Despite the age of the console, you really
can't fault Valve for trying to port their award-winning PC shooter Half-Life 2
for the Xbox. Sadly, this conversion lacks the polish and sheen of the PC
edition, and suffers from improbably awkward load times and lacks online play,
which goes a long way in tempering what could have been a stellar send-off for
the console. The good news is that the inspired design, brilliant rag-doll
physics and tightly wound single player mission shines through despite some
glaring technical issues. If you can live with these issues, then HL2 is
definitely worth purchasing, and still manages to impress despite the
While there have been some compromises made to
squeeze the superb Half-Life 2 onto the aging Xbox hardware, the basics remain
intact. Players once again take the role of Gordon Freeman in Valve's Half-Life
2, a somewhat acceptable conversion of the stellar PC shooter. This time, the
action is set in the dark environments in City 17, a dilapidated urban nightmare
crawling with security forces and the evil Combine aliens from the last game.
You are part of an underground resistance movement and must take charge, leading
where others fear to tread. Your high profile means you have a target on your
head, and this makes for an exciting game. As you begin the game, you are
unarmed, but quickly acquire your trusty crowbar, which can be used to break up
crates and is also quite effective in close combat. You'll also be able to pick
up a variety of weapons including pistols, cross-bows, and sniper rifles. In
addition, you have the ability to grab certain objects such as crates and throw
them at enemies.These scopes can be quite handy when picking off enemies,
allowing you to kill them effectively with a simple head shot. As in other
modern FPS titles, players can take command of stationary gun turrets and wipe
out a whole area of foes without breaking a sweat. Players also have access to a
variety of vehicles including an airboat and a gun cannon, which are easy to
operate and use in combat situations. One of your secret weapons is also the
most obvious. Your suit offers you a level of protection against gunfire, and
can be recharged at one of the numerous stations you see scattered throughout
each level.
the weapons and gadgets are impressive and believably realistic, the game's
physics engine is probably the real star of he show. You can use this to your
advantage in a variety of methods. One of the more interesting strategies for
the Half-Life 2 player involves the many gas-filled barrels that you come
across, which you can use in a variety of ways. Shooting these causes a massive
explosion that will kill or seriously damage any nearby enemies, and can also be
used to unblock entries or blow out bridges. It definitely makes things more
interesting and gives the player a variety of choices in several situations.
This advanced use of physics is really impressive, and extends to HL2's coolest
weapon: the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator or Gravity Gun. This allows you
to grab and throw a variety of objects, including zombiefied enemies and use
them as missiles against other enemies. The Gravity Gun (later the Combine
Harvester) is one of the coolest innovations in FPS titles for some time,
allowing you to interact with your environments in completely new ways. As a
combat device, it's marvelously effective and intuitive to use, making it a
super-cool weapon. The Gravity Gun definitely gives Half-Life 2 a unique
personality, and the device really shows off the game's sophisticated physics
engine. Making As you traverse the streets and alleys of City 17, a seemingly
endless army of flying cameras, called scanners, will stalk you, revealing your
position to the security forces who will quickly arrive at your position to take
you out. In addition, the Combine forces appear in a variety of forms throughout
the game to make your missions even more difficult. To help you along, you can
save your progress at virtually any point in the game, making progression less
frustrating than it could have been. The controls have been mapped beautifully
to the Xbox controller allowing you to move and shoot with ease. You can change
weapons quickly with the D-pad, and can call up inventory fast as well.
Traditional FPS moves like strafing and crouching are handled expertly, making
Half-Life 2 an intuitive, responsive title that most veterans should be able to
pick up and play with little effort.
all of Half-Life 2's technical agility, its pacing and level design is what
really sets it apart. It's game design shines with an excellent combination of
action and exploration that should satisfy most players. The game's levels are
quite large and expansive, allowing for a more dynamic approach than you'd
expect, offering a nuanced struggle against the Combine that will take plenty of
skill and perseverance to finish. Part of what makes the game so engaging is the
shockingly authentic set of environments it creates. The distinctively Orwellian
City 17 creates a strong sense of paranoia within its walls, with the constant
hum of indoctrination over loudspeakers, and the scurrying citizens cowering in
fear create an atmosphere that's both beautiful and brutal. The texture mapping
is richly detailed in all aspects, from the tiniest drops of water, to the
scratched, scraped and scarred surfaces of containers submerged under water, you
never forget that you're in a desperately underused world. The bleached out
colors are compressed until everything looks like a shade of gray, yet there are
some impressive lighting and water effects as well, which gives everything in
the game a realistic appearance. Half-Life 2's character animations are quite
impressive, especially up close when you can see the life-like reaction and
movements of human characters, while the Combine forces move with a graceful yet
terrifying insectoid confidence and purpose. While the level of environmental
detail here doesn't approach the level of a high-end PC, the game is still very
impressive by Xbox standards, making this edition an adequate substitute from an
aesthetic standpoint for those who don't have a high-end machine.
One of the game's main appeals lies not in the
technically brilliant engine, but in the way its presented. Most other FPS
titles have lead characters that can best be described as cardboard. HL2 takes a
vastly different approach, filling in Gordon's emotions and motivations
throughout the story while introducing a strong supporting cast of rebels and
villains that makes the experience feel more like an RPG at some points than
you'd expect it to be. The struggle between Gordon and his band of freedom
fighters against the Combine and its compliant, yet oppressive allies in the
City is told in a compelling manner that's more adult and sophisticated than
you'd expect, and touches on a few contemporary issues as well. A large part of
this realism can be chalked up to the amazing rendering technology that gives
each character's facial expressions and emotions an impressive realism. The
characters' excellent voice acting doesn't go to waste either, as the game's
outstanding storyline is both engaging and interesting, allowing players to
fully immerse themselves into the game effortlessly. Playing Half-Life 2 feels
less like a traditional video game and more like being immersed into an
interactive adventure. Sure, there are many action points, but it's the cohesive
story and plot that will keep most players motivated. While the early going
feels a little bit slow, once things pick up, the game unfolds at an intense
pace, leaving you both breathless and wanting more.
in order to enjoy all that Half-Life 2 has to offer, players will have to look
past a few major problems. The biggest of these is the load times, which occur
not only between levels, but during them as well. In fact, the game pauses
several times during each level, which hurts the flow of the action, making the
experience less than ideal for FPS. While the level of detail is impressive
throughout, there's little doubt that the game is pushing the Xbox hardware
further than it was meant to. With so much put into maintaining the level of
detail and quality of the single player game, Valve has also decided to forgo
any multiplayer modes, and the game doesn't support even a lowly deathmatch
mode, which is extremely disappointing. This is especially true considering the
console's reputation for online play on Xbox Live. These technical problems
aside, the level of enjoyment you'll get out of Half-Life 2 depends largely on
your expectations. If you're looking for a decent port of the PC game, you'll
probably be happy living with the port's limitations, but those seeking an exact
replica of the game are bound to be disappointed. Half-Life 2 is a decent single
player port that offers much of what made the original such an exciting journey
despite some disappointing trade-offs along the way.