An Incipient Correlation
Viewing the cluttered, disorganized pages at the correct angle and
position appeared to form a tangible meaning on initial inspection. The
symbols appeared to follow a coherent structure with consistency
allowing the incomprehensible markings to form lines that created a
nearly-legible caption to the inferred readings. Infiltrating the
elaborate defenses the tangled symbols formed was deceptively complex,
requiring greater exertion than anticipated. It was a draining task but
my persistent efforts were gradually proving worthwhile. This helped
substantially and I saw patterns emerge, though I had to examine the
pages closely in order to see them emerge from within.
This was rewarding to a substantial degree, elucidating surreptitious
demarcations as I surveyed its guarded pages. Unfortunately, it didn't
take long for substantial barriers to emerge. Embarking further into the
enigmatic pages, examining its incomprehensible rows of characters with
renewed scrutiny, the book tenuously revealed only scattered purpose and
disjointed insights. Its resolution, function and meaning remained
elusive despite my best efforts. Concentrating my energies on specific
symbols or characters appeared to reveal scattered insight but nothing
appeared to coalesce, determined to frustrate my attempts at unraveling
its mysterious purpose. I spent an inordinate period on a specific
symbol scrawled indeterminately across one section. These notations
appeared to be hand-drawn, added on the margins as some kind of note.
It wasn't obvious precisely what that particular illustration
represented. The possibilities leapt around; it might have been a
warning, a subtle reminder, perhaps a clarification, anything at all. It
wasn't clear who made the notation, or what motived their unheralded
appearance. After some thought and contemplation, I eventually arrived
at a tentative indication of where the unworldly composition might have
derived. Observing subsequent pages closely, I saw scattered notations
scattered in the book, none of which appeared to change the over-arching
structure substantially. Its pages were densely constructed, filled with
endless arrangements of symbols and characters I couldn't comprehend. I
looked over towards the other side of the room, then across the long
table into the navigator's circumference. His eyes were drawn completely
into his surface task, managing to explore the pages uninterrupted, He
seemed lost in contemplation, exploring the pages within his undefined
volumes to the exclusion of exterior events.
I didn't intend to interrupt his concentration and decided to forge
ahead with my own task, in order to discover at least a partial solution
to the intractable forms it presented. I looked towards the fastidiously
arrayed books across the room, their nearly invisible spines illegible
from that distance, offered little help or support. Looking at the outer
perimeter, I briefly glimpsed the edge of a flowing cloak peeking out
from the sides towards the farthest encroachment as she silently moved
beyond the narrow corridors without elaboration, Intangibly removed from
the immediate surroundings, she maneuvered herself safely. She vanished
completely, extricating herself from the tower and it's constrained
immediate surroundings, venturing beyond external scrutiny into a
temporal field I was unable to breach.
She held an unexpectedly reticent disposition, despite our lengthy
acquaintance. Unconcerned with my obstructed viewpoint, she settled on a
course, determined not to diverge from her predetermined path. This left
me unaccompanied but I didn't feel that she abandoned me, her presence
manifold despite her intangible appearance. Her cloak was highly
effective and I was impressed with the ease in which it allowed her to
move, vanishing beneath its dark cloud effortlessly. She glided
across the floor quickly, her back turned away from me, leaning over to
hide what she was exploring. Returning to the intimidating volume, I
managed to forge a path though several pages without making much
progress. I attempted to locate recurring signs or symbols that might
repeat through the pages, which might bring a manageable order to its
impenetrable characters.
Straining against their unworkable assemblages, they appeared to form a
tenuous connection, without tangible objectives. Examining the
undulating symbols carefully, I took them literally, attempting to read
them from east-to-west, then attempting the reverse with little effect.
Attempting to mark a coherent notation was forbidding, tracing their
surfaces across multiple pages only added confusion. If I'd known more
about the veracity, structure or purpose behind the unintelligible
characters, the task would have been simpler, but the persistent
complexity and recalcitrant mysteries created on each page withstood my
efforts to resolve the book's intransient defenses. Flipping through the
book repeatedly with quickly increasing velocity and determined resolve
offered little respite; it purposely set in place, determined to remain
out of reach defying my efforts to detangle or understand.
It appeared that my efforts weren't making much headway, without the
foundation to determine the book's functionality, there was little
chance I'd untangle its interwoven paths without assistance. In the end,
it didn't matter which direction I viewed it from, the imposing book
would reveal little or nothing. Growing increasingly dejected by the
impossible task it presented, I eventually decided to cease further
incursions. I slowly closed its cover and slid it half-way across the
table. I observed it take a unobtrusive position effortlessly where its
spine seemed to dissolve before the entire book appeared to sink beneath
the surface, covering its tracks, hiding its contents before retreating
into its secure position. This left me little consolation; I'd wasted
valuable energy resulting with nothing to show for my time. I sat back
in the chair and leaned back, unsure of why Gemine had given me the book
in the first place. I took another long gaze onto the table and noticed
something I hadn't noticed before.
Sitting unobtrusively on the table, another book seemed to have
appeared. This was strange, I thought I was seeing things. There was no
indication as to where it had come from. I stared at it nervously for
several minutes, unsure if I was allowed to open it, or what it might
contain. I looked at it closely and there were distinct differences. It
was taller and slimmer than the first book. It was outside my immediate
reach, and I'd needed to lean over, almost full-tilt, if I wanted to
take hold of it. There seemed to be a kind of contradictory barrier
surrounding it, imploring me not to venture further, yet simultaneously
tempting me to forge into the unknown. I was torn between these
competing motivations but eventually managed to work up enough courage
to take hold of the book. Stretching across the table, I made tentative
contact with its edge, before moving across the table to take firm grasp
of its cover.
I managed to take control of it and returned to the chair; holding it
close before examining it carefully. Initially, I was disappointed that
I couldn't determine the meaning of any of the symbols, either on its
spine or the back. Examining it carefully, I nervously held it in my
hands, reluctantly. It felt like intruding into a secret realm, unsure
what would happen if I looked at it too closely. Its sudden appearance
on the table felt predestined however, and my circumventing realization
that it probably placed in front of me purposely. I decided to pull it
closer and examine it from a closer perspective. It wasn't immediately
clear what precisely its surface represented but there was an
unapologetically resplendent cover on it surface that appeared to be a
vibrant illustration. Bursting in vibrant color and detail, the image
conveyed an unexpectedly welcoming disposition, inviting me to embark on
the journey without trepidation.
It wasn't immediately clear where the image had derived, I couldn't
place its exact location from initial glances, and looked at it
carefully seeking clarification and determination. Appearing to
represent an elaborate natural vista, the innumerable plants appeared to
stretch past the borders that contained them, reaching towards a
untethered atmosphere, swirling in waves of clouds and streams of air
gushing far overhead. Beneath its upper portion, I noticed a sequence of
diminutive structures of indistinct form planted in what resembled
intricate mountainous terrain, strewn with sharp rocks and heavy stones.
Simultaneously majestic and somewhat intimidating, the picture revealed
additional layers as I examined it closely. I felt its inner pull begin
to take hold, its mysterious vista unfolded at a massive,
incomprehensible scale that was difficult to rationalize. It appeared
that specific objects had individual energies. They appeared to shift
position, their meaning and purpose changed depending on what angle it
was viewed from. The smallest changes in my position directed
significant differences. Tilting my head slightly upward or taking a
small step backward changed their meaning and appearance substantially,
despite remaining ensconced in static form.
Certain areas appeared barren but additional details came to light from
different angles, offering distinctive formations and shapes. Individual
elements converged to form larger structures, narrow branches
intertwined to form thicker paths, subsequently eliciting elaborate
responses and from the skies. Observing it carefully with intensifying
concentration, I managed internalize the outer illustration's
composition quickly, hoping that studying it closely would assist my
understanding of the pages ahead. This wasn't a certainty, but it seemed
to be the best approach.
After taking a moment to replenish my energies, I decided to open the
cover to discover what the inimitable book held within. Almost
immediately, I was surprised; it was nothing like I expected. Instead of
a cluttered appearance consisting of endless configurations of
inoperative symbols, an elaborate illustration filled the majority of
each page. There weren't elaborate descriptions, only small print along
the bottom, placed apologetically. I couldn't help staring at the
elaborate compositions extensively.
On my initial survey, the book appeared to be an oddly serene catalogue
of travels to distant, uninhabited locations beyond reach in ordinary
circumstances. It seemed strange that many of the areas weren't
populated. Whether this absence was a conscious choice or a reflection
of the deserted, vast spaces encountered wasn't immediately obvious.
Each picture depicted a different landscape, some festooned with
forests, plants and flowers of varying density. Other forms appeared to
depict structured environments with manicured buildings surrounding vast
formations of steel, concrete and otherworldly materials derived from
unknown sources.
Many appeared simple in design and construction, covering the landscapes
sporadically. Other paintings resembled large puzzles that overwhelmed
the surrounding landscapes. Covered with innumerable interlocking
buildings that spiraled upward in improbable directions and unlikely
angles, some resembling the vines from the more natural setting of
accompanying illustrations. I noticed a recurring theme of
elaborately-designed structures that seemed to extend at sharp angles,
soaring into the horizon.
Looking at the book's illustrations closely, additional thematic
patterns began to emerge. The style was elaborate and careful for the
most part, there were occasional flourishes that drew attention from the
surroundings, but these were limited. Each robustly drawn illustration
showed impressively detailed environments, seemingly alive in
presentation. None of the illustrations felt like rough sketches,
instead maintaining an otherworldly consistency They maintained a
consistent level of quality and detail, each one seeming to bring its
world to life in resplendent fashion. After flipping through
approximately two-dozen pages, it became apparent that each of the
illustrations had probably derived from the same brush. There were
noticeable similarities between the illustrations in style, presentation
and spacing. It seemed odd that such divergent locations would maintain
an unexpected consistency, but a number of differences were also
A significant number of figures appeared non-threatening; set silently
beneath tranquil surroundings, while others felt more threatening and
ominous. Underlying some of the sections was a emerging sense of
incompletion. It appeared in some instanced, that there was only time
for partial drafts, with many finer details left unfinished. A further
divergence emerged as I examined additional pages and discovered
repeated locations that appeared in decidedly altered form. Viewed from
different angles at various times of day and night, some extending into
subsequent seasons.
The immutable, resounding compositions illustrated divergent consistency
without revealing tangible evidence that would help me comprehend their
inherent purpose. A fiery vista overlooking a boiling lake under
relentless pressure from relentless heat was followed, several dozen
pages later. It depicted the same elusive spot from a hibernative
perspective, the lake frozen into solid retreat, its churning currents
stilled and hidden under ice, from the cold skies above. The previously
dominant, unyielding searing heat completely retreated underneath thick
layers shadowy clouds. It appeared these redundant locations held
significant meaning, given their pronounced, deliberate repetition, but
what precisely their appearance signified remained elusive.
I found myself drawn into the compositions, exploring their unexpected
paths and divergences, my attention thoroughly engaged by their
elaborate design, attempting to decipher their creation, admiring their
uncompromising detail and resplendent qualities while furtively
attempting to unravel the motivation and purpose behind undeniably
mysterious origin. Before realizing what was occurring, the enigmatic
book took unspoken command, drawing me ever deeper inside its
transfixing pages. These remarkably detailed paintings created an
invigorating appeal, simultaneously mesmerizing and challenging.
As I examined their brush-strokes and admired their acuity, they
metamorphasized becoming increasingly resilient, converging together to
form an increasingly powerful field of view it became increasingly
difficult for me to look away from. They coalesced in resembled an open
portal as my eyes succumbed to its overpowering constructions, allowing
me to explore a series of distinctive, alluring and hidden environments,
apparently scattered throughout the universe.
Approximately separated by immeasurable distance, they appeared
intangibly connected to each other while maintaining a great remove from
each other. This presented an inherent contradiction that was difficult
to reconcile using only the presented illustrations, despite the obvious
resplendence of the paintings that emerged unapologetically from within
its thin pages. Attempting to decipher meaningful insight from the
ebullient yet reticent book was exponentially complicated by its lack of
structure. There was no indication of sequence, distance or importance.
It required an intuition that was beyond my capabilities. This secondary
task quickly overwhelmed my efforts and I reluctantly decided to take a
respite in order to reorganize my priorities.
I closed the book firmly but quietly and surveyed the surroundings. I
wanted to ask some advice but was surprised to find myself alone,
sitting in silence at the side the long table. I looked past my
immediate area, but found no signs of activity. Not even the slightest
shadow appeared beneath the surrounding shelves. Her fastidiously
arranged volumes tempted me to look further, but I knew better than to
intrude into her work and disrupt the meticulously cataloged books she'd
assembled carefully. Resisting the urge meant I'd have to solve the
book's quandaries without assistance. Looking towards the shelves, made
my decision easier. The long rows of incompressible texts they held
offered vanishing reinforcement, without elaboration. This was
disappointing on some level and I wanted at least a little bit of help.
Deciding to follow a more pronounced tactic, I stood up and looked
around for any signal as to where the navigator might have gone, but
he'd completely disappeared. It was unclear how much time I'd spent
examining the book. I surmised the navigator managed to work through his
volumes quickly.
He'd probably grown impatient with my putative, inconsistent efforts and
left me to explore its unfolding pages without needless distraction or
unnecessary pressure. Returning to the desk, with a manner combining
deliberate resilience with an underlying reluctance, I sat down and
began flipping through the pages again. I decided quickly that this
particular book was set in the correct position; there was no need to
turn it sideways or upside-down. I held its opening pages once again and
hopefully examined them a second time, carefully looking for additional
details I might have overlooked during my initial overview. There seemed
to be a significant chance that something previously unseen might
emerge. Without interference, I'd been given a chance to review the
pages again without distraction. I decided to take full advantage od the
opportunity he'd unexpectedly delivered.
I wasn't able to consistently locate significant additional information.
For the most part, I encountered minor details such as unexpectedly
complicated cloud formations, additional structures layered within other
forms and sporadic, indistinct figures became visible, emerging
plaintively beneath some of the larger objects. It wasn't immediately
clear what these nearly hidden forms determined. The diminutive elements
might have represented important elements, or merely showcased largely
meaningless artistic flourishes. Without external guidance, it wasn't
obvious what exactly I should have sought within the illustrations.
Attempting to find a consistent signature or symbol of some kind, but
nothing stood out. Instead, the elaborate paintings reproduced on the
pages appeared to convey an unarticulated journey, apparently forming an
elaborate travelogue. It's disparate elements gradually converged,
without prompting. When taken together, they created a larger canvas,
consisting of connected, aligned areas. As i turned each page, the
divisions between the spaces dissolve. The book began resembling a
extended excursion that occurred through various locations, with
persistent elements that appeared scattered at first, but became
increasingly pronounced, inescapably unavoidable upon closer
I felt myself drawn into its pages to an even greater extent the second
time I engaged with its formations. Actively searching the book for
recurring elements required a concentrated effort. I was no longer
flipping the pages and responding only to the admittedly transfixing
aesthetics. Gradually, I realized that I was looking beneath its robust
surfaces to determine whether the paintings contained clandestine
signals. I spent an inordinate time looking into its deceptively
tranquil surfaces, nearly hidden paths and invisible portions lurking on
the illustrations' perimeter.
I was more patient and determined than I felt capable of initially. but
somehow managed to locate enough promising elements to keep my
motivation high. I managed to subdue my impatience without adequate
concurrence to arrive at a firm conclusion. Maintaining sustained
interpretations was difficult but I managed to take immediate control,
heading without hesitation straight into the book's robustly illustrated
pages. It took a significant amount of effort and it took extensive
exertion to draw anything significant from beneath the paintings and
illustrations' shallow surfaces. I decided to maintain patience and
It took substantial time and sustained effort until something
unexpectedly occurred. Taking a comprehensive approach, I looked over
each painting in great detail not skipping over seemingly deserted or
insignificant sections. This was a slow process but was proven
worthwhile when I began discovering unexpected objects concealed within
the elaborate constructs. Several illustrations didn't appear to contain
immediately visible indicators, and I had to examine them thoroughly to
reveal what if anything they might contain. Several of my efforts were
met with empty gasps that felt designed to stymie resolve. I didn't
allow these sporadic blockages to deter me from my mission. These
unproductive portions remained invigorating from an artistic standpoint,
resolving their value from that perspective. These occasionally
frustrating intervals achieved the converse effect, reinforcing my
determination to seek resolution.
Reaching a consistent level of exploration and resulting extrications,
the book's task overtook the larger picture. Obscuring the larger
objective, however uncertain. I began to sense that something had gone
amiss, I had become far removed. I'd managed to get lost within its
pages, before realizing what was occurring. I looked at a memorable
composition, unfolding into a stretch of robust land beneath a formative
atmosphere that seemed to form a protective layer encircling its
entirety. I leaned in and as the picture grew, it felt like I was
falling directly into it, searching for additional detail. Despite my
strong efforts to counter its hold, I found myself surrendering to its
ingratiating design and immediate appeal.
Before realizing what was happening, I felt myself falling into its
trap, searching obsessively for hidden sections and secret indications,
which might not have been present. I'd subconsciously ceded control to
the static image, losing sight of its importance while focusing on a
narrow band of possibilities, dwelling on seemingly insignificant
details at the expense of the surrounding area. The room's overwhelming
emptiness was intimidating, but conversely reassuring. It allowed me to
survey the paintings with intensified focus, taking a fastidious
approach. I looked closely, carefully excavating each painting in order
to discover recurring symbols and patterns contained within. Discovering
certain emergent forms and what appeared to be similar characters wasn't
immediately obvious.
An inordinate number of these mysterious forms reappeared in succeeding
compositions significantly altered, changing position and location with
each painting. It was difficult to internalize and decipher their varied
forms. Some appeared larger or smaller, others appeared from different
angles, upside-down, completely reversed or combinations of each. Many
of the symbols were purposely obscured making them even more difficult
to visualize. I relied in part on the accumulated work from previous
paintings, which allowed me to recognize symbols that might have been
partially hidden. Extrapolating each from the margins and shadows was
somewhat tedious, I carefully noted their positions and relative
After completely several incursions into the compositions, larger
patterns gradually emerged. I wasn't entirely sure what they actually
represented, but after extensive incursions, the most sensible
conclusion appeared to be that the arcane characters indicated relative
direction, approximate distance and position. The brevity of each
arrangement meant the accompaniment for each illustration occasionally
consisted of a single, tiny, almost-illegible character in the
background, with locations elaborated little beyond cursory
explanations. This fact didn't make the paintings' any less resplendent,
but the elusive nature and reluctant nature of the visible symbols lent
the paintings a pronounced defensiveness that was difficult to reconcile
with their vibrant immediacy and unapologetic resplendence.
Despite this contradiction, I remained enamored with them, and the
illustrations appeared to become increasing elaborate as more hidden
aspects came into view. Concentrating on their intricacies unfolded
additional layers that took over my consciousness thoroughly, with room
for nothing else. My focus was sharpened to the point that everything
surrounding my location dissolved almost entirely. Books arrayed on the
distant shelves seemed to submerge within the nearby walls, whose
structure and determination appeared to vaporize when I'd sporadically
look up from its mesmerizing pages. There seemed to be no one else
around, I didn't hear slight rustle of steps echoing from the nearby
corridors. Returning to the book with increasing fascination and
determination, I was increasingly confident my mission was unfolding in
a promising direction.
Examining additional paintings with pronounced resolve, I discovered
additional indicators and symbols that reinforced my previous efforts.
Aligning with previous pages, my eyes encountered additional repeated
symbols that appeared to form a coherent message. Deceptively simple in
shorter bursts, their extended correlation formed an intangible yet
unmistakable indication. Unable to comprehend the full measure of each
symbol's significance due to their elusive design and clandestine
function, I was undeterred. With nothing to discourage me, I forged
Insistent paths to dislodge the paintings' surreptitious barriers.
Utilizing an incremental approach to each composition revealed an
unarticulated caution; I didn't want my eyes hastily gliding past
anything significant. The paintings reluctantly revealed additional
insights, erratically entwined with surprising durability; they appeared
ready to converge into a singular explanation; I neared a threshold that
would offer tangible insight; their complex solution nearly within grasp
after extensive, focused work.
This only reinforced my determination, and I felt a surge of energy
invigorate my efforts. I continued my excavations with additional
motivation. Every small piece I managed to chisel from the innards of
the mysterious paintings gave me another element, gradually setting
place for a significant convergence. The directives and denouements that
emerged from the paintings grew exponentially elaborate and inherently
fascinating. This unlikely combination effectively combined to form a
hypnotic field that covered the pages. It succeeded in drawing me ever
deeper into its initially inaccessible yet increasingly manageable
puzzle. My attentive demeanor maintained its steady hold throughout my
incursion. The book held steady while I surveyed its paper for
additional inconsistencies and aberrations that might prove useful.
Despite examining certain paintings repeatedly for specific inducements,
there remained occasional areas that appeared to offer little to no
elaboration. No hidden symbols or characters were discharged from within
those sections, whether rendering flush or barren landscapes.
It seemed they'd been purposely left open, innately designed to deliver
frustration over elaboration. These paintings revealed nothing to
divulge despite my persistent, concerted efforts. It was unclear of this
was an organized approach designed to distract and delay an unwelcome
intruder or merely an indication of a dormant area. Those empty sections
existed largely counter to the predominant structure, that yielded
consistently useful results. This instinctive approach wasn't as
efficient as it might have been. This became somewhat frustrating. I
needed to remind myself that I wasn't familiar with the language,
vocabulary or dialect used. I had to make conclusions based largely on
relative intuition and subjective observation, which further complicated
and constrained my capabilities. This required my full attention for an
extended period, it was difficult to measure precisely, but I estimated
about several hours had passed. I narrowly managed to achieve a
sustained pace without encountering impediments to the path ahead.
The images before me were unavoidably connecting as I surveyed them with
increasing precision, their interlocking forms and divergent approaches
began to settle into an almost predictable rhythm, that transfigured
from initial complexity to complimentary structures. Many of these
arrived after extensive investigation. I had to look carefully and began
holding the pages closer in order to gain productive perspectives. This
simple technique was unexpectedly effective and further immersed me into
the book to a surprising extent. It felt that I'd become fully immersed
within its pages as derived an unspoken hold over me.
Drawing closer into its pages revealed details and initially hidden from
view, the surreptitious connections and unseen structures within only
became visible with careful observation. Appearing as a series of
disconnected symbols, they began converging in an unexpected manner,
leading further inward, it felt like a series of doorways opening
slowly. I followed its direction as closely as I was able, and my eyes
fell deeper into its elaborate labyrinthine paths, following the
untraceable lines and undulating curves into their distant horizons. I'd
become thoroughly preoccupied, demonstrably enamored, falling underneath
its spell.
Something unexpected occurred that initially didn't seem that important
upon initial inspection, but grew more relevant as events unfolded.
There was a an indeterminate force that pushed my upper back, like
someone was shoving me. I yelled out in reflexively in surprise, but
there was no response. I looked around to locate the source of the
unexpected confrontation, nothing was immediately visible. It was
probably nothing significant, probably explained as a stray gust of air
from the walls, caused by an unexpected burst from an misfiring section
of pipe or a minor air-duct malfunction. The unanticipated burst created
a momentarily upsetting interval but its impact quickly faded since
there was little subsequent follow through.
I quickly resumed full exploration into the book's illustrations,
concluding it was probably nothing. I gave it little further thought; I
was already thoroughly preoccupied with my primary task. The paintings
maintained an underlying prominence; I wasn't about to allow a minor
breach to disrupt my concentration. Several minutes passed and I felt a
stronger push on my back, this one connected with determination and
pushed me ahead in the chair about half an inch. This wasn't expected
and I jumped up and stood up straight, alerted that something was out
Looking quickly around the room, it remained empty, with no sign of
anything out of the ordinary, I looked at the seat where I was
ensconced, carefully examining its visible surface. There were no
indications of anything untoward. Examining on the other side of the
room, the doorways remained closely held in dormant position, having not
budged since their stealthy departure. This was odd and I turned back
towards the table and conducted a somewhat hurried, tenuous survey of
the surrounding areas for signs of any strenuous, formidable or
malignant forces.
Nothing had been moved as I carefully looked over its surface,
attempting to locate anything that would indicate disruption. I took a
few steps back towards the table and sat down putatively, watching
nervously for something else to occur. I waited in silence for several
uneasy minutes until I heard something unexpected. It began as a
sequence of faint echoes that gradually grew stronger. Reverberating
from the surface, the noise felt sharp and determined until it reached
the entrance. My muscles tensed, nervously anticipating what it could
be. The doorway opened quickly and I almost immediately recognized
Gemine. She was standing beneath the frame in a manifestly defensive
With apparent concern, she looked around the library quickly to make a
quick inspection.
Nothing appeared out of place. Gemine scanned the shelves and volumes
and seemed relieved that nothing was disturbed. Taking a step into the
room, she examined its perimeter then moved to its inner portion.
There'd been an audible breach, but nothing of lasting physical
significance. She followed with a cursory measure of the room's
circumference. She firmly walked towards a particularly important group
of shelves, measuring and inspecting the assemblage cautiously, visually
inspecting them to ensure the volumes remained in her meticulous order.
Gemine quickly reassured herself that nothing was amiss before
eventually turning her attention in my direction. She hastily asked if
anything untoward happened to me. She seemed a tad flustered, and
somewhat disoriented. She took a breath and regained her composure
before explaining that she heard some commotion in the distance. This
alerted her to potential danger and before realizing what happened,
Gemine found herself sprinting towards the room. Its reinforced walls
contained and protected her collection, but she had to make sure that
everything was secured. Gemine remembered I was there as well . She said
she agreed it was probably an inordinate noise from a ventilation duct.
Nodding affirmatively, I thanked her for the concern.
She turned her attention towards me and I noticed she was equipped with
especially sharp heels protruding from beneath her long gown. It was
immediately enviable, unfolding in precise, yet ebullient design. Its
smooth surface unmarked by wrinkles or folds, highlighted by elaborate
accouterments throughout. Her extravagant and elegant dress was bright
and transcendent, sharply contrasting with yet conversely complimenting
the simple black cloak and tiny spots the earlier mysterious figure
displayed. I was accustomed to something more humble, but her outfit
appeared surprisingly practical.
It gave her freedom to move about the tower in unfettered fashion, its
long sleeves held close, and the design had obvious flourish, but not
overly elaborate enough to get in the way of acts. Its shape
immaculately tailored and designed didn't cause distraction,
distinctively-designed gown tastefully covered with elaborate fields of
shimmering polka-dots. They appeared to float just above its fabric,
appearing to form a protective barrier surrounding her. Her outfit
created a contradictory effect, making her simultaneously magnetic yet
distant and removed. It lent her appearance an unmistakable vibrancy,
immediately memorable and inherently distinctive.
She took several cautious steps closer and looked me over carefully,
from top to bottom. It wasn't immediately obvious what she was doing, it
appeared that she was searching for possible injury that I couldn't see,
but I quickly realized that wasn't her driving motivation. I stood
nervously across from her and stood still patiently. I assumed this
would allow her to make a full examination with great speed but quickly
realized she wasn't interested in my health status, unsure what she
might discover but confidently hoped it wouldn't be anything malicious.
Her eyes narrowed as she appeared to position her focus on my physical
I hoped that hadn't caught anything or suffered some kind of residual
bruises from the unexpected jolt of wind. She leaned in and examined me
carefully from several different angles before stepping away. Gemine
held her thoughts at first, but couldn't help expressing disappointment
with my dishelmed appearance. She sounded annoyed that I hadn't put more
effort into things. She decided not to dwell on this and quickly moved
on, and began pondering something else entirely; representing an
unarticulated demand. I waited nervously for her to elaborate. Enduring
several tense moments, It came as a relief when she eventually arrived
at a tentative conclusion I hadn't anticipated in the slightest.
Gemine began to speak, her words took in expressly measured tones, at a
noticeably slower pace, I realized she was choosing her words carefully.
She began by making an unexpected point confessing her initial lack of
imagination. She apologized for not recognizing me sooner. This comment
caught me by surprise, since we'd only just encountered one another for
the first time. I spoke up and inquired if she'd gotten me confused with
somebody else. Gemine carefully deflected and explained her dilemma. She
expected to encounter someone who was much older. It was difficult to
make such an unexpected adjustment, but she tried as best she could to
accommodate the circumstances. Walking closer, Gemine cautiously
extended her hand towards mine, reassuring me that it wasn't her intent
to frighten or overwhelm me. She signaled that was acting unexpectedly
protective of her surroundings, while keeping in mind my perspective was
manifestly altered from the anticipated vantage. She turned her
attention to the book sitting plaintively on the table, and opened it
with surprising casualness to its approximate center-section.
One particularly elaborate page displayed a particularly redolent
illustration that was difficult not to dwell on. She conceded its
beautiful design, but asked me what my thoughts were about its
inconsistencies and discordant elements. Highlighted by untethered
gravity an uneasy alignments in the skies, it seemed like a world on the
cusp of significant disruption. I examined it in depth as she watched,
carefully tracing its divisions and before stitching them back together
in hastily-patched reconstructions that revealed previously unseen
elements. I outlined the numerous symbols and hidden characters
contained within each composition, and proudly pointed out a series of
symbols that jumped out almost immediately from the visible pages.
After my brief, unsatisfying explanation, I looked in her direction
expectantly, anticipating her immediate approval and concurrence. She
didn't share my immediate enthusiasm and seemed to have arrived at a
manifestly divergent determination. It speared her systemic decisions
and formulations had drawn themselves a contrary objective; she was
thoroughly misaligned from my path. Instead, she appeared disappointed
with me for unknown reasons. She looked in my direction, then focused on
the book she'd given me, quickly switching focus between us silently
several times, wondering how I'd managed to reach such a startlingly
divergent objective despite sharing precisely the same starting point
and extremely similar invariable factors.
Taking several long pauses, while intuitively considering her next
course carefully. Taking a step back, then forward, she finally managed
to make a concession to our imposing task, somewhat confused state of
mind. Gemine apologized for the book's unexpected complexities,
unforeseen elements and numerous imperfections. She realized that
something had occurred outside her anticipation that she couldn't
mitigate or recalibrate. She added that she sympathized with my
situation. She knew first-hand, that it wasn't east to avoid getting
distracted by the innumerable texts, their intrinsically distracting
volumes and hypnotic pages.
This initially represented a complete over-reaction on the surface;
however these weren't typical books. I took the book off the table and
looked through its pages quickly, knowing what her words were
portending. She held her immediate thoughts, and contemplated her
response carefully before speaking I admired that Gemine paused to
consider things and waited until she was confident. When her voice kept
its inner council. Her eyes slipped downward then closed, as she entered
what had become her intuitively hesitant interval. Her silent
disposition undermined any lingering uncertainty. It countered any
reservations that could arise, the discouraging became illuminating,
depending on perception of the circumstances. I realized her strangely
distant, perceptive demeanor would reveal a larger purpose in due time,
but it difficult to make sense of her intangible actions initially.
Creating such an elaborate avenue of contemplation frequently required
her to undergo extensive meditation to reach satisfactory contemplation.
On the surface, it might have appeared that she was wandering alone
through a pronounced cognitive detachment, her mind pacing back and
forth across the surface without direction. Observing her closely, the
inverse perception emerged. There was a tangible purpose and objective
reasoning behind her intrinsically opaque technique and demeanor. This
usually proved worth accommodating after began carefully elaborating the
indistinct forms in front of her, converting their impenetrable layers
into straightforward directives and practical solutions.
Her unusual method required a determined reticence, layered insulations,
and unwavering patience leading to unanticipated conclusions and
contrary perceptions. Waiting was rewarded in a cognitive measure of
unarticulated yet significant meaning. In this particular case, the
reward ran diametrically counter to expectations. She came to a halt,
her pacing ceased, signifying she'd arrived at a conclusion. Her eyes
released from partial slumber and the haze lifting almost immediately.
Turning in my direction, she looked directly at me and guardedly began
articulating her concerns. She took on a deliberate, coordinated
approach. Gemine's forceful manner blended unforeseen comprehension with
resulting elaborate explanation. She'd anticipated the circumstances and
made contingencies and for precisely this outcome.
I realized that she probably spent an inordinate amount of time
carefully selecting that particular book far in advance. However, she
hadn't allowed for the unexpected circumstances surrounding my
unexpected difference in appearance, sudden arrival and altered
perspective. Gemine wasn't prepared for such a profound shift on my
part; confessing that she'd been caught off-guard by my inexperience and
limited knowledge. This elicited a confounding response on my part. I'd
apparently taken a different path in my research than she anticipated.
She'd hoped for an immediately visceral, more pronounced and emotional
response to the illustrations on my part. She was disappointed that I
expended such an inordinate length of time looking for hidden secrets
within the lustrations. She commiserated and told me that she understood
that the paintings could hold pronounced interest on my part.
Elaborated, telling me in furtive confidence that she herself had become
unexpectedly distracted by them at times. She managed to understand the
conflicts pulling at the edges.
She maintained a distance with practice and concentration. She advised
me to follow her lead and investigate them carefully. Gemine wanted me
to avoid the constraints she'd fallen into and avoid losing myself
within their unseen confines. She wanted me to transcend their
attractive environments and beautiful details. Warning me stridently,
she told me the paintings couldn't be allowed to predominate to the
point of ignoring the surroundings sections. If I allowed myself to lose
sight of the overarching destination and predominant objectives, the
potential for falling into an endless circle of ritual parallels would
become too great. Pausing momentarily, her mind switched approach
suddenly. She walked over and stared at me directly before posing an
unsettling question. Asking with surprising unease, Gemine wondered if I
recalled anything within the book's resplendent pages. I'd never seen
the book, or anything like it, previously. Her line of inquisition was
immediately perplexing on its face. I wondered how I was supposed to
remember those unadorned illustrations, since I'd never pursued them
This was startling and I couldn't summon a satisfying response. Instead,
I attempted to change the subject. I asked Gemine how she'd gotten such
an unusual name. This caught her off-guard it seemed. She paused for a
moment, unsure of how to respond. She though about things for a moment
before responding. Without going into much detail about her background,
she gave me a tantalizing measure. Apparently, she'd been born during a
dual eclipse of twin-moons, explaining that it was a relatively rare
occurrence. She didn't need to elaborate further; I was impressed and
more than satisfied with her intriguing explanation.
Her position quickly returned to the lead and clarified, then expanded
her initial question. Instantly realigning her focus. She asked again me
if I remembered anything similar, extrapolating that she actually meant
to ask if I'd encountered any other places during my travels, or
encountered anything with the other figures, in the immediate past. This
allayed a significant degree of my confusion, making me feel
surprisingly inadequate. I hadn't managed a parallel journey, I
explained the book felt almost fantastical to my eyes. Shaking my head
negatively; I nervously defended myself, quickly reiterating further
that I held no memories of reading any similar books.
It quickly became obvious that I hadn't previously travelled anywhere
that resembled these intricate, elaborate landscapes. Upon Gemine's
further inquiries. I clearly told her this was taking the wrong path. I
hadn't deciphered hidden directions or locations contained within; there
was no way I knew these places. I hadn't encountered anything resembling
those indeterminate arrays of characters and symbols. She was noticeably
disappointed and perplexed by my evasive answer and accepted my partial,
imprecise explanation with pronounced reluctance; it seemed she expected
more from me. My theories as to their origin were probably simplified,
misguided, or inadequate. Gemine quickly managed to change tactics
again. Without dwelling on the lingering, conflicting questions that
lingered unresolved, she avoided searching tangible solutions. This
realization appeared to elicit a pronounced shift in her disposition and
perspective. She'd appeared to change her search; deterring to forge
ahead on an different path.
She shifted focus and examined the room carefully, looking for further
elucidation. Her eyes sprawled in uncertain directions for an uneasy
period before she finally decided on her course of action. Beckoning her
attention back in my direction, she carefully surveyed the table
repeatedly. Eventually, her efforts resulted in an unlikely
admonishment. Stating her disappointment loudly, she proclaimed that she
found its narrow, short and empty surface wanting. She walked away from
it clearly disappointed with the table's inarticulate response.
Its constrained perimeter appeared to shrink as she moved away and
subsequently appeared to sink into the ground. Looking beyond that
point, the room fell further into defense posture. Its rows of shelves
gradually diminishing, appearing to sink and slide back into the walls.
Gemine paced nervously towards the diminutive shelves, their confines
offered limited protection. This combined with the complicated,
unsteadiness behind her questions, and my tenuous and uncertain
responses made her disposition increasingly curious. It wasn't clear
precisely what she was intent on proving. She repeated the questions;
inquiring about my previous situations and experience, keeping her
reactions to my increasing confusion and mostly to herself. She appeared
to share some of my dislocation; perhaps our signals had crossed or we
were expecting different things to happen.
Gemine remained determined to find something within the innumerable
pages that would forge a connection or dislodge memory of a previous
incursion on my part. I didn't answer her forlorn questions, not because
I didn't want to, but because I couldn't, despite my efforts. Her words
echoed through the halls unanswered, creating a diminishing field that
reverberated unsuccessfully. Despite her insistence, there was no honest
way I could answer in the affirmative. I decided to return to the desk
once more and opened it again. I examined the illustrations thoughtfully
but remained unable to elaborate much further beyond a primarily
aesthetic reaction. This seemed the most likely explanation, at least
enough to temporarily dissuade our lingering doubts.
These elaborate artworks remained resolutely elusive and strangely
remote. Appearing distant even when examined at close range, their
surfaces impenetrable and elusive despite my best efforts to internalize
and comprehend their inordinately complex layers. I recognized sporadic
parallels on second look, appearing occasionally. Maintaining a largely
unspoken distance in their visual consistency and unarticulated
qualities, they remained deceptively complex. Without a key to open
their meaning, I had to guess. It appeared the repeated symbols held
significance and marked something of importance. Despite renewed
efforts, I remained unable to decipher exactly what these signals were
attempting to convey. At the margins on the corner of my eye, it was
apparent that Gemine was becoming increasingly frustrated. Her
unanswered inquiries were only succeeding in causing confusion, making
things even less clear. The inherent contradictions and contradictory
implications her imprecise words denoted created a rapidly forming what
rapidly came to forge what became an insurmountable breach.
Following the erratic line of inquiry would have resulted in our arrival
an immovable point. Gemine realized what was occurring and prevented it.
She took a step back from the precipice, and quickly recalibrated her
disposition in order to avoid a detrimental incursion. There was no
possible route we could follow that we could expect to resolve the
impasse, much needed to remain hidden within the volumes, potentially
invasive aspects that she wouldn't allow beyond the room's four walls.
Certain elaborate passages and accompanying resplendent visual
elaborations within held particular conclusions that couldn't be
adequately explained in appropriate context or detail at that juncture.
Pondering our entanglement she held in place for a few minutes and stood
at the periphery in mute contemplation. Closing her eyes and not saying
a word, Gemine appeared to fall into a deep period of integration.
Watching carefully at a respectful remove, I decided not to interfere or
disrupt her intuitive trail of thought. I was surprised to see how
stable she appeared, not shifting her weight or bearing in the
slightest. Standing tall and straight, not allowing any distractions to
interfere. Appearing completely in control, without a trace of haziness
or entropy she maintained a clear disposition without saying a word.
I sensed her arriving at a rapid conclusion and her hands rose slightly
across her sides before re-opening her eyes. Walking with tremendous
agility, glossing past me before standing at the edge of the room. Her
voice loud and clear, a firm denouement had been achieved. Speaking with
unexpected clarity, she made her intentions clear. She'd decided we'd
spend enough time advised me to retain their base-line structure and
outlined periphery in memory, but advised me not to dwell on the
intricacies for the time being. I was disappointed with this approach
but not surprised; not much tangible was on display, it was time for us
to move ahead and focus on the immediate task before us without becoming
distracted or lost within the compositions' intricate, noncommittal
Initially disappointed by making little headway within their thickly
shrouded surface, I unconvincingly attempted to reassure myself that I'd
resume my studies of the book. This would take place at an unknown point
in the future. It might take years, before I'd encounter it again. I'd
have to remember the book's location, and its' specific compositions and
before the tome's underlying mysteries would resurface. I could always
return later after we'd arrived at our objective. I knew I had little
time to dwell on it. She pushed forward without further hesitation. She
began walking in pronounced movement towards the exterior doorway. Her
stride came to a halt as she stopped to look back in my direction. This
gave met the opportunity consider the possibly at hand and couldn't help
wondering what our next excursion might entail. I decided to leave the
book on the table for the time being, there was no one else nearby who
might disturb it our move it from its current location so I wasn't
particularly worried.
She didn't take long before reaching another equally decisive
conclusion; walking with renewed confidence onto the corridor's
undiminished path. Remaining embroiled in our previous situation in the
library's limiting space, wasn't proving productive. Gemine admonished
me to keep my attention focused on the next step. It was imperative to
regain composure, or we'd end up locked up here for an extended period,
our misguided attention distracted; its temptations throwing us off
course. I walked in her direction at the edge of the hall without
further elaboration. During the intervening moments, she'd managed to
forge a path ahead that was far more promising than waiting passively
for a straightforward resolution to appear from the ether on an
non-descript page in a random book.
We could tread water within the tenuous space but this obvious approach
wouldn't produce tangible results. She'd decided to leave her library
behind for the moment, not forgetting the lessons learned, but realizing
their limitations. We needed to stand firmly before the nebulous
situation we faced, without allowing ourselves became inescapably
intermingled with the unstable surroundings.
She quickly determined that this unstable period her putative inquiries
accidentally revealed, needed to come to immediate close before
additional doubts could arise. This surrounding uncertainty kept us from
our most important objective. Gemine effortlessly managed to implement a
remarkably quick pivot across the table and took possession of the book
once more and put it back in place, quickly examining it for any damage
before carefully sliding into the shelf. It took position effortlessly,
falling back into place exactly where she'd taken it. The book appeared
to camouflage itself, gradually diminishing in significance as it sat
alongside the other volumes on the long shelves. We stood back apace,
observing cautiously as it shrank further, submerging almost completely
beneath the walls surrounding the collection.
She turned in my direction and forcefully grabbed me by the hand. She
noticed my reluctance but signaled there wasn't any more time to go
back. She shook me out of my stupor, before rapidly heading towards the
library's outer periphery past the desks. She moved ahead forcefully,
almost sprinting further ahead of the arrayed shelves and borders and
ran breathlessly until we reached the doorway. I wondered where
precisely this sudden urgency had arrived. I followed her lead, running
to keep pace, falling behind a little but never lost sight of her. I
wondered what purpose she held; her motivations remained inconclusive.
It was a strenuous endeavor, leaving me little time to contemplate her
reversal, she gone from handing me the book to snatching it away without
pretext. Apparently, I'd discovered something hidden within that she
didn't anticipate, but I couldn't be sure exactly what it might have
been. Our removal from the library's confines seemed unplanned, leaving
little time for questioning. She didn't elaborate, moving quickly past
its protective threshold, until reaching her objective; and resting
momentarily onside the outer hallway. She turned and pulled the doorway
open. It sprung back into action as she quickly passed through its
barrier. I followed her lead quickly and places only half-a pace behind
her. I turned around and the door closed, seemingly automatically. It
then locked itself quickly and the inner sanctum beyond fell back into
silent repose, its mysteries safely shielded from view.
Somewhat relieved, but also noticeably frustrated, she turned towards my
direction and nodded her head affirmatively. It seemed we'd gotten out
of there just in time. Whether its pull was too strong to resist, or if
we'd accidentally managed to entrap ourselves wasn't immediately clear.
An unmistakable measure of relief crossed her expression but she waited
cautiously and watched the door close quickly behind us after we passed
through. I wondered why she was acting forcefully, exiting the room
without further explanation.
Gemine pushed us beyond its inner-perimeter before we stood outside the
shuttered doorway, looking into the long corridor. She waited for me to
settle down from the sudden extraction, allowing me to regain my balance
and perception. Taking little additional pretext, Gemine explained that
she was impressed by my progress, but she observed an impending barrier.
She worried that I'd end up inexorably trapped within the book's
deceptively engaging pages.
Her contrary tactic imperceptivity worked to undermine the surroundings,
magnifying itself to an inordinate degree. Instead of gathering
information and learning useful techniques, I become lost within the
accompanying layers, distracting myself with minor details. She
indicated that my situation was increasingly alarming, from her
perspective. I stood on the precipice just outside the doorway and
looked across the corridors, unsure where precisely we were headed, but
realized I couldn't dwell inside the library without it transfiguring my
sensibilities. It was easy to surrender to the book's charismatic
Fortunately, she arrived to pierce its hold and her presence shattered
its hold. Realizing that I'd spent an excessive period on preparations,
I decided not to repeat that mistake. Despite the short-length of our
convergence, I trusted Gemine's motivations implicitly. I felt a deeper
connection to her that I couldn't rationalize but felt completely
natural. There was an unspoken connection that intuitively precluded
defensive remove. Watching her walk down the hallway in determined
fashion, I sensed an unspoken confidence that she knew exactly where she
was going, regardless of external forces attempting to delay our
I carefully maintained my guarded position a few long paces behind her,
mirroring her without doubting her motivation. I was grateful she'd
delivered me from entropic stagnation. I owed her loyalty and deference
at the very least, and I followed in her wake quietly without a sound,
maintaining a respectful remove while she fearlessly forged her path. My
eyes regained focus with unnatural speed, I was able to extend my
horizons and felt counter-currents of relief overflowing, providing a
welcome respite amid the prevailing confusion. This newfound flexibility
opened a greater horizon.
I overlooked the uncertainty of not knowing precisely where we were
headed; and felt myself reinvigorated watching her reluctantly take the
lead. Despite her reticent approach. I was innately curious and found
myself becoming inexorably drawn to her. I was inexorably immersed,
observing with her intuitive approach, inherent resilience and
unanticipated capabilities. I couldn't help wondering what she might
have hidden within her next approach. Walking at a safe remove within
her shadow in respectful yet attentive silence presented the only
tangible path for me to follow that might reveal the objective
motivation underpinning her surreptitious journey as she travelled
further within the tower's impermeable corridors.
- Michael Palisano