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The Laser Guide to Video Games |

(PC Engine - 1991)
Saint Dragon (PC Engine - 1990)
Starting with a similar theme, but arriving at completely divergent results,
these shooters showcase the diversity and consistency that have kept the PC
Engine top-of-mind amongst players for many years. Both titles star dragons
in horizontally scrolling shooters. but do so in very different forms. Naxat
Soft's Coryoon is the more engaging and immediately appealing title. Its
cartoonish design is well-suited to the platform's inherent personality. Its
visual-style is light-hearted, taking players on a fun romp through a
fantastical series of levels. Coryoon is a little child-dragon who endeavors
to blast through stages filled with opposing forces. Beginning with a single
shot, he can fire at anything on the screen, using two basic approaches.
You either can use the standard shot, aiming at the other side of the screen
to fill the screen with a line of bullets. This is an effective weapon that
sweeps through enemies with some effort. Plaing with the auto-fire switch
turned on makes things much easier. It lets him attack an the opponents
without much effott. More interestingly, you can hold Coryoon's fire, and
build up his energy until it maxes out, when you release a single large
burst. Its quite effective at larger enemies, letting you sweep right
through more difficult sections. This makes for some interesting strategy
where you can time your moves and focus your shots on more powerful enemies.
Its important because when they're shot, enemies release special items, like
fruits that you can collect to increase your score. While aiming for a high
score might seem a bit superficial, this approach gives the gameplay added
and welcome depth.
Levels are fairly easy to traverse in terms of layout and structure and this
straightfoward approach makes for an immediately accessible and enjoyable
game. Its enemies are fairly easy to battle, and while the end-stage boss
encounters are fairly predictable, they're still fun and engaging .
Progression through the stages increases rapidly with numerous power-ups
quickly enhancing his firepower. You can make fairly successful attacks
using these, allowing quick dispatch of enemies. Along the way, there are
numerous upgrades to find that allow him to get through waves with little
effort. Coryoon's gameplay is somewhat easier in its earlier stages, but it
becomes more challneging as you reach later stages. These levels offer more
enemies that form less-predictable patterns, which should keep engagement
levels high. Motivating players further are numeorus collectibles that offer
a variety of entertaining, and somewhat surreal attacks. Coryoon's appealing
visual style arrives with a fairly consistent look throughout that's
enjoyable to watch and simple, making it easy to see where you are in
relation to enemies. Coryoon's animation is fluid and sharp, showcasing an
appealing cartoonish style that looks bright and colorful throughout.
Its accessible controls make for a fluid gameplay experience that's
straightforward and consistent throught. You won't need to climb much of a
learning curve to get the hang of Coryoon, but its immediate appeal and
cartoonish approach is underpinned by challenging gameplay that becomes
evident as you progress deeper into the game's stages. Its a surprisngly
deep and polished shooter with robust level design, interesting enemies and
surprisngly high-replay value thanks to its consistent aesthetic and
intuitive controls. Coryoon isn't the hardest or most complex shooter on the
PC Egine, but there's more than enough substance beneath its
brightly-colored exterior to make it seeking out.
Taking a darker approah Aicom's Saint Dragon is a more mature shooter that
offers some interesting twists on the genre. Instead of piloting a small
ship that appears onscreen as a single contained object, the 'ship' is a
metallic dragon consisting of multiple sections that can be manipulated by
the player. This makes for a unique play mechanic where you're given a more
challenging set of problems. The dragon's connected-sections move behind
it,trailing your movement, and the trick here is that you can use these
trailing sections as shields since they absorb shots, or as weapons since
they destroy any enemies in their path. However, the dragon's head is
vulnerable and will be destroyed if it comes in comes in contact with
enemies. This gives Saint Dragon a unique strategy that allows players to
change the dragon's position for advantages beyond what yoiu'd expect in a
standard shooter.
You can collect multiple power-ups that increase Saint Dragon's firepower,
and some of these are quirte effective, with an array of functions that
allows for plenty of different attacks. Most of the gameplay is fairly
straight-ahead shooting, but the challenge comes in the occasionally
unpredictable enemy placements and surges of attacks, which can be difficult
to dodge. While some of the patterns are predictable, avoiding enemies isn't
as simple as it appears. Some foes attack from behind, below which which can
appear in from virtually any angle, making them difficult to avoid.
Saint Dragon's somewhat lengthy levels unfold at a fairly fast pace and but
players can build up their endurace chaining multiple power-ups to create a
very stong dragon. In-level standard gameplay is fairly difficult but makes
good preparation for the massive encounters with some impressiv end-stage
bosses. These battles rage quite a bit longer and more intense than you
might expect, requiring consistent concentration and sustained effort to
defeat. The impressive bosses usually fill the screen, attack aggressively
and put up a relentless fight. with nearly unforgiving difficulty. Players
need to memorize their patterns, anticipate their movements and make few
mistakes. Your concentration, skill and endurance are rewarded with a trip
to the next stage, where additional waves of vexing enemies await.
Saint Dragons' elaborate boss-battles can be quite difficult, and
occasionally frustrating but the efforts is rewarded with some cool stage
designs, impressive boss creatures and a satisfying progression where you
feel like you've earned every victory. Its a fairly dark game with a
somewhat gothic feel. Stages are filled with horrific creatures and foes
that range from demonic and creepy to some that might be considered
frightening. An ominous soundtrack accompanies the action, setting a
somewhat dark tone that fits the mood and design perfectly. Its consistent
controls allow players to move around with a great sense of freedom of
Playing is fairly intuitive with smooth controls. Stages unfold at a decent
clip and most of the challenge comes from anticipating enemy patterns and
knowing how to counter their attacks. Its a fairly difficult, and somewhat
dark experience. Saint Dragon's uncompromising approach succeeds is mainly
because the challenge it presents never feels onerous or unfair. Its cool
design is stylish and dark. It runs fairly smoothly throughout with
detailed, smoothly-animated the enemies that look the part. Its look and
feel is fairly imersive, wih multi-plane backgrounds and stages effectively
creating an engaging atmosphere. Saint Dragon's design succeeds for the most
part, offering challenge and consistency. It might take some time to get
used of its unusual controls and master its occasionally frutstrating
patterns, but its distinctive design aesthetic and engaging play-mechanics
make it one of the more unique shoot-'em-ups on the system.
On first inspection, both of these PC Engine shooters might appear to offer
vastly different experiences, both share important elenments. Solid gameplay
mechanics, interesting power-ups and consistent stage design make for
cohernet and appealing gameplay. While Coryoon emphasizes the carttonish
side, there's plenty of challenge with enough depth underneath its bright
colors to keep you coming back for more. The darker Saint Dragon gives
players a more difficult task, but is rewarding and entertaining in its own
right. Despite divergent aesthetics and gameplay, Coryoon and Saint Dragon
are prime examples of how the classic shoot-'em-up genre thrived on the
- Michael Palisano
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