from even that slight remove. It seemed that their
inexplicably lively behavior and sporadic maneuvers were the result of
subconscious reaction on our part, not a tangible reaction. This
appeared to be the most sensible response to the permutations. None of
my mysterious companions desired to bring their unnatural functionality
to further elaboration. Arriving at an unsettling realization, I
came to a dispiriting conclusion that either the figures' orchestrated
dances and complicated maneuvers never occurred or represented an
elaborate deception.
Marginally drained by our long, mostly uninterrupted sprint across the
long corridors, he took awhile to catch his breath, exhaling and
inhaling rapidly into the brighter environment for a period. Kneeling
down for a quick respite, he crouched downward, shut his eyes and stared
at the ground. This startling moment of contrition didn't last long. He
quickly rose and opened his eyes before reasserting himself The
immaculately-clad personage swiveled in our direction and lightly
punched his chest in a triumphant gesture, angling himself so he could
see the three of us clearly. He stopped briefly and tethered himself to
the ground, planting his shoes in a determined manner. Setting his
placement firmly on the ground, his face took on a different expression.
Becoming more fulminative than previous, his rigid determination
replaced with an unexpectedly thoughtful demeanor. He seemed uncertain
regarding his next action.
Looking to the sealed door behind him, he hesitated before deciding
against opening it. His sudden lack of confidence was surprising, but
there was definitely something holding him back. The cloaked figure
seemed shaken by this strange turnaround and stepped out of the weak
shadow. Unraveling the edge of her shrouds, she uncovered her face and
asked him if something was wrong. This seemed to catch him off-guard and
he stood silently, unable to arrive at an tangible explanation. His mute
response seemed to elicit additional concern on her part and she walked
a carefully measured step closer and wondered why he'd taken a sudden
indecision regarding the imposing surroundings, Steering cautiously
towards her, he stopped before he came to close and held his jacket
closely, placing his hand across it in order to keep it in place. This
seemed like a strange gesture that appeared like he was protecting
something from view. Inspired by his movement, she crossed and closed
their spatial proximity until she was directly in front of him. Gemine
followed suit and then quickly converged beneath between their
convergent placement, increasing in size until their growing shadow
nearly surrounded his diminishing form. Lacking their forthright
confidence, I held myself a cautious step back from the encounter,
maintaining a purposeful remove and respectful distance, not wanting to
intrude further into his carefully chosen location.
Standing defensively, he swirled around towards the west and crossed his
arms so that they wouldn't reveal a breach. Their interference wasn't
successful in divulging what her was keeping secret, but it certainly
seemed important enough that he wasn't going to let go easily. Hoping
that their presence nearby would be enough to dissolve his defenses,
neither figure budged. The room's outer section experienced a narrow
burst of light, originating from far above. It seemed to be a type of
transitory burst of energy reflecting from the clouds or perhaps a stray
beam from one of the suns. This illuminated a narrow path of sudden
flame that momentarily filled the atmosphere from all directions.
However brief, the shining interval lit a narrow portion of his jacket
that revealed a hidden object he was attempting to keep from our eyes.
The brief glimpse it provided revealed a strange object partially
visible beneath his jacket's concisely-folded extensions. Sticking out
awkwardly, its frayed edges weren't projected but their frayed edges
elicited an awkward familiarity I couldn't determine at first. It had
fallen out of place almost by chance, but it was obvious that he was
holding something that was briefly visible when accidentally exposed. He
attempted to push it back beneath his jacket pockets in order and
conceal it from view, but he was too late. Its accidental appearance
brought a renewed inquisitiveness from the pair who began to ask what
exactly he was hiding underneath his suit. He didn't answer and held his
arms outward, expressing denial. He took on a strenuously defensive tone
of denial, but his loud renouncement couldn't hide what they'd seen with
their own eyes.
Rushing from behind to a forceful location just ahead, he vainly
attempted to deflect they attention away from his pockets and looked
towards to the door and began to turn its lock, hoping to deflect their
attention. Before he could open it widely, Gemine shouted at him to stop
and explain what he was hiding from them and demanded to know why he was
suddenly acting so secretively. He took a nervous step back from their
incursion and closely crossed his arms across the jacket signaling that
he needed to think about allowing them further inroads into his space.
He looked at them carefully, still not entirely convinced of their
motivations. He required a slight remove before determining whether he
was entirely secure letting them know what he was concealing. There was
an indecisive period while he contemplated their unexpected discovery.
The exact ramifications weren't clear but they were important enough
that he delayed making a firm decision. Her disposition grew unsettled
as she became unexpectedly impatient and spoke up in order to reassure
him that they meant nothing harmful or intrusive. Making the point in
concrete fashion. Bowing slightly, she quickly stepped back away from
him to allow some space. She concluded by articulating that the decision
to unsheathe the mysterious object was his alone. Gemine agreed and
mirrored her steps, taking her place slightly further back into the
room. He thought about it for a moment, weighing his options relatively
quickly before coming to a trusting acquiescence. Without causing
additional delay, he decided to take a risk, rummaging through his
jacket before grabbing the object.
Reluctantly pulling a thin, frayed sheet from his immaculately-pressed
suit, its surface was noticeably worn. Its somewhat faded edges revealed
a largely intact illustration when he fully unfolded the paper. The
front section appeared marginally deformed, somewhat torn and
debased by age and exposure. Its surface looked somewhat discolored and
stained, resulting in a withered and fragile appearance. Handling it
carefully, he opened the page divided between four sections until it was
fully extended. There was nothing on the facing surface that changed
when he turned it over. Its reverse-side revealed a strange sight that I
hadn't expected, but recognized to a degree I couldn't anticipate.
Residing quietly, a vaguely familiar portrait emerged as he held its
face upward toward the light. Somewhat weakened and lightened by the
elapsed period, the figure retained a mesmerizing brilliance,
undiminished by time. The mysterious face invoked didn't appear upset in
the slightest by the prolonged absence of attention, unchanged by the
elapsed intervals between viewing. She held a translucent radiance, with
long flowing hair, enigmatic eyes and an alluring expression that
immediately created a formative emotional connection.
It required several moments before I remembered where I'd seen that face
before. I thought back to our excursions over the turbulent ocean and
odd portfolio we uncovered. The fevered repetition and unyielding focus
on a single subject was emotive and unnerving. The unknown creator's
portraits made them appear simultaneously timeless and immediate, their
constrictive focus left an enduring impression within the subconscious.
Looking at the enigmatic figure after a prolonged exposure to her
design, brought unexpected meaning to the portrait. elicited a strange
complicity between them. The composition and portrait shared
disorienting similarities in design with recurring shapes and forms
visible in each. The portrait appeared far more detailed and vibrant
than I recalled, but I recognized similar lines and flourished that
occurred, revealing themselves almost within the figure's placid facial
expression, flowing hair and especially its haunting eyes. I was taken
aback by their aesthetic connections. I couldn't be entirely sure
without making direct comparisons, but the coincidental similarities
appeared far too pronounced to be explained away as random occurrences.
The portrait's background consisted of any number of parallels and
coordinated designs I couldn't have foreseen. I was impressed that he
had the foresight and premonition to hold onto the wordlessly conversant
I realized he'd managed slipping it from the stack of similarly esoteric
drawings we'd found without making a sound and held onto it all this
time. Precisely why he'd kept and protected it and why he'd chosen this
particular illustration was a mystery my eyes couldn't begin to
comprehend. Startled and unnerved by these discordant question, I wanted
to ask what he was doing. The navigator brushed right past my curious
visage without explanation and didn't appear seriously concerned with my
thoughts in the slightest. She'd seen the picture as well and probably
wouldn't have much insight to offer. Instead, he moved past us and held
it directly in front of Gemine. Holding the portrait outright, he asked
directly whether she recognized the figure commutated within. She hadn't
anticipated his question but looked at the mysterious figure intently
for a minute. Intoning with some regret, she told him somewhat sadly
that she had no idea who the composition endorsed. he held it up to the
light and let the surrounding energy infuse it for a moment before
quickly shielding it beneath his jacket, away from the direct impact of
the intensifying suns' unyielding beams.
Finding vanishingly legible enunciation of the portrait's unspoken
mysteries didn't seem to surprise or upset his expectations. Gemine
seemed sympathetic to his plight asked him if he had any intuitions as
to who the figure might represent. He seemed reluctant to share and only
provided a vague answer that he thought the drawing might not be
strictly reflective. He felt that the figure might have crossed his path
as a purely representational decision by the artist, it may not have
implied someone specifically. This explanation didn't seem adequate, and
felt more evasive than illuminative. She kept position at a secure
remove, keeping herself within a constrictive field, away from outside
intrusions. This allowed her a sensible distance, but her pronounced
reluctance became disengaging when she drew closer to the developing
afternoon. Emerging from the shroud of her long, dark cloak, she seemed
somewhat unsure how to proceed into the broadening light. She didn't
roll its flowing robes back and didn't extend her arms, maintaining a
conditional purpose within the room without revealing herself. I was
half-expecting her to slide her convergent-light machine into the
broadening sunlight and show its hidden capabilities, but she resisted
any temptation to reveal more of its clandestine attributes than
Walking deliberately just ahead of him, she stood in place and held
closely to her visibly detached position. Unwilling to draw further
attention she motioned away from herself, extending her fingers towards
the frayed portrait and reminded him that there was a specific reason.
Why his assumptions might not be accurate. She pointed out that they'd
discovered a large number of illuminative portraits of the same
personage, it seemed unlikely to her mind that the drawings were
fanciful abstractions or illustrative inventions. She admonished him for
avoiding making a direct comparison between the drawings. Outlining
their coincidental paths and designs, she pointed out that there were
almost certainly instructive elements they held within. After listening
to his extensive lecture, she implied that his vision was far too
literal, and told him should look beyond the immediate forms. This would
allow him think more broadly about its underlying purpose and
accompanying implications. He nodded appreciatively but it wasn't
immediately obvious how implementing her approach would alter his
perspective. Upon further reflection, she firmly advised him to avoid
getting distracted by the portrait's details. Gemine seemed to a agree
for the most part but didn't appear entirely convinced that he should
entirely dismiss the visible similarities. Gemine was somewhat doubtful
that he'd be able to transcend his narrow perspective but didn't seem
overly skeptical, She instead implying that she hoped he'd see that
there was a more profound inspiration at work that exceeded what
initial, surface appearances might indicate.
Waiting carefully to ponder her commands, he hesitated before jumping to
misguided insinuations. Reserving enough confidence to proceed, he
cautiously and deliberately discarded his frustratingly indecisive
determinations. He was able to adjust his perspectives quickly to
flexibility arrive at less rigid, and non-conditional response. Broadly
theorizing, the Navigator conceded that there were multiple possible
explanations behind its meaning and origin, which would explain their
contradictory determinations. He admitted a lack of clarity regarding
many aspects of the portrait but remarked that it held a mysterious
power over him. Maintaining a confusing hold, the portrait built
enticing mystery that divergent thoughts were unable to fully dislodge.
Explaining that he'd spent an exorbitant amount of time staring into the
subject's unblinking eyes, looking for answers, Her found himself caught
in an unexplained hypnosis by her timeless gaze. It held a subliminal
power over his imagination, eluding his attempts to decipher its precise
emanations. Recognizing the parallels between our works only seemed
induce untold curiosity. The convergent designs further motivated him to
keep attempting to decipher its innumerable uncertainties. Gemine
appeared surprised but intrigued with his extensive contemplation and
asked him to elaborate further. Shaking his head sadly, he said he'd
been unable to venture further into the portrait's silent conversation
without further detail. Finally, he trepidatiously admitted that its
power had gradually become overwhelming and he had to stop looking so
intently for his own protection.
His realization that the fragment of paper retained so much power over
him caught her unprepared at first. Ruminating carefully about his
predicament, she thought it silently before asking him if he knew what
motivated his protection. She wasn't sure why he'd hold such an
unsettling and potentially dangerous portrait so close to him. He
struggled to answer her and looked around the room incoherently, away
from us. Quickly shifting his eyes in all direction to avoid direct
contact with us. Struggling to come up with a sensible response, his
carefully reinforced defense finally collapsed. He was silent for an
uneasy period until he finally admitted that nothing could really
explain the source of the portrait's persistent hold over his
consciousness. His demeanor changed from unshakably determined to
somewhat despondent. He revealed with a measure of profound
embarrassment that he feared that it's continued presence guarded and
concealed within his suit up to that point wasn't entirely voluntary,
its continued hold instead the result of an upsetting premonition.
Lowering his tone with slowing enunciation, his eyes began turning away
from us to evade connection with our eyes, He kept avoiding our
intrusive gaze, tilting his head downward apologetically. Finally he
spoke, evenly without the same confidence he held earlier. He sounded
nearly despondent, regretfully conveying an unsettling elicitation. It
occurred unexpectedly as he stared at the portrait inexplicably. He
found himself repeatedly pulled into its field, submerging beneath its
relentless currents for a extended period. He'd grown increasingly
convinced that he felt an unarticulated insistence emanating from the
unchanging, static, and substantially-aged portrait. He'd grown
increasingly yet improbably convinced the mysterious figure might be
alive, patiently waiting for our arrival at an undefined point in an
undetermined manner. Turning to us in an unexpectedly emotional moment,
he asked if we could help find her.
- Michael Palisano