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An Unlikely
As I walked
through the streets on a cold January morning when I was a boy, many
thoughts passed through my mind. Most of them weren’t what people would
expect. I had seen some fairly odd things over the preceding months and they
continued to maintain a prominence in my mind. There were interruptions and
distractions over the past few weeks. It was a strange Christmas, where I
received many gifts I didn’t need. The one that meant the most was the one
that wasn’t wrapped in the usual red colored paper. This was one that I
didn’t display proudly – in fact I kept it hidden from view. I didn’t want
any one to know. As the weeks passed and the holiday season came to its end,
the new year dawned. Things unfolded in a different way than I expected it
to. Everything felt different for me at that point. I found myself
searching, seeking answers and only finding more questions. I felt detached
from my obligations and expectations. At many points, I wished I could be
someone, anyone else. No matter what I did, I felt trapped and alone. I was
under a constant cloud of fear of our secret being exposed. This probably
wasn’t apparent on the outside, and those around me probably didn’t know
what was going on. As I dug deeper inside my memories and experiences, they
seemed to recede, become ever more distant as I spent so much time thinking
about what had happened to me. I had the strangest feeling haunting me for
months and it refused to let go. I can only describe it as a sense of
confusion mixed with fear. It wasn’t like the emotions I had felt before. It
didn’t feel natural to me, and this was quite unnerving. As weeks went by, I
began to realize what the feelings were about. At first they seemed like
they would overcome me, and I felt a little bit overwhelmed. Slowly, I began
to be able to anticipate them and this gave me a chance to at least mitigate
their effects. I developed a technique where I could simultaneously exist on
two different levels. This helped me control them and I was able to keep
them hidden. No one realized what was happening, except me. No one else had
seen her or felt her next to them. I was the only one, and as far as the
rest of the world was concerned, she didn’t exist. Even after all the months
had passed, I still didn’t anyone about her, since it wouldn’t have done
anyone any good.
It was
hard to understand what changed to me about the world during those months.
It might not have seemed significant to anyone else, but it mattered to me.
It was as if the world I knew had opened up and revealed something I had
never even contemplated. The evidence was irrefutable in my mind, but the
paradox occurred when I remembered that was I was the only one who
experienced those moments, and was the sole witness who could back it up. I
knew it was happening, but no one else did. There were many things I didn’t
yet understand, which undermined my desire to confess the secrets we shared.
Besides, we had an unspoken agreement, these were our times, they were our
shared moments that existed for no one but us. It was also a burden in some
other unexpected ways. I had a hard time seeing others without seeing her,
and I mostly found them lacking. I knew I couldn’t tell anybody but there
were numerous mysteries I couldn’t begin to solve. I didn’t know precisely
where came from, though I had an idea. The other thing that puzzled me was
why she seemed to need to look after me. I thought about some of the
seemingly odd things that had happened in the years before our first
encounter. I thought about several close calls I experienced, where things
could have turned out quite badly. There was one instance in particular
where I felt something closing in, encircling my body. My throat would close
up and I’d feel a dull pain going up my right leg. The dread and darkness
came for me in an instant and it felt like there was no escape. Suddenly,
without explanation the threat would lift almost miraculously and I’d feel
serenity and peacefulness rush in to take its place. I wondered where this
sudden peacefulness had came from before we met. Now that I had seen her, I
had an idea but wasn’t completely sure if it was her work or not. I hadn’t
actually seen her during those moments, but thinking back on it, I thought
something or someone had been watching over me, even though I hadn’t
realized it. I just couldn’t quite understand why it was happening to me.
I reluctantly returned to school a few weeks later, still feeling a bit
alone inside there. However, I still had my secrets to pull me through. I
walked through the streets there in the mornings. The distance was the same,
but things had changed. January was a little different than the previous
months, as the frozen edges had come and taken over. In the intervening
weeks between the winter had taken its traditional hold on the world.
Endless layers of ice covered the ground, freezing everything below its
absolute grip. Unable to let anything through, even the sun couldn’t
penetrate the deep freeze. The air was cold, and I could feel it inside me
as each breath would come. After several weeks of this, I had become
accustomed to its cold and my defenses were strong, so it didn’t bother me.
The layers of snow would usually arrive during the night, covering the ice
with a fresh coating of crystalline white. Gradually adding layers, it
created a thick surface that was simultaneously slick and sturdy. I had to
be careful in the mornings, since the newly fallen ice was slippery and it
would be easy to fall. Walking up the steep hills towards school wasn’t the
easiest task, but one that had to be endured. Using my well-worn paths, I
was usually able to get there quicker than the others. Frequently, I’d find
a locked door and for a few minutes, I would stand there alone most of the
time. As I looked across the fields and sidewalks, I could see thousands of
small crystals in the snow each morning, reflecting the sunlight, glittering
like the ocean I had dived in during the summer. In the silent moments, I
watched the winter light as it absorbed to the ground coming straight
through the clouds, diving into the snow-covered ground, splashing it with a
distinct energy. It was a beautiful solitary moment but this calm wouldn’t
last. Once the others would arrive, they’d begin converge on the door,
tracking through the snow leaving their footprints behind, disrupting the
pristine silence. They’d come closer to me as the time came near, battling
it out to become the first through the door. I’d usually hold back, and
stand a little bit to the side, letting them go in before me. I felt distant
from them the moment they entered my presence and I was in no hurry to join
them. I watched them walk into
the building, and I felt something come over me. I thought of her as I was
standing there and suddenly, I decided that day would be different.
I decided not to go inside the building that day which wasn’t something I’d
normally do. I knew what was expected of me, but I couldn’t gather the
strength to endure it that morning. I felt things were draining away and
there were more important things for me to do. As I turned in the other
direction and walked away, I wondered if anyone would miss me. I approached
the steel gates and as I walked back through them, I felt the burdens lift.
I wouldn’t have to pretend, hide myself, or put on a mask. I wouldn’t have
to live in fear of being found out. The decision came quickly to me and I
knew it was the right one. It had only been a few weeks, but I was again
feeling a little overwhelmed. I needed a break from these thoughts. My steps
began to quicken, I was happy, the day was mine again. I would worry about
the books and their questions tomorrow. The sun was brightening, and things
began to feel a little bit warmer. As I walked further away, the things I
held in my backpack began to feel important again. My stories and drawings
wouldn’t be carelessly disturbed; my privacy wouldn’t be invaded by those
who wouldn’t understand. I didn’t have to worry about any of those
pressures. I walked through the streets, taking my usual short-cuts home and
passing some of the familiar places. I walked past the hidden entrance to
the mountain where I spent a lot of time the previous fall. I saw that
during the previous few weeks, it had been further obscured by a large bank
of snow that had been pushed in front of it during the intervening storms,
making it nearly impossible to get into from that direction. I wasn’t
planning on going there anyway, it was much too cold. The daylight was
beginning to intensify and as I looked on the ground, I could see some of
the top layers of snow begin to melt and turn into water pools. I walked
further down the hill and past the other entrance that was better marked but
still not completely welcoming. As I walked down the hill, there were more
houses and they got smaller and closer to each other. Their roofs were
covered by thick layers of ice, submerging them under winter’s grip. Tracing
my footsteps carefully, I walked in the paths trying to stay in the clear
sections. I carefully stepped over the icy spots and tried to avoid slipping
and falling. I was making some fast progress and soon I knew I’d be home. It
was a very quiet walk since most of the morning hustle and bustle had
subsided, leaving the world in a strangely restful condition. The silence
was a great relief to me, things had become overwhelming quickly and this
was exactly what I wanted.
Suddenly, I heard someone call my name.
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