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The Laser Guide to Video Games |

Soldier Blade (PC Engine- Hudson
Soft - 1992)
Starting from unusually elaborate cut-scenes, you can tell almost
immediately that Solider Blade will stand apart from the typical
shoot-'em-up fare. Intricate backgrounds, smooth animation combine with an
outstanding soundtrack to create a title that brings you right into the
center of the action. A perfectly implemented first-stage familiarizes you
with the basic play-mechanics. The power-up and speed control systems are
easy to understand, giving you plenty of flexibilitity along the way. A
smooth control system allows you to command your ship easirly across the
screen, maneuving it at two-different pre-set speeds. Using the slow-mode is
best for beginners looking to learn the basics, but its somewhat limited and
hurts you when you want to get out of the line of fire. Implementing
fast-speed is probably going to be the default mode for most gamers, since
it offers increased flexibility and accuracy once you get the basics
down-pat. Soldier Blade's design and implementation is fairly intuitve, so
this shouldn't take long.
Refined after three previous installements, the game's structure and
controls are sleek and responsive, there should be no problem controlling
the ship and piloting it through waves of bullets. Anitcipating attack
patterns and bullet configurations is key to defeating foes and surviving
later waves. You'll face aggressive and abundant enemies that showcase
relatively sophisticated AI. They don't sit in place mindlessly and instead
chase you every move, giving you little breathing space between assaults.
There's some leeway in the stacked power-ups which degrade your powers but
don't immediately destroy and send you back to the start of the current
level. This makes Soldier Blade more accessible than most shooters but it
still remains quite challenging. It's especially true during the harder
difficulty levels, where enemies attack with increased speed and many
additional shots. The increase ferocity makes for a more challenging, but
increasingly satisfying game. You'll need excellent reflexes and a good
sense of anticipation if you want to survive. At first, the opponents might
appear difficutl to counter, especially several levels deep. but after some
practice with repeated play, you can learn to anticipate and destroy them
Standard enemies put up a fight, but you need to be more careful when larger
foes attack, especially in groups.These can impede your defenses and whittle
down accumulated power-ups mercilessly, so you need to stay out of their way
and learn to counter-attack them when they leave an opening. Much of Soldier
Blade's difficulty depends on the player's experience and level of skill,
but this can be disbursed somewhat by charging power-ups and knowing when to
implement them, which goes a long way in flattening the learning curve.
Soldier Blade's design is slightly more elaborate than most PC Engine
shooters, but the game implements a fairly good balance between difficulty
and accessibility. It maintains an excellent consistency in play mechanics
throughout. This means successfully traversing early stages will aid you
when you reach more difficult later areas, with you built-up skills
enhancing your overall skill-set without becoming overtly harsh. Its
intuitive design and excellent play-balance means most players should have
little trouble progressing to later stages.
The game's power-up system is fairly elaborate but straight-forward and easy
to understand. The first element you'll be able to collect are side-ships
which reflect and mirror your position and fire additional shots at foes.
These are pretty good at supplementing your ship but not your only offense.
As you defeat enemies. they'll release smaller pods that subsequently swing
from side to side. When these are collected, they enhance and add to your
power significantly. There are three basic types: Red pods represent
standard shots, Blue pods powerful laser fire and finally Green pods which
uleash wave attacks. As your ship accumulates power. it can sweep over
enemies with much less effort. These stacking enhancements quickly allowing
you to reach full-power and take command of the playfield, cutting through
enemies with little effort. This gives you what feels like near impunity, at
least for a short time against standard enemies. Bosses can counter these
with larger more powerful shots that can quickly drain your powers and
destroy your ship. These weapons can be quite effective. However, you need
to be careful since you lose energy and downgrade a level when you're
ensnared by a single shot, so you need to avoid taking too many hits.
However, there's another key advantage on your side. Each power-up level
allows you to fire off single-burst super attacks. These can take the form
of targeted or homing attacks that allow you to hone in on their weak-spots
remotely for a brief time, or unleash a powerful blue laser beam that fills
a quarter of the screen which destroys anything in its path. However, this
burst only lasts a few seconds so use it sparingly. Additionally, the green
homing missiles and red vulcan shots are limited to only a couple of
diminishing attacks, depenidng on how many levels you've powered-up, so you
need to be careful when you use them. An effective strategy is to save them
for when you encounter one of the bosses, since they help to counter their
larger shots and elaborate attack patterns. They usually won't defeat a boss
on their own with a single implementation, but can significantly degrade its
abilities by destroying portions of the machines, such as blowing up an arm
or leg on a powerful mech. This has the effect of significanrly reducing its
firepower while giving additional room to manuever around the screen without
fear of getting caught in its massive attacks without an escape route.
Soldier Blade's basic level structure is divided into standard sections,
where you have to fight off a relentless assault of foes. When you reach
each stage's half-way point, the action pauses for a significant sub-boss,
where you have to battle against a single large foe in order to progress.
These are relatively simple to defeat, at least in the early stages. The
strategy here is to find their weak spot or vulnerable section while
avoiding the streaming bullets they throw your way. It usually won't take
long to defeat them, and with a little bit of practice, should almost become
second nature. Another spell of standard shooting follows which is usually
relatively straightforward. Finally, you have to defeat an elaborate and
aggressive final end-boss. These usually comprise of a huge enemy that
attacks you on multiple fronts, with multiple assault types such as targeted
missiles. massive flowing weapons and other projectiles that must be dodged.
Waiting for them to display a weak point then exploiting that section takes
practice but is usually rewarded with a satisfyingly large explosion. After
you've demolished an end-level boss, you move on to the next stage where the
battle resumes over new terrain.
The standard game unfolds at a consistent pace, allowing a satisfying
jounrey to unfold at a good rate that never becomes unbalanced or
excessively frustrating. An intuitive power-up system, excellent mix of
enemies and some powerful, yet beatable bosses means that you can usually
get the pacing and skills down effectively enough to move ahead without
straining you fingers excessively. This makes for a satisfying experience
for the most part, but there are some welcome additional "Caravan" modes
that bring more depth to Soldier Blade. These are strictly-timed survival
modes where you attempt to gain the highest score on the clock before times
run out or you lose all your lives. Multilple opponents attack in swarms and
you have to defeat them as quickly as possible, while collecting bonuses and
other items to help you survive. Lasting for Two-minutes in this short mode
is a somewhat difficult task but maintaining your focus and agility in the
longer Five-minute mode takes significantly more concentration and skill.
Its a nice change of pace to see these modes included on a standard-edition
card, instead of the usual approach of only showing up on 'limited edition
compettion' cards that are typically much harder to find and much more
expensive. These timed modes are simpler, lack the bosses and
multiple-stages of the main game but provide an entertaining diversion that
gives some addiditional arcade-style play that creates an enjoyable
diversion from the intensity of the main experience.
Conveying its visuals brilliantly, Soldier Blade brings the shoot-'em-up
genre to life in vivid style that creates an exciting gaming universe to
battle through. The first thing you'll probably encounter are the elaborate
cloud-strewn backdrops that scroll beautifully in parts. These create an
occasionally beautiful counter to the typically dark, space backdrops that
predominate its contemporaries. They scroll seamlessly in the background and
mark a triumphant technical acheivement for the hardware. It's all the more
impressive considering the limitations of Hu-Card technology with its
relatively constrained storage capacity, This is all the more impressive
when you consider that two visual modes are implemnented, There's a standard
approach that fills the entire screen. This looks great and is rich in
detail. However, the gane goes further than most by implementing an
exceptional arcade 'tate-style' mode that shrinks the scale narrowly, to
make for a rectangular, yet still quite attractive mode that doesn't
sacrifice animation or details when implemented.Switching between these
modes is largely a matter of personal preference, but on a larger screen,
the edge is apparently with the narrower arcade-style mode which gives a
clearer field of vision without compromising the fantastic visuals.
Soldier Blade's main ships are fluidly animated and occasionally quite
large, Many of the opposing ships showcase an impressive level of detail
with exceptional animation and movement that flows together effectively,
Thier impressove design goes a long way in explaining the game's longevity
in appeal with impressive designs that implement a high degree of detail in
their mechanical and futuristic designs. These consist of mechanical
desings, robotic visuals and brightly colored weapons that contrast
effectively in most areas. The game's visual engine is impressive and
consistent. It flows exceedingly well throughout, with little in the way of
slow-down or glitches. The game's graphic artists performed an excellent job
in designing and creating a coherent and consistent visual approach that
stands a few levels above that seen in most shoot-'em-ups on the console.
LIkewise. the music and soundtrack achieve an excellent consistency that
compliments the action without overwhelming the game. It mirrors the action
effectively, staying somehow in the distance during normal stretches while
quickening its pace and intensity when you face a boss. Sound effects take
little chances here and there, with some impressive voice-sampling helping
to accentuate specific areas while never going overboard. Soldier Blade's
audio and soundtrack maintains an impressive consistency, lending a strong
appeal throughout the gameplay.
Continuing the saga from three earlier games (Star Soldier on NES/Famicom,
Super Star Soldier & Final Soldier on PC Engine were its antecents) this
title represents the culmination of skill and knowledge, making it one of
the more impressive shoot-'em-ups on the platform. Its play-balance is
superb and consistent, offering an excellent blend of skill and challenge
that should keep players satisfied for an extended period. Its accessible
weapons and upgrade system is easy to understand for the most part yet
offers plentiful flexibilty with impressive rewards consisting of
mass-explosions and screen-clearing sections that bring ample engagement to
its gameplay. Smartly designed enemies offer significant challenge without
feeling cheap or frustrating. From a gameplay standpoint, experienced
shoot-'em-up players should have little trouble gearing up. Intuitive
controls are fluid and straightforward throughout, making for a shallow
learning curve that most players should be able to learn quickly. Mutltiple
skill levels and speed settings create additional accessibility without
compromising its intensity of challenge without narrowing its appeal to only
the most seriously devoted players. Solider Blade maintains a strong
consistency throughout, exceeding the typical expectations for the genre in
most respects and never losing sight of its primary objective. It's one of
the most consistently entertaining titles on the platform that delivers an
aesthetically pleasing title that impresses from a technical standpoint.
Soldier Blade is a satisfying, enduringly exciting and, occasionally
challenging shoot-'em-up that delivers abundant visual appeal alongside
visceral excitement.
- Michael Palisano
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