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The Laser Guide to Video Games |

Power Strike (Sega Master System - 1988)
Power Strike II (Sega Master System - 1993)
The best shoot-'em-ups don't always appear from expected sources. Take for
example, these somewhat obscure releases from Sega and legendary developer
Compile. Released as a limited edition, mail-order only title, the first
Power Strike nearly slipped under the radar when it arrived in the states.
It's a shame since Power Strike is one of the more thoroughly-polished and
reiliably entertaining titles for the Master System. Taking a traditional
approach for the most part, this vertically scrolling title places you in
the pilot seat of a space shooter. Waves of enemies attack you from all
directions requiring a heightened awareness of your surroundings. Its
diffiult at first, but playing through a few times reveals patterns and
speeds that make subsuequent forays much easier. Responsive controls and
straightforward play mechanics ease the learning curve, making the gameplay
somewhat challenging but not excessively difficult.
Players face numerous types of foes with stationary ground-based opponents
along with those flying in attack formation. Its easier to attack the bases
but they aren't always sitting ducks. You need to be careful since these
enemies string bullets and shots in long rows, making it difficult to avoid
their lines of fire. It still takes a bit of practice to get into its
rhythm, but when you get into its flow, you'll find several unique features
that enhance the challenge and replay value. When hit, many of the enemies
release small point-capsules that add to your score. This is important
because you can earn extra-lives with when you reach certain thresholds. Its
solidly constructed level designs follow a somewhat traditional structure,
with players racing through a standard shooting stage climaxing with a boss
battle at the end of each stage. Some sections of the stage have more
opponents than others, as multiple ships attack the player's ship
The task in these sections is finding the small safe-areas, weaving through
and surviving. Its made easier if you have a fully loaded ship with all its
enhancements enabled. Some of these can be used as shields, and this makes
suriving the more intense sections of the game easier. Power Strike's most
interesting mechanics lie in its power-ups which are helpfull numebred and
appear sporadically as you traverse each level. There's a good variety of
these available. Capsule unlocks a specific weapon and attack, such as wave
fires, sweeping lasers and other goodies. The trick is chaining them
together to maximize their effectiveness. Some of these are easier to use
and more useful than others, and players can take a counter-intuitive
approach by avoiding the less-effective power-up capsules. can instead use
these to defeat the specific enemies you're facing. Power Strike's balance
of reflex and strategy is fair and consistent throughout while its pace is
relatively quick.
Unfortuntately, a few minor flaws make the game a bit less polished than it
could have been. The most noticeable of these are the frequent bouts of
slowdown which occur more often than they should. It hurts the momentum of
the gameplay, throwinfg off your timing and rhythm, making for a choppy
experience at points. Some of the levels look a little plain and bland in
comparison to others and this also leads to a title that falls slightly
below its potential.
The good news is that the sequel, Power Strike II, fixes many of these flaws
to create a more polished and impressive experience that's more robust and
satisfying. There are some key differences that make a huge change. Instead
of being set in a generic planet, the sequel takes a cool 1930's-style
steampunk approach, which immediately leads to more imaginative enemy
designs and more robust levels that evoke a strange and interesting world.
Its new setting makes it feel almost like a completely different game, but
there are some key similarities. The numbered power-ups make a welcome
return, with a new set of super-weapons to use. A more varied array of
enemies appear on the screen. and they shoot much faster. Countering this,
your ship feels more responsive and its new weapons are more effective. This
is especially pronounced when you reach the later stages, where the
increased intensity and difficuty is immediately noticeable.
Its Improved visuals create a vibrant experience. The theme is
well-implemented with cool ship and enemy designs and interesting level
variations. These combine in creating a coherent look with smooth animation.
Its one of the best-looking Sega Master System titles in any genre but it
also succeeds on a technical level. Power Strike II plays smoothly with very
little of the slowdown that plagued the first title. The feel has also been
greatly improved with smoother scrolling, a more responsive ship and better
enemy patterns. The levels unfold with more style than the first game,
giving the play mechanics a much-improved flow. Your momentum depends on
skill, but the enemies respond with more bullets that seem more accurate,
making them harder to dodge. It plays a bit faster than the original and the
increased intensity makes for a more challenging experience. The balance is
weighed on the more difficult side of things, but Power Stone II's many
improvements reward the added effort.
This is especially true when it comes to the end-of-stage bosses. Instead of
the fixed-position bases your ship faced in the first game, you now have a
lively assortment of screen-filling baddies to dispatch. They're less
predictable and much harder to destroy, and the added intensity of these
encounters is a key difference that gives Power Strike II a distinct
personality seperate from its predecessor.
Playing both titles back-to-back makes it easy to see that a significant
evolution occured in the shooter genre in the gap between release dates. The
first Power Strike is a much simpler and more straight-ahead shooter. Its
rather pedantic pace and somewhat generic approach seem to have more in
common with earlier SMS releases like Astro Warrior. While not perfect, its
still entertaining and challening in its own right and delivers a solid
shoot-'em-up experience. It also interesting for the reason that it strongly
hints at the unique style and gameplay mechanics that would become Compile's
trademark later on, in titles like Gun Nac on the NES. This alone makes it
worth playing though the implementaion is a little rough in parts.
Released approximately five years after the original game, Power Strike II
shows an impressive evolution. Sharing some basic elements, the balance has
been fine-tuned to create a smoother gameplay experince, with superior
visuals, a slow-down free game engine and moe elaborate bosses, these
changes mark singificant and welcome improvements. While the appeal of
shoot-'em-ups is probably a little limited these days, both games have held
up nicely thanks to their solid play mechanics, challenging level designs
and highly polished implementation. They're some of the more enjoyable
action titles produced for the under-rated Sega Master System plaform, While
both are elusive these days, both installments in this Power Strike series
are worth seeking out.
- Michael Palisano
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