Taking the legendary companies' brawling
series to another new cross-over, the release of SNK Vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos
remakes the series with a distinctive SNK feel. The game's mixture of
characters, brilliant 2D design and deep moves lists, with new combo attacks and
a fantastic Exceed move, adds to the strategy and depth. SNK vs. Capcom's play
balance is excellent, as you'd expect, but the real fun of the game lies in the
new online modes that allow you to battle other players using Xbox Live. This is
an excellent cross-over, and a definite must-own for fans of either companies'
fighting titles.
Players who long-dreamed of a cross-over title
featuring the 2D characters of Capcom and SNK have had plenty of reasons to
celebrate over the past few years, as both companies' characters starred in the
successful Capcom vs. SNK series in the arcades and home consoles over these
past few years. The games received a warm welcome from fans on both sides of the
fighting chasm, but the SNK style seems to have taken a back seat. While the
Capcom developed titles were successful, the company has largely taken the upper
hand with the past few cross-over fighting games. Now, at long last the
developers at SNK Playmore have taken the lead back with the release of SNK vs.
Capcom: SVC Chaos, the latest cross-over between the companies' legendary
fighting squads. Featuring 17 characters from each company for a total of 34,
this has an excellent play balance with a feel that's much more in the SNK camp
this time around. Many of the characters who appear here are the expected stars
such as Chun-Li and Ryu from the Capcom side and Iori Yugami, Terry Brogard and
Geese Howard on the SNK team. However, there are also a number of exclusive
characters like Mega Man, Red Arremer from Capcom and Shiki and Athena on the
SNK side. Additionally, players can unlock a number of hidden characters from
some classic fighting series including Samurai Shodown, King of Fighters and
Fatal Fury. The roster this time is quite extensive, giving SVC Chaos a
well-rounded lot of fighters. There are more than enough characters in the game
to pose a significant challenge, and the game's finely tuned gameplay keeps
things quite challenging throughout, though some of the boss battles seem
excessively difficult.
Vs. Capcom's roster is extensive, but the depth here is likewise impressive.
Each fighter has an extensive moves list that includes a wide array of standard,
special, combo and super moves. These allow you plenty of versatility but the
game also includes some more advanced techniques. Using the Forward Ground Step
move allows players to time their attacks much more effectively, allowing for a
more sophisticated attack strategy. During the battles, players can use their
power-gauge to perform super combos, with three powers levels for each
character. Players can also use the new Exceed moves. These incredibly powerful
combos let you inflict a massive amount of damage on opponents. The fighting
itself is straightforward and should pose little problem for veterans of either
company's series. The moves themselves are easy to accomplish thanks to the
responsive controls, which makes performing even some of the most complicated
moves simple. Getting through the rounds is fairly simple, and most of the
opposing characters' AI is smart enough to pose a challenge, though not
excessively difficult. This changes with the boss battles, so don't go in
unprepared. Learning the bosses' patterns and finding their weaknesses will take
a lot of time and patience, but they can be beaten if you're persistent. This
gives the gameplay a uniquely SNK feel, emphasizing a grittier, more down to
Earth style than the flashy, combo- heavy Capcom fighters feature. As expected,
the gameplay itself offers some fast and frenetic play with lightning moves and
combos. The standard battles are intense, but the real challenge in the game
lies in the boss battles, which are incredibly challenging. SNK vs. Capcom
features not one but three different bosses, which adds plenty of challenge to
the gameplay.
In addition to the standard single-player arcade and versus modes, the game also
features a number of extra modes including Survival mode, where you have to
withstand an assault by a seemingly endless array of foes. These are usually
single fall matches, so you have little room for error. Players can also view
artwork in the Gallery mode and save battles to view again in Replay mode. For
die-hard players, SVC Chaos also includes a special Color Edit mode, where you
can customize your characters' appearance with clothing, skin and hair able to
be changed. These modes offer you exactly what you'd expect in a traditional 2D
fighter, but SVC Chaos goes beyond this with the addition of Xbox Live support.
Logging on is quite simple using the game's excellent interface. Once logged in,
you can explore the lobby and chat with other players, then set up a match with
another player. You can choose to enter a quick match with predetermined rules
or set up a customized round where you set the rules. Players can also set up
players' lists, so they can fight against others online and more. Using the Xbox
Live service makes the game feel much more competitive, recreating the fun of
the arcade where you can challenge and dominate random opponents. It makes for
much less predictable yet more challenging matches. While this has become a
relatively standard feature in fighting games recently, the online support is an
excellent addition to an already solid gaming experience.
a visual standpoint, SVC Chaos veers towards the grittier, more realistic SNK
look, giving the Capcom characters a darker feel that's more consistent with the
SNK universe. The game takes classic approach to the backgrounds. They look
great with standard 2D environments instead of the mixture of 2D with 3D objects
that popularized the Capcom developed cross-overs. The use of these 2D sprites
makes things feel a bit dated but most harcdcore gamers will most likely
appreciate the more traditional approach. SVC Chaos benefits from the Xbox
technology with the fast loading battles making for a seamless experience. While
the game probably won't appeal to the mass market used to dazzling graphics and
button mashing action, SVC Chaos is a solidly entertaining fighter. It's
traditional approach gives the gameplay plenty of depth with a generally superb
character balance, extensive move list and challenging opponents. The addition
of Xbox Live support is the icing on the cake that adds an entirely new
dimension of depth and challenge to the experience. Overall, this solidly
release is another outstanding fighting game that offers the traditional
elements you'd expect with a few twists thrown in. SVC Chaos is an excellent
title that's bound to please the hardcore audience with the hardcore fighting
action they crave.