Namco's latest superb fighting game, Tekken 5 once again raises the bar for arcade-to-home translations on the PS2. The tight-as-nails fighting system represents a return to the series' roots, with a simplified, yet tightened approach that offers the technical precision with fewer gimmicks than the last game. The gameplay is classic Tekken, has plenty of depth to go along with the game's traditional flashy moves. Tekken 5's smooth visuals and beautifully rendered backgrounds make for an amazing looking title. Add in a bevy of bonus features and extras, and you have all the makings of a superb fighting experience that's a must-purchase for any PS2 owner. It's hard to believe, but it's been nearly a full decade since Namco's first Tekken game graced arcades and went on to became one of the jewels of the original PlayStation console's launch back in 1995. To celebrate, the series fifth official installment offers a true return to form, eschewing the gimmicky multi-planed fighting arenas of the last game in favor of a streamlined approach. Fans who've followed Tekken through the years will be happy to learn that many of the game's most popular characters have returned for this anniversary title, include Jin Kazama, Paul Phoenix, Michelle, to face the evil Heihachi Mishima once again. Players will find many familiar faces along with a few new characters such as Asuka Kazama, Raven and Feng Wei. In all, Tekken 5 features a massive list of more than 30 characters, with more than a dozen available initially and many more unlockable as you progress through the game. The story this time once again follows the story of Jin and his father Hebachi, as they work out their issues between the forces of good and evil. Each of the game's characters has a role in Tekken 5's overall storyline, which unfolds quickly in between rounds during the game's elaborate Story mode. As players defeat opponents, small cinematic sequences unfold which tell their storylines. As an added incentive to keep playing, additional characters are unlocked when you complete this mode. Tekken 5 also includes several other play-modes such as arcade, practice, team battle, survival and versus. These modes should be fairly self-explanatory by now since they've become standard issue in most fighting games, but Namco has added a few surprises that go far beyond these standard expectations and we'll cover these in more depth later on.
Suffice it to say, the brilliant gameplay that's made the series so appealing for the past decade is very much in evidence, but the basic two-on-two fighting mode barely scratches the surface of what Tekken 5 has to offer. Namco has included an astonishing array of added-value extras that is simply mind-boggling. Fans of the earlier Tekken titles will remember a cool mode called Tekken Force that was included in the translation of Tekken 3 on the PS1. Namco has resurrected this in the new Tekken: Devil Within mode. Devil Within is a basic hack and slash fighter that follows Jin on a long journey through a slew of enemies on his path to a final confrontation with his evil father, Heihachi Mishima. Most of the action takes place in corridors inside a large complex owned by Mishima Zaibatsu, with the player battling through slowly but surely. While it's too simplistic and repetitive to stand firmly on its own merits, the Devil Within mode makes a solid addition to the package. In addition to this mode, Namco has taken the unprecedented step of including complete, emulated versions of the first three Tekken titles on the disc, all of which are available at the start of the game. All three of these titles were landmark games upon release, and hold up remarkably well from a gameplay standpoint. The rough polygons of the first game make it appear dated by today's standards, but it's cool to see these familiar characters in their embryonic forms. The second and third titles featured impressive steps forward for the series, and it's definitely an interesting and exciting way to see how the series has evolved from a technical standpoint. Namco has also included a secret bonus arcade title, but we won't spoil it for those of you who haven't played the game yet. These extras are very impressive, and Namco could have justifiably packaged them separately as a stand-alone title, but their inclusion along with Tekken 5 makes this an even more impressive value. Returning to the series' roots was definitely a great idea from a gameplay standpoint, and the extras definitely bring the Tekken mythology to life brilliantly. However, this doesn't mean the series is standing still. The technical advancements that Tekken 5 brings to the table are quite impressive, especially this late in the console's lifespan. From a visual standpoint, Tekken 5 pushes the PS2 to its limits to create one of the most visually arresting titles on the console to date. The characters move with a natural fluidness that makes them quite lifelike in appearance and action. Each character is rendered with a remarkable level of detail with facial expressions, muscle structures and fighting styles brought to life. Tekken 5's engine represents another impressive leap forward, with dizzyingly detailed environments featuring some incredible light-sourcing, realistic weather effects and richly detailed texture maps that make each level seem absolutely lifelike. All of this runs at a remarkably smooth and consistent frame rate, with none of the jaggies that plagued some of Tekken's earlier PS2 titles, such as Tag Tournament. From burning temples, haunted temples, snow covered mountains, dangerous arenas full of screaming fans, satellites, and gritty city streets, the variety of fighting locales is surprisingly expansive. The pumping techno music score accompanies the action perfectly without overwhelming it. Tekken 5's excellent voice acting brings the characters to life effectively as well. Overall, this is one of the smoothest, most polished PS2 fighting titles to date, surpassing even Sega's brilliant Virtua Fighter 4 and even Namco's own Soul Calibur 2 as the system's 3D action showpiece.
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