The legendary zombie hero Sir Daniel Fortesque returns to battle once more in SCEA's excellent Medievil Resurrection for the PSP. The game brings back the long running PS1 franchise and mixes traditional platforming with mini-games and multiplayer modes. It has a darkly gothic atmosphere as you follow Dan's return to Gallowmere to battle Zarok and his evil minions once again. In addition to these battles, players will also have to solve numerous puzzles. There are also online modes, mini games and, dozens of weapons to unlock. Read our review and find out how Medievil Resurrection effectively brings the long running franchise back to life. Many centuries ago, the legendary Knight Sir Daniel Fortesque was killed while battling the evil wizard Zarok. However, the truth wasn't quite as the legend had it, since Sir Dan wasn't quickly dispatched with a sword in the eye, making his death less than noble. Zarok's return sees the tranquil world of Gallowmere once again shrouded in darkness. To make matters worse, Zarok has cast a spell and reanimated the dead, creating an evil army of ghosts and skeletons who've begun to terrorize the world. Unfortunately for Zarok, his evil spell has also brought his arch nemesis, Sir Dan back to life along with the other zombies. While his death the first time around wasn't noble, Dan now has the chance to redeem himself and battle Zarok all over again. Taking place one hundred years after the previous installment, Medievel Resurrection once again sees our hero reanimated from the halls of the dead to battle an undead army who's been terrorizing the citizens. Dan will travel and find danger and secrets as he explores the many different areas of Gallowmere. He'll start at his own where he'll begin his journey to the Wizard's castle and many areas in between including graveyards, a surreal carnival and many other areas. Medievil's structure is somewhat traditional for the genre and doesn't stray too far from the conventions seen in the PS1 titles, making it easy to get into and understand. However, there are a few interesting twists that gives the game a unique feel all its own.
Medievel Resurrection also allows players to purchase additional items by collecting the gold coins scattered around each level. In addition to this standard method, Dan can search certain levels for a golden chalice, which collects the souls of his vanquished enemies. If he collects enough of these, he is then allowed to enter the Hall of Heroes, where Gallowmere's fallen idols will help in out in the quest. The single player mode unfolds at a good pace, and offers a good variety of combat and puzzle solving areas. The game's controls are straightforward and responsive, though the battle system takes some getting used to. Navigating the menus and options screens during the game can also get annoying because it causes the action to stop, hurting the game's otherwise solid momentum. Still, the game is loads of fun, and its simple premise and accessible gameplay shouls make for an enjoyable romp for most players. It's not the hardest game you'll ever play, most enemies can be dispatched with a few simple moves, which becomes repetitive after awhile, but its still enjoyable.
Medievil Resurrection should please fans of the original PS1 series since they offer a significant upgrade in the visuals, allowing the series' unique personality to fully emerge on current generation technology for the first time. While the original games always had a strange, off-kilter design, the increased power of the PSP allows the humor and aesthetics to truly shine. Resurrection's environments are large and expansive, with a darkly gothic, yet humorous undercurrent that makes the experience feel more like a Tim Burton cartoon than a videogame. The characters are rendered beautifully, with silky animation and movement that gives the game a distinct feel all its own. The plot itself is told humorously through a series of cut-scenes and expository interludes that brings Medievel's plot up to date. Medievel Resurrection's camera system is adequete for a 3D platformer, though we experienced a few glitches. The most annoying problem was the lack of a lock on for enemies, which made combat difficult. However, these problems are fairly minor and the quality in other areas of the game more than compensates for these issues. Excellent art direction and technical know-how are evident throughout the game, with an epic score, great special effects such as water and light sourcing giving things a professional, polished appearance throughout. Medievil Resurrection's imaginative world is smartly designed with fully realized characters make for an entertaining game that offers immersive environments and an interesting storyline that keeps your interest throughout.
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