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An Unlikely
Combination (Page 2)
I knew it who it was the moment I heard her voice.
I felt a sudden rush in my head, as if the world had once again opened up.
Instead of facing another dreary day struggling to fit in somewhere I didn’t
belong, I was once again with someone who understood me. I had no idea why
she chose that day to see me again, but she had good timing. I felt a little
lost and was slowly becoming discouraged. It didn’t seem like anything I was
doing was gaining much traction. As I walked down the hill, I wondered if I
would ever go back to that building. Without warning, I heard her voice
again – and it wasn’t what I was expecting.
There was nobody else around at that point, but I couldn’t quite see where
she was. I looked around and didn’t see anyone else around. I thought I was
hearing things at first but she called again. I glanced across the street
and she was standing there, as unforgettable as always, her unique face and
attire standing out immediately. Staring directly at me, I knew she had been
watching me again, but I didn’t know how long she was standing there.
It was a strange moment for me, as if
all the dreams and drawings that consumed me had suddenly became real once
again. It was different than I remembered, I didn’t feel as immediately
surprised or shocked as I had during our previous encounters. It felt like
seeing an old friend. This was actually reassuring to me since I didn’t
really feel connected to many other people and her renewed presence
immediately brightened the day.
didn’t say anything for quite some time, but she didn’t need to. After all
those months of waiting to see her again, it was as if no time had passed. I
didn’t expect to see her that day, or any other day. It had become a long
search, one that I hadn’t really contemplated ending. Suddenly, we had
another moment together but this time was different. I had felt so isolated,
so strange for continuing to obsess over our secret moments, that I though
it wouldn’t ever happen again. I thought that maybe I was trying too hard,
and imagining that she was there. There were no other cars on the hill at
that moment, and it seemed like all the houses were vacant. We shared the
space, and I stopped walking down the path. Once again, we were together
alone, standing on opposite sides of the street. This also created an
emotional distance between us that I didn’t expect. I thought it was a bit
odd that she would stand so far away. My immediate thought was to go and
walk over to her and try and get closer, but something held me back from
running across the street. I knew she wanted to see me, and I wanted to see
her, but there was something that maybe I had done wrong. As I looked over
towards her, she seemed a little annoyed with me. At first I couldn’t
understand why but it slowly came to me. She wasn’t angry that I was
skipping school, since she knew how difficult it was for me. Instead,
something else entirely seemed to be bothering her.
I had
found and carried the package she left for me under the trees that night, I
hadn’t actually opened it up. Instinctively, I knew what was inside, but
this wasn’t the same – it had been sitting there untouched for nearly a
month. I think she felt a little bit insulted by this. I think she knew
because she could look right through me and see exactly what was happening.
She had probably spent a lot of time on making or creating something
especially for me, only to see it hidden underneath something else,
unopened. Thinking back, I probably should have been more appreciative of
her and I felt bad that I was acted like I was ashamed of it, and of her.
This wasn’t the case at all, and I tried to convey this to her, that my
motivations were to keep this between us, it was our secret. As I looked at
her standing there, she didn’t move much closer to me, I think she wanted to
stay a bit away this time. I knew I had to stand on my own feet and she
wouldn’t always be there, but she could help guide me once in awhile. I
stood there and looked at her, but I felt a strange sense of shame at having
let her down. I was embarrassed and looked away for a moment. When I looked
back, she was gone once again. I knew she probably would have stayed longer,
but she probably didn’t want me to get caught aimlessly wandering around,
gazing into space once again.
I sat
there for a few minutes, her appearance and vanishing seemed to happen in an
instant. Despite how brief it had been, she once again pointed me towards
the right path. I stood there for a moment, memorizing the place where she’d
been moments before. I turned my head around and looked up at the bright
sunshine becoming stronger with each minute. The glaze of ice was becoming a
sea of puddles and my feet were becoming saturated and numb. I knew I
couldn’t stay out in the cold for much longer. I began walking down the hill
and my descent was much faster than it had been in the morning. My frozen
feet began to hurt and I was relieved to find myself quickly getting closer
to home. It seemed to take less effort and there was a determination in my
steps. There were some tricky spots to navigate, but they didn’t seem to
impede my progress. It took me only a few minutes to reach the back door of
my house, where I unlocked the door and went inside. It was empty and I had
it all to myself. I knew what I needed to do. I had the good timing to skip
school during the middle of the week. No one would be home for a few hours,
which left me alone all by myself for a change. Noticing that the lights
were still on in my bedroom, I might have left myself a bit of a beacon. I
left the rest of the house dark and went upstairs. I slowly closed and
locked the door behind me and took the box out from its hiding place. When I
opened it up, I was surprised by what I found.
package was far more elaborate than I thought it would be. The first thing I
saw when I opened the lid was the beautiful fabric of a black dress with
small polka dots. It was just like the one she wore during our encounters,
It felt like silk and was and vibrant and felt brand new. As I pulled it out
of the box, something unexpected occurred to me. It wasn’t just a toy, as I
initially assumed. It was smaller but still had a familiar spirit. I put it
on my bed and looked at the other items inside the box that went along with
it. I looked at its contents for several minutes not knowing what to do. It
seemed strange that she would give me something in such a small size. Then I
looked underneath it and found a small doll that resembled her almost
exactly. I knew there would be something of hers in the box, but this seemed
like a strange choice. I wondered what she was thinking. I pulled out the
rest of the things from the box and it suddenly made sense. With the
accessories inside, there was a complete set. Suddenly, I could see her
again. She looked a bit smaller perhaps, but almost a perfect reflection of
the mysterious woman who was visiting me. After months of wondering when I
would see her again, the solution was right in front of me.
As I stood there with the doll in my hand, much of the stress and anxiety I
felt began to vanish, I was finally free of the burdens that were holding me
down. I wasn’t the same person, I could finally be someone else. It was a
moment of liberation, a freedom where my life was in my own hands. I stood
there for a few more minutes and wondered how she was able to pull this off.
While I’d received other gifts, none of them really meant as much to me.
This was different, it was like someone knew I needed to escape, and gave me
the tools and permission to do so. It was a strange feeling, Inexplicably,
reality was transformed and I was finally able to escape my burdens, even if
only for a little while. I felt a new freedom to be someone else, and I had
almost the entire day to do exactly what I wanted. I didn’t have to answer
any questions, or pretend to be someone I wasn’t. I didn’t have to hide her
from anyone else. I was completely alone with her and could do what I
wanted. None of the thousand little things that constantly bothered me
mattered in that moment. Their voices and demands evaporated as I stood
there looking at the doll. For now, I wasn’t going to have any of them
pressuring me.
I took it in my hand, clasping it tightly. I walked downstairs into the
living room and put it on top of the TV. I plugged in my Atari VCS and
carefully hooked it up. We watched as the opening rounds of Yars’ Revenge
unfolded on the screen. I wasn’t entirely sure this was such a good idea,
since I didn’t want to be found in this state. So I timed a few games and
went onward to the various levels, attacking the giant space ship at the
right of the screen. It got more difficult as I went along, with its borders
changing shape, then moving around the screen and more. Still, as each round
ended with a massive explosion, my satisfaction grew with each victory. I
played for a few minutes and then decided that it was time for another game.
I thought about it for a few minutes and honed in on Defender. It wasn’t
quite elaborate as the arcade game, but it was close enough. It had been my
game the previous summer, and I was in the middle of going after the high
score on the day when we first met. It seemed an appropriate tribute, given
my circumstances. It didn’t really have the same level of challenge or
complexity as the arcade game, but it was still close enough in spirit. The
controls were much simpler and I didn’t have to worry about all those
buttons. It was still entrancing, but in a different way, kind of the
smaller version of the real deal. I played it for maybe an hour and then I
began to get worried. It was getting late, and there was an increasing
chance that someone would notice that I was missing school. While I had fun
with my games, I knew that I didn’t have forever to play with them.
The Atari was getting warm, which would have been a giveaway, so I had to
unplug it and put it back in the condition I found it, so as to not make
people suspicious. This took a few minutes, but after safely returning it to
its original state, I went back upstairs to my bedroom. I took another
minute to look at the doll, which seemed to have been suffused with her
spirit. It was a symbol of our secret meetings, something no one else could
see. I didn’t think anyone would understand its significance.
At this point, it didn’t seem as strange as it had an hour before,
but it still felt a little bit odd. I noticed the clock was getting a little
bit later, so I decided to take the doll and put it back in its box,
carefully wrapping it back up so it wouldn’t be ruined or damaged. I felt a
bit sad doing this, and reluctantly pushed it back under my bed and covered
it with some old blankets, hiding it from view. I stood there for a minute
and quietly thanked her for the unlikely gift. It finally allowed me begin
understanding what had been happening over the past few months.
In that moment, I no longer felt alone and afraid.
-Michael Palisano
While the trees
We Left Together
Our Secret
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