Grind Stormer
- Publisher: Tengen - Developer: Toaplan (Genesis - 1994)
Consectutively replaying the somewhat dueling modes represented under-rated
Grind Stormer represents a uniquely structured releases on the traditional
space-shooter front. This approach offers surprising variety and
flexibility, at least from a commercial standpoint. It's surface design
appears standard and its design resembles little beyond what you'd expect
from a traditional shooter on the surface, with a solid appearance
throughout starting with the menus and extending towards the high-score
input. The top-scrolling shooter delivers most traditional elements of the
genre. Its engineo offers solid mechanics by Genesis standards, delivering a
fluid, top-scrolling title that sufferd little in the way of slowdown.
There;s occasional flickering but nothing signifivcant. Grind Stormer blends
with the familiar style of Raiden Trad, Sol Deace, Vapor Trail or dozens of
other similar releases. This is one of the better examples in terms of
interface and controls, offering a smoth gameplay experience. It's frantic
pace and pitiless challenge remains substantial, maintaing a consistent
challenge throught It's a technically impressive releaase with engaging
enemy patterns and steady pacing that holds your interestl. Grind Stormer
does an excellent job constructing the basic elements that make
shoot-'em-ups so enduring and appealing,
Players will skillfully traverse a series of
robust environments that deliver surprisingly challenging levels arranged
with occasionally vexing formations of opponents. Backgrounds offer a
surprising variety of botanical and natural locations that scroll by
smoothly. Ranging from traditional foes that are easy to destroy with a
single shot to more elaborate boss encounters with layers of defenses that
need to be defeated. Grind Stormer moves at a consistent frame-rate
throughout that remains consistent in both modes of play. The responsive
controls go a significant way in keeping your reflexes alert and doesn't
fall short of high expectations set by the generally consistent and engaging
Toaplan name. Going a bit deeper under the surface, you'll find a
surprisingly robust amount of settings and menus you can use in the menu
screens that allow you to adjust the number of ships, continues, Players can
also adjust the overall speed and difficulty and challenge quickly and
effectively, offering extensive replay value.
Beyond these
traditional parameters, you'll quickly discover the most significant option
delivers the biggest surprise.
Instead of limiting players to a single-watered down version of the game,
Tengen decided to include both foreign and domestic variations in a single
release. They differ in significant ways, so it's almost like giving players
two complete games on a single cartridge, Grind Stormer not only includes
the expected 'westernized' version of the game, but the unfiltered, complete
and unedited Japanese version of the game, V-V, pronounced 'Five V.' This
gives players access to a pair of superficially similar yet inherently
distinct types of play mechanics. The key difference between these modes
comes in the power-up system that significantly affects the gameplay. In the
simplified Grind Stormer mode, collecting pods automatically implements
their abilities which makes things simpler but not as interesting.
Additional options allow you to change the game's overall pacing, to your
liking or even engage in a practice mode where you can fight through rough
sections with invincibility to learn its basic layouts.
However, when you play in the distinctlively different original 'V-V' mode,
collecting power-ups builds your powers in a flexible power-up system. This
method resembling the stacking power-up system used by Gradius. Here you can
select the power-ups to use once you've accumulated the pods, you can choose
to keep them or wait until after you've 'stacked up' until the that
particular device.is indicated. At that piint, you press the power-up key to
implement its enhanced capabilities,. Timing is essential since you can move
these more opwerful weapons accidentally if you collect to many power-ups or
be caught defenseless if you use them too son and take on a weaker weapon,
This more flexible but somewhat more complicated and trickery to use, but
its increased flexibility makes for an acceptable balance that gives the
game a unique strategic trade off. Deciding which weapons will be more
effective against certain opponents adds to the challenge and replay value.
As expected from Toaplan release, the production values are superlative by
Genesis standards. Fluid controls are easily implemented with a smooth
consistent appearance throughout that features impressive sprite work
throughout. grind Stormer's sound effects and nicely-orchestrated music are
above-average for the hardware, marking an effective accompaniment to the
fast-paced on-screen action.
Its above-average graphics are impressively detailed and include some
surprisingly elaborate level designs feature inventive stages that elicit
interesting alien worlds. Alive with fauna and natural elements, these
occasionally elicit unexpected locations, Certain areas resemble what
can only be described as strange interplanetary vineyards that scroll by
underneath your ship. These vaguely-rustic levels can still bring
about strange areas that effectuvely utilize the Genesis' relatively
limited capabilities, though they look somewhat simplistic graphics by
contemporary standards. Abundant and creatively unique designs give the game
a unique look and aesthetic that differentiates Grind Stormer from the
generic, sterile space-themes that predominate in most shoot-'em-ups from
that era.
Opponent sprites showcase elaborate details, impressive scale and smooth
animation which makes them fun to obliterate. Technically, Grind Stormer
impresses since it unfolds at a consistent frame rate that doesn't suffer
much in the way of slowdown, however there are occasional flaws. This is
especailly true when you unleash one the super-bombs in the face of a
screen-filling bosses that can slow the action momentarily. These can be
tricky to defeat but you can beat them by memorizing their elaborate
patterns. Once mastered, it takes little effort to counter and anticipating
their attacks, Avoiding their longer sustained attacks while you await the
bosses' vulnerable intervals. There are noticeable periods of inconsistency,
when the bosses seem somewhat slow, almosr distracted as they srutter. The
bosses' large size might be too ambitious at points, but these probkens can
be over-looked. Sporadic minor visual problems occur and can be momentarily
distracting but they don't noticeably detract the gameplay.
Surviving Grind Stormer's occasionally frantic levels requires a high-degree
of concentration and memorization given its complicated patterns and
aggressive enemies. Supporting the player are a number of key power-ups that
work convergently to allow you to create fiery paths through the levels. The
most immediate impact comes into play when you can arrange your firing paths
simply by maneuvering the ship's targeting system. You ship's simple motions
and fluid movement can make a big difference in terms of the effectiveness
of its shots. The flexible approach allows you a measure of freedom when
choosing between a wider shot the covers a wider area or squeezing the fire
into a single flowing path that offers greater power in a single path.
Enemies fight back using an array of weapons and increased momentum but you
can counter their moves with accumulated power-ups. Most of these are fairly
easy to use and include stronger shots, larger reticules and enhancements
such as bombs and homing missiles that let you clear out a section easier
and quickly.
Enemy formations can cause some trouble occasionally and can trick you into
a corner from time to time, though this doesn't occur particularly often.
Its structure makes it more approachable than many other shooters. You don't
lose a life immediately with a single-shot and instead suffer a downgrade in
your powers. This forgiving approach allows you to rebuild your power-ups if
you make a mistake and keep moving ahead, instead of reverting all the way
back to the beginning of the stage.
The most important task you have to consider involves use of the smart-bombs
with you can detonate at certain points, you have to use these wisely. You
only have a limited number of these but they'll destroy anything within
their measured range. These weapons are powerful and effective, but only
last for a short time, and you can collect additional bombs if you're lucky
enough to find one of the gently-pointed power-pods floating down the
screen. UNfirtunately, these power-ups are somewhat limited in number and
replacements don't appear often, so use them wisely. Still, they're
prevalent enough, to be useful component of your strategy, at least in the
standard Grind Stormer mode. However, this strategy changes substantially in
V-V mode, you need to store multiple power-up capsules to unlock these
weapons, which makes them more challenging to use. This system requires
prescient timing and forethought where you have to decide in advance which
might be the most effective against specific enemies.
Grind Stormer's effective level design offers an intuitive balance of
challenging sections that require dexterity and skill to defeat, along with
more open sections that are easier to fly through. Stages can be a little
long at times. but never becomes excessively tedious. Strongly resembling
other Toaplan shooters such as Truxton, Grind Stormer brings an immediacy to
its gameplay that starts at a fast pace and doesn't really trail off until
you press the pause button. Structurally, some familiar elements from other
games recur, such as the wave power-ups and smart bombs seen in other
Toaplan releases from the same era. A cool visual cue evokes from the
developers' earlier releases when the levels shred, fall into pieces and are
quickly sliced apart when you lose a life. With its many options, both
versions of the game provide a fairly challenging and entertaining shooter
that offers springing amount of depth and polish. Grind Stormer is an
excellent title with mutiple modes of play and extensive repkay value that
delivers a satisfying and challenging experience.
- Michael Palisano