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The Laser Guide to Video Games |

Armed F
(PC Engine -
W-Ring (PC Engine - 1991)
The PC Engine had such a large library of shoot-'em-ups, it can sometimes be
difficult to set them apart from one another. Take the comparion between two
shooters released at approxomately the same point in the console's lifespan.
Both of these challenging Hu-Card games offered a similar approach in many
aspects, while there were some fairly significant differences as well. Such
is the case with these two game, both coming in about even in terms of
overall quality and polish though with varying approaches. Nichibitsu's
Armed F initially plays like a traditional vertically scrolling shooter, its
inticately designed enemies and interesting backgrounds create an eerie
atmosphere but there's some depth to the gameplay that's somewhat unexpected
but welcome.
Initial stages in Armed F unfold in a somewhat predictable manner, theough
the arrangement and positions of enemies can lead to some vexing and
occasionally frustrating points where you lose ships for small errors and
attacks that can be difficult to avoid. However, the game's plentiful
assortment of power-ups allows you to rebuild your ship quickly, avoiding
the frustration of feeling like you're starting over completely from
scratch. There are several levels of power as you upgrade your ship,
allowing you to sweep over enemy forces effortlessly after going a few
Armed F's most interesting feature lies in the power-pods that appear at the
side of your ship. Used strategically, they can be arranged to fire at
enemies on the opposing sides of the screen, keeping their more dangerous
and fatal attacks at bay. You still need to be careful, but there's another
feature that helps mitigate sneak attacks, the ability to fire backwards,
which offers protection beneath your ship. This is useful in more situations
than you'd expect, and gives the gameplay an added level of challenge and
sophistication. Armed F's design and structure is fairly good for the most
part but there are a few minor frustrations. Certain areas in the game are a
bit too narrow and difficult to navigate, leading you to crash into the
sides if you aren't careful.
You'll also find several enemies that attack you without warning, making
their shots nearly impossible to avoid. This makes for an occasionally
difficult and challenging title that occasionally feels unforgiving and
somewhat unbalanced in terms of challenge. However, memorizing enemy
positions and patterns goes a long towards making it possible to fly through
its levels easily. At the end of each stage, players will need skill and
endurance, since there are elaborate bosses waiting for them. Defeating them
requires some persistence and skill, but these end-stage confrontations
usually bring each level to a satisfying conclusion.
Armed F doesn't offer any of the extras of some of the more elaborate
shoot-'em-ups on the PC Engine. There aren't any carnival stages, time
attack or points modes. There isn't a difficulty setting, which means you
need to build up skill and technique on your own. Armed F's responsive
controls, smooth scrolling gameplay and fairly decent balance rewards
players with some surprisingly challenging gameplay. Getting the hang of
using the power-ups and arranging the side-armed weapons is probably the
most important task. The system is quite effective and allows for intense
fights and cool weapons that seemt to blow off the screen. Armed F's
presentation is straightforward which makes the action easy to follow. This
smooth implemetation extends to the music and sound effects, too. All these
elements combine successfully to make Armed F an entertaining and
challenging entry in the PC Engine's extensive shooter library.
Taking a slightly more ambitious route, Naxat's W-Ring: The Double Rings is
an elaborate side-scrolling shootet that immediately brings to mind Gradius.
Its not quite of the same quality, but offers enough twists and turns to
make it worth playing in its own right. Start with an impressive array of
power-ups, W-Ring's stacked power-ups are plentiful and easy to manipulate.
You can collect a variety of lasers and bombs plus trailing pods to rapidly
increase your firepower. This fairly elaborate but simple system allows a
quick build-up in terms of power and flexibility. You don't have to wait
long for a the ship to show-off its fire-power.
While most shooters can be a bit difficult and opaque for more players,
W-Ring might be a good place to start if you're not completely familiar with
the conventions and expectations of the genre. Making the gameplay somewhat
easier and more accessible, a single stray shot won't immediately destroy
your ship, and instead degrades your abilities and lessens your firepower.
While this might slow the momentum down a little bit, it doesn't completely
stop your progress. It makes for a more acessible title, since you can
recover from minor mistakes and not be penalized with a trip all the way
back to the beginning of a stage without any power-ups.
This gives you some room to breath but it's not a cakewalk. W-Ring's
difficulty scales up quickly so you'll need skill and persistence. When you
reach W-Ring's later, more challenging stages, things rapidly become more
intense. An increasing number of smarter and faster enemies are arrayed
against you in persistent forms, allowing you to take a good sweeping of
them, easily wiping the screen in certain sections. The game's smooth
controls make for an intuitive and accessible shooting title, allowing you
to quickly gain proficiency, though there are several levels of difficulty,
making it easy to perform practice runs. W-Ring's structure follows the
pattern you'd expect, with standard-stage fights leading to end-stage boss
These elaborate boss battles feature far more challening and impressive foes
than the ones seen in the main game. Encounters with these impresive,
screen-filling creatures can offer an unexpected challenge. Some of these
bosses are impressive in terms of design, simultaneously making W-Ring a
visually pleasing. They're somewhat difficult to defeat, but there are
predictable patterns and bullet placements that you can anticipate, and
dodge. Sometimes, the game will highlight and spotlight pronounced
weaknesses that are easy to spot. Hitting them when fully powered-up is
usually the best strategy, but most of the gsme's bosses can be defeated
even without a full compliment of weapons enabled.
W-Ring flows fairly nicely throughout, delivering a fairly good balance of
gameplay skill and strategy. Excellent animation, varied stages and an
interesting sequence of themed levels makes for an consistently interesting
game that's aesthetically pleasing throughout. The game plays smoothly with
little slowdown. Detailed and nicely animated enemies, cool-looking
backgrounds and a consistent look shows-off the PC Engine hardware
effectivly. A polished and engaging soundtrack helps to prope the action and
keeps you motivated without overwhelming the action. It's a little bit
shorter than would be ideal but W-Ring delivers a satisfying package that
brings an intruiging style to the shooter genre. W-Ring's appealing mix of
consistent gameplay mechanics, intuitve controls and challenging levels make
it for an engaging shooter on the console. It's not the most well-known
title, but it's definitely worth seeking out.
- Michael Palisano
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