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A Watchful Gaze
Despite my best preparations, even with everything
I’d seen and read up to that moment, there was no way I could have
anticipated what would happen. Once I walked through the lighted gateway,
there was no turning back, at least not for awhile. I found myself in a daze
in those first moments, but it wore off quickly. I emerged on the other side
of the gateway disoriented. I tried to take a few steps, but I didn’t feel
like there was anything beneath my feet. I looked around and couldn’t hear
or see anything in front of me. I couldn’t feel my steps, it was like I was
floating, submerged inside an endless white cloud. I turned around and saw
nothing but white air. I tried to find an orientation, but didn’t see either
up or down. I remembered holding her hand as we crossed into the other room
but she seemed to have slipped from my grasp during the confusion. I called
her name into the clouds but heard no response. In that moment, she seemed
to have vanished. I remembered all the walks I had made, the explorations –
it had brought me here. Suddenly, I saw a wave of color explode over my
head, rapidly filling the air with many shades as it rapidly expanded
outward, effortlessly reaching outward. I looked and watched as strange
shapes and clusters formed within the waves of color, rapidly changing form
and emerging into complex patterns. It was impossible to keep track the
multitude of layers as they simultaneously built and collapsed. I was
overtaken by the intensity and ferocity of this sudden burst. As they
saturated my surroundings, many of the inexplicable events came flooding
back to me. I remembered the secrets I’d discovered on my journeys and how
I’d filed them away in the back of my mind. In that moment, some of those
encounters finally began to make some sense. I remembered our encounters in
various places and the strange things she’d shown me in the past.
As the colors expanded, they intensified their cycles as they changed
shape, seeming to breathe as if they were living beings. I watched their
movements carefully, tracking their patterns as they arranged into endless
inscrutable shapes and forms. The lights pulsed in seemingly endless forms
that filled the night sky. As they unfolded though the skies, their chaotic
nature reminded me of something. It took me a few minutes to make the
connection but I noticed similarities with them to the initial beams of
discordant light that filled the room when the mysterious machine she had
built first powered up. These waves were different in a subtle way. They
seemed more natural, untamed and unpredictable. It was like they were
fighting each other, but instead clashing inside a small room, the pulsating
beams of light were competing to rule the a much larger space that seemed to
stretch on forever, which seemed to expand until it took up what seemed like
the entire world.
pulsating colors became overwhelming and I needed to escape them for a
moment. I closed my eyes and let them vanish for a moment. There was silence
and I was able to create a sense of control for a moment. As the cacophony
of light subsided, I opened my eyes and felt my feet back on the ground. I
took a few steps forwards and regained my bearings. I was able to block out
the colors for a few moments and things began to make sense once again. I
remembered what happened and quickly remembered the long journey that
brought me to that point. The waves of colors drew closer to me and passed
through everything, making it hard to navigate once again. The flat surface
didn’t help so I decided to stand in place for a moment, letting the waves
wash over me, and for a moment, it almost felt like a summer day, but the
warmth I felt wasn’t the same as I was used to. I closed my eyes once again
and let them filter though the night, allowing them the freedom to move
beneath and around me. It was a strange feeling but I felt like the
atmosphere above was expanding and reaching the ground. I waited through
this for a while and waited until the colors subsided and took a deep breath
once I could sense that they were no longer washing over my position. After
a few minutes, I cautiously opened my eyes and looked around. The colors
were still vibrant but seemed less chaotic, swirling in noticeable patterns
that almost resembled waves. I started to walk forward again and felt
something different under my feet. There was a strange buzzing sensation
building under me. I had unknowingly activated something but had no idea
what it was or how to contain the surface’s movement.
I tried to analyze the ground’s strange flowing energy, trying to pick up
patterns amidst its noisy motions. It made no sense to me. The ground felt
almost alive, and the waves seemed to be pushing me forward. I looked around
again and saw something else odd. Small breaks were beginning to show in the
swirling colors around me. They resembled small, scattered dots, poking
through the thick clouds. I focused my eyes on them and subtle changed
occurred. As I watched, discernable shapes began to form into more complex
forms and symbols. I recognized some of them from the books I read but had
no idea what many others were supposed to signify. It was a little
confusing, but as I read the symbols, I began to figure out a few things. My
doubts began to ease and my fears subsided. I didn’t know what the purpose
was, but I knew I belonged there. I
closed my eyes again and focused my objective and what I hoped to achieve. I
blocked out the lights and focused on the path ahead of me. I took several
cautious steps and slowly felt the buzzing subside. The ground under my feet
began to harden, my pace quickened and I made more progress. I was once
again walking on solid ground and moved forward with regained balance. I
looked around and saw the outlines of another world slowly emerge as the
colors slowly dissolved and their shapes and symbols dissipated into the
I walked, I felt a strange feeling and saw a strange sun in the skies
overhead. It seemed brighter
and cooler than the one I knew. It filled the entirety of the sky permeating
every area of the horizon. I looked downward and saw that I was standing in
the middle of a strange river with thick blue water that seemed more like
quicksand than anything else. I slowly moved my feet and found them quickly
moving over the surface towards a more stable surface. As I stepped upwards,
the rocky texture gave way to sand and I found myself walking its shore,
overwhelmed by a strange place I had no idea existed. . I was far from home,
and didn’t understand exactly how I’d been transported there. I looked back
again and saw that things had become more complete. Only a few small patches
of white remained and they quickly dissolved under the strange sun’s heat. I
began to take a deep breath and found the air was warming up faster than I
had anticipated. I felt the breeze begin to take up again and it blew tiny
blades of grass over my head. As they silently blew over my head, I smelled
their sweet scent and watched them gush through the skies, disappearing
quickly into the distance. I didn’t see any trees nearby, which was strange.
This made me doubt what was happening. I wasn’t sure if I belonged there,
and wondered if this was all an elaborate dream.
I had explored the forests and beaches and walked around, but this felt
different. It didn’t feel nearly as welcoming. I felt like I didn’t belong
and I was too confused to think about exploring randomly. There wasn’t
anyone else to guide me. I looked towards the alien ocean, its waves
crashing against the shore, but there were no boats sailing its
unpredictable, choppy waves. There were no piers or buoys around that I
could use to measure distance. I saw nothing flying around, and no fish
swimming in the water. It seemed like nothing more than a mass of water,
incomprehensibly washing around, swirling endlessly, aimlessly its direction
driven by a strange energy. It was nothing like the gentle summer waves I
was used to and I kept a safe distance, not wanting to be drawn into its
unpredictable mass. I had no idea where I was and which direction to head,
so I followed the shore, walking slowly until I spotted an odd-looking hill
rising in the distance. There was a path and this one seemed to lead
somewhere, but I couldn’t exactly be sure where it would lead. I took a look
to my side and noticed the water had now become completely still, with no
waves to be seen. There still wasn’t a sound to be heard, leaving no signals
or signs for me to follow. I was alone in a strange place accompanied and
didn’t know where to walk. I wondered if I was in a dream, but there was too
much going on. I took a moment and became nervous. I hesitated to move
forward into the unfamiliar terrain, and waited for a moment. I closed my
eyes again and decided to take a deep breath and think for a moment. I
remembered certain things from my previous adventures. I thought of those
strange birds that followed us around, our dances, the strange feelings at
the beach, with would come even on a quiet simmer day. The air seemed to
lighten suddenly and I felt someone’s hand on my back, pushing me forward
unexpectedly. Quickly turning around, I saw a familiar face. In that moment,
I knew she had been with me the entire time, watching me as I fumbled and
explored in that strange place opened up by her device. She looked happy and
relieved that I was there. I stood back and looked at her for a moment. I
wondered if this was all a trick she was playing on me. I wondered if this
was all something she was doing to keep me from the answers. She looked at
me and seemed to wonder what was holding me back. She seemed to be getting
impatient and took another look at me. She sensed that I was nervous and
gave me a reassuring nod. Walking over towards me, she seemed concerned and
took my hand. I was hesitant to go forward but her confidence gave me the
courage to keep walking.
We took a few more steps together and moved away from the sandy shore and
onto the firmer surface, walking towards the path and the hill unfolding
above us. We walked slowly towards the hill which seemed to grow larger and
steeper as we drew near. I looked back towards the shore and its
uncontrolled waves. The water seemed to evaporate, in the distance,
returning to the mists from which it emerged, quietly cloaking its secrets
from view. I looked ahead and she was pushing me forward. I saw the outlines
of the hill emerge. It seemed sharper and colder, with sharper points on its
surface. It reminded me of the other hill where we’d met so many times only
larger. I wasn’t as eager to make the journey up such a steep path, but she
was persistent. I was tired wanted to take a break but she wasn’t going to
wait. Reluctantly, I began to walk towards it and watched as she navigated
the uneven surfaces like she’d been there many times before. I walked behind
at a distance, carefully measuring my steps. We reached the bottom of the
hill and I felt I could finally relax for a moment. Instead, she began to
step up her pace and walked even faster towards the hill’s base. I saw a
walkway and looked it over. This would be steep climb that would require
more effort than I was used to. Determined not to be left behind, I followed
as she began to walk up the steep path. We made steady progress through the
first few steps but the path quickly grew more challenging with twists and
turns that I had trouble anticipating. The journey seemed effortless for
her, while I found every step harder and found myself barely able to avoid
tripping and almost stumbling as I tried to keep pace with her.
It was difficult to keep up while maintaining my balance and I began to fall
behind, almost losing sight of her. I was getting tired but didn’t want to
hold her back. She was determined to reach the apex and wasn’t going to let
me hold her back. She finally
relented after getting a quarter of the way up the hill. It was starting to
get a little dark and I noticed the light was beginning to dim on the path
which made it seem even more important to reach the top. Turning back
towards me, she seemed happy that I was able to keep up this far. She
grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her. She seemed to know that I was
confused, but her confidence in me was reassuring. I looked into her eyes
and still didn’t know what was happening. I took a deep breath and the air
was noticeably cooler and clearer up there.
She let go of my hand and I fell a little backwards, almost losing my
balance in the process. It took me a moment to regaining my balance. I took
a deep breath and paused for a moment. This seemed to help in calming the
unsteady ground beneath my feet. As we walked further, I felt the path
becoming smoother and straighter. It made walking easier and I quickened my
pace once again. There weren’t as many obstacles in my way and I began to
feel I was getting somewhere. I made progress and I could feel things
beginning to change.
Eventually, we came to a clearing and we stood on a level path. I looked
around and the air seemed calmer. Everything seemed cleaner and cooler as we
neared the top of the mountain. It was calm and quiet. The path slowly
dissolved under dirt and rocks, and I didn’t know where to go next, She
motioned towards me to keep going. I noticed that it was getting darker. I
looked around and couldn’t really see the source, but it was quickly
diminishing. We needed to hurry up. The path began to break apart once again
and I felt a loss of direction. Once again, I felt a little lost on the way,
and this was frustrating. I could make out shapes but they were slowly
turning into murky shadows. The night sky was starting to fill that place
and it made me feel slightly disoriented. I didn’t know where we were
heading and signaled that I needed a rest once again. She seemed frustrated.
I knew that I was holding her back, but she allowed me to rest.
My feet were starting to get sore and I After taking yet another
brief respite, we resumed our journey up the hill and it began to level out
as we neared the top. I began to sense that something different was up
there, but I had no idea what to expect. We took a few more minutes until we
finally reached the farthest edge of the path. She took her first steps
ahead of me and reached the peak while I dragged behind. She stood above me
on the ridge and I saw her impatiently looking downward for me to catch up.
Her eyes were focused on me, but I wasn’t sure why she seemed so worried, I
wasn’t going to suddenly turn around. I had gotten that far and wasn’t about
to let fear overwhelm me. I had come too far to turn back.
I walked up the last curve upward and triumphantly moved towards her
position, stomping my feet in my victory. I made it through those difficult,
heavy steps and but the weight lifted as we stood there together at the
peak. I didn’t know it at the moment, but our night had just begun. The wind
which seemed to have from above throughout was now at our side, lightly
brushing over our feet. I looked at her and she seemed different, but I
couldn’t quite figure out how. She was looking at something overhead but I
couldn’t see exactly what it was. She took out her other hand and extended
it towards me. I took her hand once again and I felt a different kind of
energy radiating from her. I felt the wind slowly diminish and it calmed my
nerves. I looked around and saw there was nothing around us. The ground was
flat and plain, with no trees or plants. It felt like I was in some kind of
alien planet. I looked upward and examined the stars that filled the skies
but didn’t see any familiar constellations. She began to walk with me slowly
pushing me towards the center of the clearing. Our steps began to
synchronize in a strange way and I began to feel her leading me with each
step. I closed my eyes and kept
moving with her, trusting in what she was doing.
I felt her release my hand and let
go. I opened my eyes and she was still close to me, but was standing in a
different direction, looking upwards towards skies the opposing horizon.
They seemed to have come into a different state, transformed by some unknown
force I didn’t comprehend. I remembered our previous encounters and suddenly
realized what she was doing.
I walked and stood just behind her. The skies above seemed to come to life
with each star pulsing with light. They moved rapidly and began to form
clouds. At first vague and disorganized, they slowly coalesced into forms
and figures. The horizon filled with shapes and figures, which seemed to
have come from nowhere. I looked at her and she seemed to be somehow
controlling the night. She motioned me to stand next to her and close my
eyes. She held my hand and told me to focus and absorb each shape. I took a
deep breath and opened my eyes once again. I was able to concentrate and I
was quickly surprised by what I saw. There were many that I recognized from
the books and drawings in my notebooks that I had kept. It was strange to
see them go from small squiggles on paper to massive shapes burning across
the entire sky. I had no idea how they formed or what they meant. I looked
at her and she motioned back towards the sky, motioning me to enjoy the
moment while it lasted. The shapes seemed almost alive and it was a little
frightening. Despite this, I couldn’t avert my eyes from them as they
changed position and formed new patterns. We stood there for a long time,
reading the symbols in the skies, gradually absorbing the moment until they
slowly dissolved, hidden again from view. As they faded away, we were alone
in the expanse of darkness. I looked at her and she seemed different in a
way I didn’t understand initially. She seemed more relaxed than I’d seen,
yet strangely detached from the moment. I moved towards her and saw an
unexpected look in her eyes. I knew that something had inexorably changed
and I wasn’t sure how or why.
I looked towards the skies once again and saw a different set of shapes
beginning to form. These resembled concentric rings, floating in the air and
I didn’t recognize their shapes or textures. The began to merge together,
forming more complex shapes and symbols in seemingly endless combinations
that seemed to build on each other, forming impossibly complex patterns that
stretched across the skies while extending deep into the night. The
familiarity I’d felt before was replaced by a strange sense that something
new was happening. I looked upward and saw strange colors filling in between
them until everything became unrecognizable. Slowly, the patterns grew in
size and intensity until they began to cover not just the skies, but
filtered back down towards the ground and quickly surrounded us. We were
once again lost a chaotic stream of colors but this time felt different. I
didn’t know what was happening and walked back towards her once again. I
tried to find her hand but couldn’t locate it. In a moment, I found myself
wandering and walking inside waves of colors, unable to find direction in
their chaotic patterns. I panicked and tried to walk in the direction where
I’d been, but I only felt like I was going backwards. I tried to run, but
the faster I went, the lighter my steps felt, the ground slowly giving way
then nearly completely falling away without warning, leaving me stranded
with waves of colors washing over me, passing through my body like I wasn’t
I closed my eyes and thought of things for a moment and decided that this
might be the final stage of some kind of test. I took a moment and set my
feet down firmly onto the ground allowing myself a few moments to ascertain
my position. I was beginning to understand what was happening and decided to
take some kind of control. I opened my eyes again and the cascading lights
were still swirling around me. I examined their patterns carefully and
waited for just the right formation to emerge. I recognized some of the
symbols forming slowly and focused my attention on their emerging patterns.
It was difficult to anticipate what would occur but I decided to keep
trying. I looked around and saw that a few of the more complicated patterns
were beginning to collapse into simpler shapes and forms. This made it
easier to see what was happening and the colors began to subside, slowly
releasing their grip. I saw a few distant stars twinkling behind the waves
and let them guide me. Examining them closely, I noticed that they hadn’t
changed position and this stability helped to mark the skies. More symbols
emerged from the horizon but they were simpler and arrived at a slower pace.
I took note of them in my mind and began to see what they represented.
Slowly, the messages became clearer and simpler and they almost resembled
words, though not ones that could naturally be spoken out loud. I sensed a
changed world and slowly watched the sky. I focused my attention on them and
began to feel a strange sense that perhaps I was almost controlling them,
though perhaps it was the opposite. The huge waves gradually diminished into
smaller rivers, then streams of light that streaked across the sky for
shorter periods of time until they disappeared. Before I knew what was
happening, the messages and lights were gone. I looked around and the night
sky was completely still, nearly peaceful in design. Only the distant
twinkling stars remained, the lights and colors left no trace of having
existed, their transient messages confined to memory.
I stood there for a few moments, submerged in the night’s shadow, only the
distant stars lit the sky. After everything that happened, things were
surprisingly quiet. I felt my own breath growing shorter and slower, the air
having cooled almost imperceptibly, like a fire had been extinguished. I
slowly walked back towards the opposing edges of the clearing, carefully
measuring my steps over its at once alien yet seemingly natural surface. I
took my time, using these spare moments to maintain the symbols, forms and
patterns that had washed over and surrounded me only minutes before. I tried
to make sense of it but couldn’t quite understand what had happened. Using
my hands, I motioned to recreate them, scaling the shapes so that they fit
the skies. I walked closer towards the walkway, reading the phantom symbols
in my mind, tracing their movements and remembering their colors. I was
distracted enough that I wasn’t bothered by the encroaching cold. I paused
for a moment and waited. I head the subtle sound of footsteps and knew that
there was someone walking behind me. In the back of my mind, I knew that she
had been observing me the entire time. I wondered if she had arranged the
lights and shapes as a test, but wasn’t entirely sure. It was still a relief
to see her again and she moved closer towards me, and firmly took my hand. I
turned and looked at her, and she nodded her head, signifying that she was
satisfied my progress. She seemed pleased that I had come so far but there
was much I didn’t know. Most important were the mysteries that she
represented. I looked at her but still hadn’t quite discerned her
motivations. I didn’t understand why she was helping me. She seemed to hold
many secrets and as she stood there, there was a palpable distance that I
couldn’t breach. I watched darkness descend from the skies, with scattered
distant stars arranged purposely. It was simultaneously enchanting and
mysterious, and she took advantage the night to cloak herself, maintaining a
strange force field that seemed to protect her.
was still intimidated by this, but I also trusted her without hesitation. I
looked at her again and waited for her to tell me where to go next. The
night was getting long and she apparently needed a break as well. I was
reluctant to leave, but there was a promise that I would return, so I
decided to go with her. We began a long walk back down the hill, descending
quickly back towards the bottom. I was getting tired, my feet were getting
sore and I was completely overwhelmed by the occurrences in the preceding
hours. I knew it would take too much energy to explore further, so we walked
down the uneven steps, leaving additional exploration for another time. I
carefully navigated the steps and allowed her to take the lead. I felt the
cold winds grow stronger and knew we couldn’t stay there forever. We finally
reached the bottom of the hill and I looked up at the clear, tranquil skies
and the flat platform beneath. I viewed it from a new perspective and it
felt distant and mysterious yet somehow familiar. I didn’t know why she
brought me there, and what the symbols and colors represented. I still had a
lot of questions and knew it would take some time to figure everything out.
The night wouldn’t last forever but we were finally standing on safe
ground. I looked at her and she seemed to echo my emotions; seemingly
excited, relieved and tired. We rested for a minute and stood together,
hiding in the shadows, quietly soaking in the moment. It had been an
eventful night but it only represented the first step. There was much left
to discover on the paths ahead.
- Michael Palisano
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