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The First Minute
I never
forgot that summer, but I knew it wasn’t meant to last.
I felt
a little out of place throughout that fall, time seemed to slip away but I
remained stuck. It was an odd feeling that came over me occasionally, and I
allowed it to take over. Washing away slowly, the summer sun would
inevitably recede and the fall would come again. I didn’t want it to happen,
but there was nothing I could’ve done to stop it. I found myself still drawn
to the ocean, but it slowly released its grip. I would often find myself
walking over the pavement sidewalks, aimlessly, wondering where the summer
had gone. Walking past the beach, hearing the ocean waves lapping against
the, it almost seemed like nothing had changed. The colder air with its
stiff breezes quickly brought me back to reality, my hazy dreams had
evaporated. I knew more than I had only a few months before, but I still
felt lost when confronted with the outside. It didn’t seem exciting to me. I
tried to anticipate what possibilities awaited but each day seemed to push
that other life further out of reach. I was able to get through my days by
keep ing those things in the back of my mind while acting normal for outward
appearances. It gave me some confidence, but it was still challenging to
separate those conflicting realties. I didn’t have as much time as I had
during the summer, and a weaker sun gave light but radiated little warmth. I
couldn’t squander time wandering around aimlessly like in the summer.
Despite my efforts to keep them at a distance, the memories came flooding
back to me often and were occasionally overwhelming. When I closed my eyes,
I could still see a shadowy form lurking in the back of my mind. It seemed
unfocused, diffused by distance. The strange events that happened during the
summer had become nearly nonexistent, evaporating back into the sky with the
autumn winds. I wasn’t able to explain this and decided not to tell anyone.
They’d think I was crazy or daydreaming, anyway. It was a challenge; keeping
my secrets and memories hidden from view. As the days progressed, it slowly
became less of a burden.
I managed to maintain appearances and went on with something that resembled
a normal life. Things settled back into place and I was able to concentrate
on other things and distract myself enough to stay sane. Occasionally, the
memories still come back and began daydreaming once again. Certain moments
kept coming back, and I was disoriented, not knowing where I was. It
happened several times over a few weeks. I needed to find some answers and
finally figure out what, if anything, had really happened. I was nervous
about where the journey would take me, but I needed to find out. The biggest
problem was finding the right time to slip away without alarming anyone. I
was frustrated at first but patiently waited for an opening when no one
would notice if I went out for a few hours. Finally, the day arrived and I
waited patiently for school to end. I walked towards home as usual. That
afternoon began like many others had over the previous weeks. I walked over
the familiar streets, my mind wandered, drifting into other places.
There were lots of other kids around, but I was able to slip away. I
took a detour through a hidden path when no one was looking. I found a
familiar short cut and found myself in back on a path I’d been down several
times. Its well-worn path was easy to follow and it took only a short time
for me to get to the other side of the hill, which was where I was actually
headed. As I walked, the muddy surface stuck to my shoes and this reminded
me of a previous encounter. Unexpectedly, more strange memories returned. I
found myself whisked backwards. Before I knew what was happening, I felt
lost and unable to move forward because the past stood in my way.
I stood there alone for a moment under the trees. It was reassuring in its
peacefulness and I was finally able to focus enough to map out the path
ahead. There was much I still didn’t know and it bothered me, I was missing
something obvious but couldn’t quite figure out what it was. I stood there
for a moment and had a quiet moment to think about things. Looking around, I
recognized familiar elements and landmarks and it seemed at first like I was
in the right place. It took a few minutes but I decided that I was playing
it too safe. I’d already found everything I needed there. I decided I needed
to get father away in my escape. I needed to go somewhere I hadn’t been
before. Maybe I’d find something that would give me some idea what was going
on, though I had my doubts. I walked down the familiar sidewalk, slowly
maneuvering over its uneven surface, heading east. I looked up, gazing into
the early autumn skies and saw something strange overhead. The clouds seemed
further away than normal which made me feel disoriented. I was being pushed
in a different direction than I would have normally gone. As the afternoon
sun reached its apex in the sky, I finally felt like I was moving a clear
direction. I was looking for a signal and didn’t see anything for quite some
time. It seemed to be taking forever, but I finally found something
promising. I walked through a
cluttered section and spotted an opening in a rusted, old chain-link fence.
I looked ahead and saw it was actually a short-cut back towards the beach. I
stood there for a few minutes, wondering where to go next. I took a deep
breath and decided that I didn’t need to go back there again. Instead, I
decided to walk towards a different area. That section wasn’t particularly
interesting at first, with not much to see along its rocky surface. As I
began to get deeper into the tall trees and walked on its steeper paths and
walkways I didn’t recognize anything. This might have scared me on any other
day, but the promise of finding something different motivated me to keep
I walked towards the higher elevations and found the air growing thinner and
colder as I got further up. I came to a clearing and took a rest for a
moment. My feet were getting a little tired and I wanted to pause and look
around to make sure I was heading the right way. I looked around and looked
across the path. Between two trees, there was another old fence, which stood
in front of another path. It didn’t seem well-marked or traveled, but there
was enough there to intrigue me. I took a chance and jumped over the fence.
Its dirty surface seemed to be uneven, which made my feet feel jagged and
rough. That path seemed like it was hiding under layers of leaves and dirt
only to reappear later on. This made it difficult to follow, but I wasn’t
going to be stopped that easily. I came to a long stretch where it seemed
almost straight upwards and I had to extend my arms out to keep my balance,
but went onwards until I reached an even section. I was about a quarter of
the way up and took a moment to survey my surroundings. I looked upwards
towards the hill. It was a steep climb and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to
make it all the way. I thought it might not be worth the effort, but I
decided to go ahead anyway. I wasn’t going to be intimidated by those
barriers. I’d done this before and took a few more steps into the unknown,
wanting to see what was ahead. Walking
up the path, I had a feeling that it would all be worth it, but I didn’t
know why. I took a few more steps upward and decided to rest for a moment.
The air had grown thinner and I was going a little too fast. I needed to
pace myself. I took the moment to think about things and decided to look
around, to see where I might be headed next. At that point, I had gotten
deep into the forest and looked around. I was definitely alone up there, and
it was slowly getting darker. The isolation didn’t bother me as much as the
lack of direction. I was making progress, but it was going slower than I
Remembering what had happened previously, I
scanned between the trees looking for a sign to give me direction. Through
the thick trunks and brush there was little for me to go on. I looked across
the clearing and noticed an unexpected opening on the east side. I made up
my mind and headed in that direction. Carefully, I moved along a somewhat
obscured path. It wasn’t easy to follow, and I had to figure out which
direction to walk. I carefully kicked the brush and dirt from under my feet
as I walked. It was a little bit uneven and I had to watch myself as I
gradually moved upwards, with a narrow path on my right. Walking a bit more
cautiously, I felt the surface becoming looser pebbles and rocks kicked
around as I walked closer towards a clearing. I made good progress, walking
at a good pace but not going too fast. It became harder to keep my balance
on the uneven ground but I persisted. I needed to see what was there. The
path took a curve inward as I neared the clearing and the ground finally
seemed to level out, becoming less cluttered as I walked further into the
trees. I was relieved but I could see the trees’ peaks slowing edging higher
over the horizon. I noticed a few odd things scattered on the ground and
stopped to examine them. They seemed to be a discarded group of old ropes,
red and orange flags and other sings that had been placed there. No one had
noticed that they’d fallen down over time, and they were easy to miss
underneath the layers of rocks and dirt. I didn’t know what to make of them
and continued onward. I saw the other side of the hill and the clearing
seemed to be just a little bit farther. I walked around another bend and
looked around. I was nearing the path’s apex and could see the clearing just
ahead. It had taken such a long time and I was finally there. I picked up
the pace and walked faster, I wondered what I would find there. I went even
faster as I moved closer. This was made easier since the land was flat now.
I anticipated an easier walk to the clearing. It took another long turn and
I began to walk faster around the corner. I felt my heart beating heavily as
my anticipation intensified.
I passed the peak and moved downward again. The ground became much less
stable and was filled with fallen branches and piles of leaves. This slowed
me down, making it harder to navigate but I persisted. I reduced the length
of my steps until I stopped again and carefully looked around. Taking a deep
breath, I paused for a moment and looked ahead towards the horizon. I felt
the air growing cold but this didn’t scare me. I only needed to persist and
stay on the path. I was confident I would reach the objective and I felt a
renewed energy at that moment. I looked ahead towards the path awaiting me.
I noticed something strange and I had to blink and look twice. As I scanned
the path ahead of me, I noticed something that made my heart sink. The
walkway ended suddenly – there was no ground ahead. Instead, there was a
sharp cliff with a large drop off. This ended with a giant chasm blocking my
path to the clearing ahead. It was a steep drop nearly vertical, and there
was no way I to cross it. There was path for me to reach the clearing. It
was impossible. All that effort had been for nothing. The air suddenly got
colder. After all that, my efforts had been for nothing.
My feet suddenly felt like rocks, I couldn’t believe what had happened. I
hadn’t thought of that possibility. I now faced the additional problem of
finding my way back. Retracing my steps would take a lot of effort and made
my heart fill with dread. I wasn’t happy about it. I felt like had wasted my
time. I looked around for a solution, but couldn’t find any. I looked down
at my worn shoes and tired feet. I had no choice. I had to turn around.
Remembering where I had gone on the
way up, I decided that the best thing to do was to retrace my steps
carefully, trying not to get lost on the way back. It was a difficult task
and it seemed to take twice as long to go back. My steps felt heavier and
harder and my feet resisted each step. I tried to make the best of it, but I
couldn’t enjoy the journey. I walked slowly back over the rocks and brushes,
over the twigs and branches. I didn’t run as I had on the way, instead
walked more deliberately. I tried to enjoy the atmosphere and looked up at
the sky to find some redemption in my mistake. It was frustrating and I felt
like I was walking backwards. Reluctantly, I slowly walked back on the path
until I reached the bottom of the hill. I was back where I started with
nothing to show for it. I looked around and saw where I had gone wrong.
However, when I looked down the other side, there was another possibility.
In the opposite direction, there was a concrete walkway that I overlooked.
It seemed to go in the other direction but something told me that this might
be more promising. I took my time and held my breath, wondering what would
happen. I carefully surveyed my surroundings, checking where I was and
marking landmarks so I could find my way back if I needed to. I felt nervous
looking into the deeper walkway ahead of me and thought about heading back
home. Something I couldn’t describe told me to keep going and propelled me
towards that mysterious path.
afternoon sun was beginning its descent so I decided to walk quickly, the
last thing I needed was to get lost in the dark with no way back. At first,
things went smoothly and I made good progress. It was a narrow but straight
walk with no sharp bends, allowing me to progress quickly.
I walked upwards moving towards the other side of the hill, gradually
approaching the clearing at higher elevations. As the air thinned, I felt a
disoriented and dizzy. I needed to slow my breathing so I could maintain my
balance. I looked down and saw the world slowly recede under my feet. As I
got deeper on the path, its pine trees grew higher and darker as I walked
upward, My steps grew more uneven,
and its concrete surface giving way to rocky paths then, nothing but dirt
and grass. Things closed in and became denser as I walked and their tops
began to converge, blocking the sunlight from reaching me. It felt like I
was entering a hidden are that revealed more of its secrets with each step.
I stopped for a moment and looked
around. I was far away from the familiar areas where I would feel safe. This
was a little unnerving but I hadn’t gone that far to turn back.
I looked at the ground and noticed that its surface was becoming slightly
muddy, taking on a different texture that seemed purposely designed to
dissuade less motivated people. The thick mud made me measure my steps more
carefully, but I was determined to find what had summoned me there in the
first place. I continued towards the clearing I had noticed on the other
side of the mountain and it took some time to get there. My feet were
getting sore and I felt the numbness coming on slowly. Even my shoes seemed
to be giving way, tearing ever slowly. It seemed like they doubted me, but I
persisted. I took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp pine air, which seemed
to cleanse my doubts. This rejuvenated my steps and I closed my eyes,
letting it seep in deeper for a minute or so. I opened my eyes and looked
upwards towards the cloaked sky, the far away clouds nominally arcing back
towards the roaring sunset. The trees seemed to grow closer together, their
branches intertwined to create a kind of shelter. I’d left behind the
outside world and it seemed to recede below me on the hill. As I walked
further in, the forest seemed to offer protection, almost purposely covering
my tracks for me. No one was following me and I was free to explore. As this
lifted my spirit, I felt stronger. I wasn’t afraid and kept moving upward, I
felt my steps grow increasingly confident as I walked deeper inside.
had a renewed energy and used this to motivate myself. I had every reason to
keep going, and walked at a faster clip, dodging the occasional sharp
branches and sudden drops along the way. After what seemed like an eternal
hike through the seemingly endless clusters of tall pine trees, I finally
arrived. As their branches released their hold on the skies, I felt the
world open up. Coming onto the clearing, I felt a sense of relief and
surprise. Everything looked different than I expected, and it was much
smaller, yet more open than I had expected. It was surrounded on all sides
and felt like small open shelter. As I walked over its edges, I felt the
ground soften. Covered in yellow, faded grass, the ground seemed to move
like waves on the ocean, slowly cresting and sinking with the wind. There
was no one else around and I felt strangely isolated, far removed from the
rest of the world. I looked above me and saw a few clouds reflecting the
last yellows and reds of the sun’s diminishing rays. I felt the air grow
colder gradually, the warmth slowly fading. It was strangely quiet up there,
even the wind felt like a whisper. I saw a small group of rocks along the
edge and took a seat on them resting for a moment. I closed my eyes for a
moment and allowed the moment to sink in. I relaxed my legs and took the
weight off my feet, allowing them a deserved rest for a few minutes. I
leaned back for a moment and looked up in the skies, and they were deserted
and empty. The emptiness wasn’t surprising to me, I thought of it as an
invitation in a strange way. Alone within the forest, I felt secure in my
surroundings, but I couldn’t relax completely. There was a reason for being
there in the first place; I wouldn’t be turning back.
I looked around and didn’t see anything that looked out of place. Walking
across the clearing, I noticed that the skies had darkened and the first
stars were becoming visible. They seemed to twinkle above me and the
twilight gave the forest surrounding the clearing a different feel, the
trees became walls that seemed to protect it from any intrusion. I looked
towards the other side of the clearing and began to walk towards it,
carefully walking as not to disturb the grasses. I didn’t want anyone to
follow me or know where I’d gone. I began walking faster and quickly came to
the other side. I looked through the thick tree trunks and saw nothing but
darkness between them. There were no signs or directions to follow and I had
to use my instincts to navigate through. I turned a little sideways and
looked upward toward the skies. By this time the stars had gotten brighter
and were now sparkling, like sequins on black canvas. I studied them for a
moment and tried to see if there were any signals, but they didn’t reveal
their secrets. I saw a small muddy path on one side of the trees, but it was
hardy visible and I had no idea where it would lead. I walked tentatively
into the forest, pushing their thick branches aside and found myself looking
back towards the clearing, which was now dimly lit under the stars. I had a
strange sensation that it would lead nowhere. It would be another waste of
time, and something there didn’t feel right. I didn’t feel safe there behind
the trees and decided it would be best to go back into the open. I ducked
under the branches and found myself back in the clearing. I looked in
towards the right side and saw something unexpected.
When I looked back to the other side of the
clearing, back to the section where I had entered the clearing, there was a
strange wooden gate that I hadn’t noticed before. I walked towards it and it
seemed to have been placed there recently. It was between two trees and
blocked off a path. I looked it over for awhile and decided it wasn’t going
to be moved. I saw no way of opening it and decided to look around for
another way through. I took another long look upward and saw that the skies
had darkened almost completely. Night had fallen over the world, and the
moon was rising overhead. I looked down at the ground once again and saw my
shadow beginning to peek out from underneath my feet. I took a walk towards
the gate and looked at it closely. As I examined it more thoroughly, I
noticed a strange gap between two of its boards. There seemed just enough
space between them to put my hand through and I decided to see what I could
find. I slipped my fingers inside slowly and felt a small handle. I tried to
turn it once or twice but it wouldn’t move. This was going to be harder than
I thought. I took my hand out and peaked inside, looking for some way to
open it. Through the moonlight, I was able to see a small button at its side
that I hadn’t noticed. I put my hand back inside and pressed it which caused
a small click to come from the handle. It popped out a little bit and I
pulled it back all the way. I heard a longer click and stood back, I heard
something moving beneath the ground. I watched it as it almost magically
slid to its left and opened a small way then stopped. There wasn’t a lot of
space to get through, but there was just enough of an opening for me to
wiggle my way through if I went sideways. I stood on the other side of the
gate and saw another button on the other side. I pressed it and it closed
back once again, leaving me on the other side of it. I didn’t know what
would happen next, but I knew I was on the right path.
I was a little bit nervous and stood there at the edge for a moment. Turning
away from the gate, I noticed there was a small group of brick covered
stairs heading downward. They were uneven and strangely configured, almost
as if they were headed backwards, with small steps leading to larger ones
below. I took a few steps down and felt the bricks jostle around under my
feet. They were a bit loose along each side and I decided to walk down the
center. It was very long before I found myself at the bottom of them. I
looked up and saw how far I had descended. I was deeper than I thought I’d
be. I looked around and there was nothing down there. Things were eerily
quiet; there was no breeze or sounds, with only a distant moon to light my
way. The small plateau was surrounded on all sides by a steep mountain that
was nearly impossible to traverse upwards. I looked around me and looked for
another clue. Something I could latch onto when I spotted the outlines of a
small metal doorway hidden behind a thick cluster of branches. I pushed them
aside and looked closer and saw that it was sealed tightly. It looked like
it had been there for a long time and that it hadn’t been opened recently.
Strangely, it seemed familiar even though I hadn’t been there before. I
looked for a lock or a latch or some way of opening it, but there was
nothing on it, and its sides were smooth and intimidating, it definitely was
something that didn’t want to be discovered, let alone opened and seen by
unwelcome intruders with their questioning eyes.
(Continue to part two)
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