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While the
trees slept
During the months following
our meeting in the woods, I spent a lot of time thinking about what happened
that night. My perceptions changed after the long night we shared. As
watched the storm and its unceasing rain fall over the trees, it stirred
something inside of me. It wasn’t the longest time, consisting of a single
night, but it left quite an impact on me. It was as time stood still. I
could divide my life between the time before we met and the time after. As
the days passed, her presence remained a vivid force in my life that failed
to dissipate, like many other memories had. She became an unspoken, yet
constant undercurrent in my life. She was my secret guardian, an ethereal
friend, an invisible, powerful force no one else could understand. Thinking
about her and our secret meeting began to take a life of its own. Sometimes,
it was like living two lives at the same time. It made it difficult to stay
in that world for very long without drifting and sinking into it. I remained
steadfast and kept things straight without straying too far from the path
and the moment we shared along the way. In many ways, this became a welcome
distraction from reality. I kept a low profile, concentrating on other
things to keep myself busy during the day. This allowed me to stay out of
the spotlight for the most part. I was able to fit in to some degree, and
was able to talk about things without giving up my secrets. That’s what
probably appeared to be going on the outside. I hid a lot of what I was
doing, not letting anyone see the pictures I drew of her or the stories I
wrote about our encounters. If they were seen, I knew what they were going
to say and I didn’t need unnecessary confrontations. In order to cope with
these contradictions, I created a separate identity that allowed me to keep
a foot planted in both realities. Sometimes it would slip through my filters
but I always rolled it back. I could usually cover it up though. Everyone
thought I was going through a strange phase but there was something
happening underneath that they didn’t know about. I knew what happened and
this was kept close to my heart, closely protected from anyone else. These
were our secrets, I kept for them for us and I wasn’t going to reveal them
to anyone else. It wasn’t always the easiest path to walk, but it was the
only one I wanted to take.
Darkness arrived earlier as the fall unfolded, the night slowly began to
seep into the afternoons, giving the elusive sun more importance. I had to
walk there faster if I still wanted to see things, but it also had another
effect. The nocturnal surge created a distance from the claustrophobic
daylight, giving me additional shelter from its relentless inquiries. There
was no point in explaining this to anyone, since we shared something unique.
After awhile, I became accustomed to hiding her presence from others during
the day, but this only increased my longing for it when I was alone. She was
my silent, unseen companion walking alongside me on the rock-strewn paths,
guiding me to unexpected places and showing me things I hadn’t seen before.
Slowly, I came to the realization that while I knew exactly who she was, I
didn’t think anyone else would understand. This was special and best left
between us. While her face was a vivid memory for me, I decided to keep it
out of others’ sight, to honor our code in the end.
By keeping it a secret only we knew
about, my memory retained its own identity, one that would remain strong
with me through the years. Taking this approach worked during the day, and
it was easier when I was free in the afternoons when I could explore the
world again on my own terms
I was
allowed to chart my own path on the way up there, and this freedom made me
feel less vulnerable than during the rest of the day. There was no forced or
predetermined direction for me to take home, and I could walk where I
wanted. I returned often to the woods where we sat in the rain together for
those many hours during that long storm. Each time I went back there, I
became a little better at climbing the paths and avoiding the sharp,
dangerous rocks. Learning where things were, I learned that I didn’t need to
climb straight up that cliff to reach our spot. On the night we met, I
hadn’t discovered the paths to the top of the mountain that weren’t as
dangerous to traverse. I knew where to go safely, so she wouldn’t have to
worry about saving me again. As I explored the mountain, things began to
emerge that I hadn’t seen on my first encounters. It was a much longer path,
but one I used since it was safer. The problem was that it exposed me to the
outside world a bit more. It was still hard to see from the nearby street
and the entrance wasn’t marked with any signs. It seemed like a small
cluster of woods at the edge of a nearly deserted street. Even through I
wasn’t likely to be spotted there since it was so isolated and neglected, I
made careful that others weren’t around when I entered. It was a peaceful
place and I didn’t want anyone else to following me, especially not those
who wouldn’t understand.
As the first few days of December arrived, the long autumn began to fade
into winter. It happened hesitatingly, a slow change occurring one moment at
a time. The change from October to November was scarcely noticeable. There
was an occasional cold gust that chilled the air. Meanwhile, the leaves
steadily began to fall, collecting into small piles on the ground. When they
fell, they cemented the muddy paths into a stronger, crisper walkways
littered with crackling twigs and acorns. As the trees began to fall asleep,
resting for the winter, their forms changed slowly. They were still strong
and tall, but they were slender now, with their thick branches now barren,
twisting into new forms. They seemed more vulnerable than they had in
earlier. Their brittle branches stretched far into the sky, guarding and
overlooking the ground beneath them. Their personality seemed to change with
the seasons as well. Instead of angrily blocking the moon’s radiance as the
night fell over the woods, they seemed to absorb their glow with less
reluctance as the nights grew colder. Embracing their new forms, they
adapted to the changed world and began to accept its changed reality. They
responded by creating shadows which planted distinct markers between light
and dark section into the ground. As they changed their shapes, they
revealed sections of woods where I could walk through safely, and other
areas I could walk through undetected since they were shrouded nearly
completely in darkness as the afternoon slipped away. I learned the best
paths to take, slowly it became my sanctuary. It had become a refuge where I
could be alone without feeling afraid.
usually took me awhile to get there. I had to walk, since the uneven land
and scattered rocks and twigs made running dangerous. This was even more
true after a rainy day, when the ground would turn into thick mud that
gripped my sneakers, making it more difficult to lift my feet. However, the
effort to get there was worth it. I could usually feel the day’s pressures
lifting from me once I reached the end of the pathway. I’d sit there for a
few minutes and rest. I used my backpack as a pillow and catch my breath. As
the problems of the day receded, I felt the peacefulness of the trees and
their wiry branches protecting me. Gradually, I let the world slide away.
Under their guard, I was alone and could feel myself returning to reality as
the survival constructions I built slowly peeled away. As I sat there on
those cold December afternoons, the solitude became a concentrating force,
allowing me to feel things I normally wouldn’t be able to. Through the
blowing winds and slowly receding sunlight, I could occasionally feel a kind
of echo of her spirit that still remained there. It brought me back to that
moment immediately. I didn’t have an expectation of her imminent return. It
worked in allowing me to relive that moment without needing to actually see
her sitting on the rocks again. I knew she wasn’t going to be there all the
time, but the fleeting moments we shared together were important. Our bond
was strong enough on its own without the constant reinforcement of direct
contact. As I sat there, I could see her whenever I wanted to, using a
variety of different methods that I created. They worked for me, but I
didn’t think anyone else would’ve been able to reproduce the system I had.
It was full of secret codes and things only the two of us would know.
Regardless of her immediate presence, It was the perfect place to go when I
wanted to be alone. As the days went on, I discovered that I was good at
cloaking myself and disappearing underneath the shadows. A few times, I
would hear something and a stray cat or dog would walk by and not see me at
all, which was a fairly fun game to play. It was a serene place for me to
escape; its quiet solitude brought me to another place. Even as I walked
there, I felt things lift from me. I could finally be alone, vanishing into
another world, released from expectations, alone with my memories, finally
free to think and exist without any pressure. The more time I spent there,
the more it became familiar. I found favorite spots and sections; the
locations of trees and other landmarks became second nature. I navigated
through the paths effortlessly, increasing my comfort level with each day.
As December reach its center, my journeys began to dwindle in length as the
days became shorter. These visits shrank until they became only a few
fleeting minutes, a short moment of peace, to remember and think about
things, on the way back home. Our secret was safe, but its presence slowly
diminished in my as time went on. When I was there, I always took the
opportunity to take a deep, cold breath, inhaling its purity and solace
before I left and the long winter nights took hold of the world with its
unrelenting icy grip. Eventually, it got too cold to stay outside for very
long and I didn’t visit again for several weeks. I felt a bit lost without
my times up there and I tried to think of ways to get back there. However,
it seemed too dangerous to be out alone for so long, especially when the
darkness and cold became overwhelming. I put it aside for those few weeks
and focused on other things.
the week before Christmas, I caught a break that gave me more time to
explore. The school was letting out early and this gave me more daylight to
explore once again. I returned one afternoon to find things had changed once
again. The wide rocky paths pf the fall had narrowed under the icy layers
that had accumulated. This made them harder to traverse and gave me less
leeway. I walked up through the paths and it seemed quieter than usual.
Everything radiated stillness and calm, which was at once reassuring and
unnerving. Most of the leaves had fallen and the rocks and twigs had sunk
into the ground, making the paths smoother, but also slippery. This changed
the landscape and I had to take some different paths to get there. Some of
the safer sections weren’t as predictable, making each step an unexpected
adventure. At this point, I knew the ridges and valleys well enough and its
familiarity allowed me to find my way back to our hidden refuge without much
effort. I noticed that the breaks weren’t as forgiving, but I most of the
landscape was familiar.
looked upwards and saw the old trees hadn’t moved, but they looked
different. After putting up a valiant battle, the trees finally succumbed to
the winter’s grip. I saw their thin branches covered in layers of frozen
ice, standing firm against the wind. They seemed stiffer against the wind,
barely budging against the stiff breezes that blew through. I walked towards
the other side, where I had first stood. That night earlier in the fall came
flooding back to me and I felt a rush as I remembered how I felt. Those
minutes seemed like hours when I was standing there alone on the ledge.
Moving closer to the site of my near-disaster, I remembered how afraid I was
until the moment when she grabbed me. How I was able to hold on so long was
something I couldn’t explain. She was there the moment I needed her, and I
was grateful for her presence and help. The long winter night emerged slowly
on the horizon. Its namesake moon began to illuminate the ground in its
distinctive blue glow. I stood there for several minutes basking in the
impervious light of the ascending early-winter moon. I could see the entire
town peaking out from behind the trees. It seemed smaller than I remembered
in some ways, but also less cluttered. With wind and ice that had
accumulated, if I squinted hard enough, the reflections in the windows were
twinkling as the sun slowly began its descent. The ledge was near the top of
the hill, with a long way down if a single slip occurred. I stood there for
quite awhile, letting the wind blow through me, allowing the cold to
permeate my body. Slowly, I felt myself becoming as stiff as the trees
surrounding me. It let me think about things in different ways. I was able
to transport myself back to that night and relive that moment. Once again, I
could feel her hand as it grabbed me, the way she held onto me, and how
quickly she was able to pull me up. It had seemed effortless, she forged an
immediate bond, and her grip instantly replaced imminent danger with safety.
As I stood there at the edge of the cliff, I thought of how my perceptions
of the past frequently changed as subsequent events occurred. This brought
back our encounter because the memory was so different from so much else
that had happened. It remained as vivid and unchanging as the rocks beneath
my feet. The memory was unchanging, perfectly replicating itself exactly
each time. It flooded back and crested towards that moment. She was there at
the moment I needed help. It was as clear as if it had happened a minute
ago. It was the kind of moment that stood out in time, a clear line that
wouldn’t change shape. I held onto it for months, knowing what I knew, and
where I was, it brought a shiver down my back, it could have ended there,
but it didn’t. I stood near the edge of the mountain for a very long time,
but even my endurance wasn’t enough to take the direct assault for very
long. I walked back towards the safer middle of the mountain, where the
ground was flat. I soaked it all in, knowing that additional opportunities
for visits were dwindling fast, I didn’t want to let it go. I looked up and
saw the clouds begin to darken. I could feel another storm forming and I
knew that I wouldn’t stay there through the night. I watched the clouds
slowly overtake the moon and felt the winds begin to blow stronger. As I
began to walk back towards the other side of the hill, I felt a few small
flurries on my face. It was a prelude to a much stronger wave. There wasn’t
much more time to linger there, as much as I didn’t want to let the moment
go, I knew I needed to leave. I walked past the rocks where we sat during
that long night and began to doubt, in some small way, whether it has
actually happened. I looked at them and they seemed a bit strange, a little
larger than they seemed at the time. Deciding to go a little closer to them,
I felt the snow flurries getting a bit larger and more intense, their flakes
increasing in size and volume. Soon, they filled the sky and the ground,
slowly saturating the mountain. I reached them once again and I felt a
sudden dizziness in my head. The
memory of our long night together surged into my body and it was a little
overwhelming. I decided to sit on the rock once again to regain my balance.
I thought of how close she seemed that night, and also how distant she
seemed then. I thought I could feel her presence, but wasn’t quite sure if
it was a memory or something happening at that moment.
was very strange sensation, to find myself standing on top of the ledge
again. I’d avoided that section in my previous visits, not wanting to
disturb the memory. As I sat there, I knew that she would’ve understood why
I needed to be there. While I sat there, the snow became ever more
persistent and it began to cover the ground, slowly covering it with a fresh
glow. After a few minutes there, I realized that I could easily get lost if
I didn’t move quickly. I stood up and walked down towards the path, under
the suddenly intimidating cluster of trees and navigated the paths which had
become slippery. Unsure of my steps, I moved forward slowly down the hill
and felt the winds and snow trying to catch up to me. It wasn’t particularly
far to get back down to the street at this point but, I knew I’d have to
keep pace before things became problematic. I knew the path that was the
quickest way out of there, but it was becoming obscured as the snow became
stronger. I decided to take another way out. It was a little bit longer but,
there were more trees there to protect me from the wind and snow. My
footsteps became a little faster at first, then I slowed down a little so I
wouldn’t slip away. As I walked I looked at a small cluster of bushes at the
edge of the path and saw something out of the corner of my eye that made
seemed strange.
Someone left something up there for me to find, which was strange since I
rarely saw others in this small sanctuary. I couldn’t quite make it out from
the distance under the snow but I wanted to see what it was. I walked
towards it and saw that it was a small package, seemingly dropped from the
sky. As I moved closer, I could see it better and once I got it in my sight
and once it came into focus, I knew exactly what it was. I walked towards it
and pulled it out from under the bushes. I felt a sudden feeling of
recognition which gave me both relief and happiness. It had purposely been
left there for me alone. She had somehow managed to enter undetected beneath
the slumbering giants, placing a gift there unobtrusively. In some sense, I
think she must have known how the day would unfold and which paths I would
choose before I walked them. The moment I held it in my hand, I immediately
felt it was meant for me, even though my name wasn’t written on it. In that
moment, I knew someone had been watching my return journeys to the hill and
that I was never completely alone. There was someone present, however
distant, shadowing my every step. While her gift was a bit damp on its
edges, I could tell it hadn’t been there for long, at least that’s what it
seemed like. The snow began to pick up at that moment and I quickly moved
down the rest of the hill. It didn’t take long for me to get to the edge and
I finally reached the edge of the street. I didn’t want it to get spotted,
so I pulled out my backpack and gently put it inside, carefully placing it
so no one would see it if they looked at me walking by. It was protected
from the storm. I walked quickly through the streets and felt the snow
picking up, with the accompanying silence giving the evening a special glow.
It took me a few more minutes to get back to my neighborhood, but it didn’t
seem like it took that much effort. The storm was raging by the time I
arrived home, and the final steps up the stairs were a little difficult.
Once there, I was able to hide her present and its secret would be safe with
me. No one down there saw what I was hiding. I didn’t need to open it up
since I already knew what was inside.
- Michael Palisano
We Left Together
Our Secret
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