The Outside World
As the winter dragged on, I began to feel a little
bit confined indoors. I’d spent a lot of time at home and things were
getting claustrophobic during the day at school. Things felt like they were
closing in on me and I needed an escape from the inside pursuits. Having
played with my games all the time, they became predictable once I memorized
their patterns. The other toys also began to lose their luster. The one
thing I overlooked at first remained important to me and I didn’t lose track
of it. I kept the doll she gave me hidden and didn’t play with it much after
the day I decided to stay away from school. I did look at it a few times,
but it didn’t work the way I thought it would. It caused me to doubt things.
Did someone find my drawings and decide to play a prank on me, planting the
doll behind the bushes to make fun of me? It didn’t help that I wondered if
I had actually seen her on the street those few days, or if I was just going
crazy. These questions built up over time until I didn’t even want to look
at it, so I kept it in its box. Going out on my own became more difficult as
the winter progressed, though it did keep my thoughts busy. When I walked
around, I felt vulnerable and exposed. I was mostly worried that someone
would find out about my secrets, or even worse, that someone already had and
was using it against me. Keeping her secret from the outside world became a
constant pressure that drained a lot of energy from me. I was becoming tired
of worrying about it while things that didn’t matter seemed to take
Unfortunately, the cluster of trees and bushes I typically escaped to wasn’t
accessible during the winter months. The ridge offered me a refuge during
the fall and winter but there had been a huge storm a few days before which
blocked its safer entrance. The side where I had to climb up the rocks
wasn’t an option, since the ice covered cliffs made safely navigating
upwards an unworkable impossibility. I decided I could seek another form of
shelter by going in the other direction. It was a much longer walk towards
the beach but I decided it was that or nothing. I hadn’t been there in
several months and I wondered what it would be like there. Unlike my visits
in the summer, the beach wasn’t as crowded during that time of year. It was
a strange place to find yourself during winter, without the crowds running
around, the beach transformed into another world. When I looked up, and saw
the sun it almost seemed like it was still summer for a moment, but it only
gave off light and there was no heat. The wind blew right through me, and I
felt the chill, still present no matter where I turned. It was empty at that
time of year, but the cold and isolation gave the place a completely
different atmosphere.
It seemed safer with no one else around, the cold worked against any
inclination towards the frenetic energy of summer. I walked past the trees,
shorn of their leaves they loomed over the snow-covered sands like silent,
stoic guardians. Their fragile arrays of branches were saturated by the cold
winds, conversely strong and delicate. The snow beneath my feet seemed to
change with each step, feeling less frozen thanks to its proximity to the
sea, it wasn’t as harsh on my feet as the snow I encountered earlier. It
felt smoother, with less resistance. My feet didn’t drag in the drifts as
they had earlier on, and the upper layers had melted, making it less deep
and easier to traverse. As I walked closer towards the ocean, I could see
the waves were churning beyond the icy edge of the land, but they didn’t
seem as powerful as they did during the previous summer. Their calmer motion
seemed to rely less on the moment and was calmer. Without the hot sun
accompanying them, their tidal movements resembled a slow waltz with a
slower, more deliberate motion. As I stood there, I let the calmness soak
into me. The rest of the world seemed to fall further behind me as I walked
down the snow covered land and reached the point where the waves met the
frozen fortress. There was a small patch of sand that stayed unfrozen thanks
to the constant motion and as I walked on it, it felt quite different than I
was expecting. It was harder than it seemed in the summer and felt firm,
somehow stronger than it had. It wasn’t wilting under the warmth of heat and
becoming mush. I looked past the buoys towards the area where my brother and
I had gone diving and saw the ocean moving calmly. It was strangely serene,
completely unbothered by the racing boats that clogged it during the summer.
I took a deep breath and soaked the cold salty air inside me, feeling
cleansed and refreshed at the same time.
I had developed a kind of transitional peace as I walked through the beach
side. The many worthless things that consumed everyone else faded and I was
left alone to clear my head and organize my conflicts. I thought of all the
things I had been through the past few months. No one else saw or knew what
had happened, but I did. I was still looking for answers and I knew they
wouldn’t be found in the usual manner. They couldn’t be corroborated,
wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny or challenge the status. Most of all, no one
would comprehend what they had meant to me. I decided that in order to
discover what I was looking for, I would have to set my sights on a
different kind of truth. The winds blew right through me as I walked towards
the other side of the beach. I was naturally drawn there and headed towards
the old arcade. It was closed for the season with its doors and windows
locked-up to dissuade most visitors. The nearby golf course was covered and
I could barely see its signature pirate mascot hiding, submerged under the
snow banks. Next door, the game room where I had spent so much of the last
summer was completely still. I could see inside it, and vaguely saw the
machines standing there in rows, The machines hadn’t been touched in months,
and stood there like statues, silently awaiting someone to power them up and
return them to life. It had seemed so open and inviting the previous summer,
but now with its doors locked and the wind blowing through my body, it
seemed forbidden and dark. Its awnings were drawn, since there was no need
for shelter from the heat. I walked past the mini-golf course and back
towards the ocean, its unassailable silence effortlessly protected me from
the world outside.
As I walked back to the beach, I noticed the clouds were beginning to gather
in the south, darkening the skies, portending another storm. I didn’t
realize it at the moment, but it was also a sign that something else was
happening. I looked up and saw the tree branches beginning to rustle
together at a faster pace. The sun was slowly beginning to fall back towards
the ocean but there was still plenty of light. I continued onward until I
reached the edge of the sea once again, almost to the point where the waves
began to encircle my boots. Not enough to cover my feet, but I still had the
sensation like I had in the summertime. I looked around me and the place was
still deserted. I was accustomed to the solitude and found it reassuring. I
walked around the edges of the ocean and suddenly felt something around my
boots. There was a patch of seaweed that had washed up tangled up with me
feet. I bent down to unwind it and It smelled pungent as always and I decide
to pick it up. I looked at it for a few moments and thought it was strange
to find something green and seemingly fresh in the middle of winter. I put
it back in the water and as I stood up, I gazed on the distant islands with
their isolated lighthouses, luring me across the water. I thought how cool
it would be if I could swim all the way there. That would have to wait until
next summer. Standing alone at the water’s edge, I was transported for a
moment, feeling time out of sequence for a wonderful instant. My mind felt
free and wandered around mentally, allowing most of the worries to wash away
and dissipate like the surf under my feet. As I stood there, the world I
knew felt distant and irrelevant as I became lost in the rhythm of the
ocean. I was transfixed by it and slowly let it all permeate my mind. While
the waves slowly washed over my feet, the pressure and fear that undermined
me drained away. These were replaced by a precious calm. This came to an
unexpected end when I felt something on my shoulder.
She always had a way of showing up at without any warning, going back to the
first time she’d appeared. It was always a little startling. It felt like
someone had been watching me the whole time, waiting for just the right
moment to find me. That day, I wasn’t expecting to see her at all. She
seemed angry at me the last time I saw her, and I thought that meant somehow
I would be alone for awhile. Sensing her standing behind me, I didn’t even
need to turn my head. Our connection was immediate and this was something I
can’t explain. I felt a strong rush of emotion as we came together once
again. She wasn’t far away or distant, and while I like being alone, having
her nearby was something that brought an instant sense of relief. Any of the
doubts in my mind evaporated. At that moment, I knew she was there for me.
It wasn’t a joke. She wasn’t a figment of my imagination. Everything I
thought I saw actually happened. I took a step back away from the water to
get closer to her. At first I only saw a shadow outlining the icy ground
behind me. She seemed taller now than in our last encounter, but somehow a
bit less intimidating. Somehow, she knew that I wasn’t afraid any longer.
There wasn’t the need for immediate protection as had been the case when I
was dangling off the side of the cliff.
I felt older and I was a little bit stronger now, at least emotionally. I
was still a small stringy little kid but I didn’t feel as vulnerable now
that she was at my side. We stood together, the ocean at our feet and
watched the waves come through in waves. They began to become a little
stronger as the wind picked up and the storm approached. The sun gradually
faded under the clouds as we watched together silently. Slowly, I took a
step backward and stood at her side. I saw that she was in her familiar
black dress with tiny black dots. In the sun, it seemed to shimmer and flow
with the wind. Her hair was long and black, exquisitely curled in a unique
fashion, enhanced and obscuring her. She looked transcendent, with an
otherworldly presence no one else seemed to approach. Her shoes were
strange, with elaborate laces and patterns like I’d never seen. Her presence
was beautiful but somewhat out of date, with her shimmering dress unfolding
into rolled sleeves and an odd shape that enchanted me and while keeping her
mysteries inside. She looked
like someone from another place, but this didn’t bother me, since I was
didn’t feel like I fit in anywhere either for the most part. We stood there
together for the longest time, not saying a word to each other nor needing
to. Light began to dim and she reached out and held my hand, gripping it
gently to guide me in the right direction.
We moved slowly back towards the west, letting the waves wash over our feet
as we wandered towards the distant setting sun. I felt her becoming closer
to me with each step until she seemed to almost hug me as we walked
together. Her feet almost became entangled with mine but slowly we became
almost a single unit. My thoughts became much clearer as I walked with her,
the fears dissipated. I knew that there would always be someone standing
with me no matter how strange or odd my path would seem to others. It
wouldn’t always be easy, but I wouldn’t have to travel alone. My steps
became more confident and she didn’t need to say anything. This wasn’t
something transient, it was deeper. It was an almost magical feeling to have
someone who completely understood who I was. As we walked, the snow began to
fall, a few flurries at first, then a few minutes later, they became more
intense. I felt her get closer to me with each step we took, and we got even
closer as the wind tried and failed to break our bond. The winds blew
stronger and she took her other arm around me and put me into her full
embrace. As the storm surrounded us, it tried to break through, but its
external pressures only drew us closer together. The world outside attacking
us wasn’t going to break our bond no matter how hard it tried to. I felt her
heart beating and I knew she could feel mine. We protected each other from
the storm, taking strength from each other. We stood together in the middle
of the beach, just letting the winds and snow slowly surround but not
conquer us. It was then that I discovered something about her that I
hadn’t noticed before. We’d never been this close and that moment revealed
something I’ll never forget. Hidden underneath her long black hair,
there was something I hadn’t anticipated. I looked
into her gaze and saw indescribably magnificent eyes unlike any I’d ever
seen. I knew instantly that they were far beyond time, beyond even the
outside world. She stared back at me and I felt her vision slicing through
my position, cutting through me like a laser.
After all that running away, she’d finally caught me. I had nowhere to hide.
-Michael Palisano