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The Laser Guide to Video Games |

Raiden (PC Engine - 1991)
Super Raiden (PC Engine - 1992)
It would be easy to overlook these conversions of Raiden for the PC Engine,
since the platform was home to many flashier and more elaborate shooter
titles. Saibu Kaihatsu's Raiden was always a bit of a slow-building title
with an appeal that sneaks up on the player, revealing its nuanced and deep
gameplay after extended play sessions. Its approach is one of the key
elements of this appeal. One of the key differences between Raiden and the
many other shoot-'em-ups on the plarform are its aesthetics. It takes a
slightly more realistic look at the genre, with a muted, almost monochomatic
color palette. Initially, this approach might seem underwhelming, but
Raiden's subtle visual-style works almost perfectly within the confines of
the game. Raiden is proof that in some instances, looks can definitely be
decieving. The grayish approach isn't completely flat, with extensive use of
shadows that gives Raiden's levels a convincing sense of depth many of its
more colorful contemporaries lack. This also has the subtle benefit of
making enemies and power-ups visually straightforward, making it simple to
locate them while their brightly colored bullets are easier to avoid against
Raiden's subdued backdrops. The animation and design is above average, with
an appealing style that brings a cool realism to the levels that maintains a
dynamic flexibility.
The gameplay maintains a fairly consistent level of difficulty throughout.
Earlier stages help set the stage with a good variety of opposing forces
attackin you with a fairly standard set of attack pattern. While there are
parts of Raiden that seem difficult to beat, the game's balance is fair. You
should be able to get through a significant portion of the game without much
effort, using mainly your reflexes. However. there are some predictable
patterns that emerge as you play through the game. This is particularly true
when it comes to the boss battles, where the end-stage guardians typically
use the same attack patterns. Learning these patterns and finding their
vulnerabilities is probably the best strategy. In addition, you can even the
odds by memorizing their position and timing should help you get through
some of the more difficult sections.
Standard shots are effective in most situations, but the game's power-up
structure gives you the chance to build your powers up gradually. As you
play, you'll find two basic types of power-ups. red and blue. Each one
offers a different type of weapon, with the red boxes bulding up standard
red bullets that gradually expand outwards until they scrape throughout the
screen. Going for the blue boxes gives yo a laser that's more focused, but
highly effective in sweeping through a focused section. Stacking these
power-ups in succession gives you an incredible amount of firepower. but
this isn't the full extent of your fighter's capabilities. Along the way,
you can also fire a super bomb that unleashes a massive exlposion that
destroys everything within its radius. When you unleash your super-bombs and
other attacks, it makes their explosions feel quite dramatic, their massive
explosions stand out in sharp contrast when unleashed. The attention to
detail in these sequences is impressive, with the large craters left in
their wake permanently scarring the landscaoe.
This marks a dramatic flourish during each stage but you only have a couple
of these weapons to use in each level so you need to be careful and time
them for release at the right time. You can't rely on them in every
situation, either. The areas of the immediate explosion offer protection,
but you're still vulnerable to enemy fire if your ship is outside the blast
area. Carefully manueviring your ship to avoid enemy fire should allow you
to get through most sections. Skilled players shpuld be able to hold off
using their bombs until they encounter the boss fights at the end of each
stage, but players occasionally might have to use them in some more
challenging sections. Raiden's play balance is fairly consistent throughout
and most players should have little trouble cutting through the normal
sections of the game. There's an excllent balance between your firepower and
enemy attacks, which makes playing feel challenging but not frustrating.
There's a traditional shoot-'em-up structure that's implemented nicely, with
each stage gradually building towards a final battle. One of the more unique
aspects of Raiden that players should note comes after you defeat the end
boss. You gain a bonus score that's multiplied from both the numbers of
bombs you have left and how many bonus pods you've collected along the way.
While not necessary to complete the stages, these scores give you an added
incentive to play through the game repeatedly for a higher score.
Two seperate versions of Raiden were released by Hudson Soft an while they
share superficial elements, there are some key differences. The standard
HuCard offers an impressive conversion of the arcade game, with a decent
soundtrack, impressive player animation and little slow-down. It controls
beautifully and fluidly with the standard d-pad with excellent, faithful
visuals that recreate the arcade title's design and structure to a very high
degree. Its one of the better shoot-'em-ups on the plarform in terms of
polish and gameplay but there's an even better option if you have the CD-Rom
attachment or a Duo console. Super Raiden is an enhanced version of this
game that improves on it in a number of impressive ways. The robust.
fully-orchestrated CD quality soundtrack is more elaborate and richer, with
robust arrangements of the game's score and enhanced sound effects.
Most importantly, players will also discover two additional levels unseen in
the HuCard edition that further extend its replay value. Aside from this,
the game engine appears largely unchanged, which isn't too much of a
detriment, since the HuCard's presentation was already impressive. Both
editions offer a fairly good, subtile an entertaining take on the genre.
Raiden was never the most elaborate shooter but its depth of play, solid
mechanics, challenging level design and strategic implementation of massive
bombs are keys to its enduring appeal. Its a satisfying shooter that plays
beautifully and smoothly throughout its many levels. Both editions are worth
playing but the extra stages and enhanced sound make the CD-Rom edition the
preferred choice. However, no matter which flavor of Raiden you prefer, you
most likey will leave your session satisfied. This is an ever-green title
with plenty of depth and challenge, creating high replay value. Its
classic-approach to the genre means it has held-up well. This is one of
those shmups what set the standard for other titles in the genre. It's
maintained a well-earmed reputation as an essential shoot-'em-up title and
an enduring standout in the PC Engine library.
- Michael Palisano
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