FPS titles have been considered the most violent form of video gaming for quite some time, and most likely deserve such recognition. Since the early shooter days of Doom and Wolfenstein, gamers have had the chance to roam the halls of futuristic dwelling or ancient building, blowing away enemies 1st hand with an assortment of armaments, both real and imagined. Up until the last couple years, the images seen of these games on one's monitor were cartoonish to an extent, not lending itself to any sense of true reality. Blowing the head off of a freakish monster-like aberration just isn't too likely to happen in your neighborhood, now is it? With the continuing development of computer systems (mostly due to the demand in the world of gaming) we're seeing games continually produced for the market with a more realistic edge to them. Though the imaginative monsters and in-human villains still pop up from time and again in an FPS shooter, the trend to real-world and lifelike gaming scenarios is continuing to take precedence within the genre. The latest FPS release from the critically acclaimed software development team at Raven Software is a testament to that trend. Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix is one of the most realistic shooters on the market to date, giving players a sense of realism that goes well beyond anything released before it. Some might even think that the game is almost too realistic, especially parents of younger children that are fans of FPS titles.
Though an FPS by definition, SoF II goes beyond the typical 'shoot-em-up' atmosphere that tends to clog up the gameplay of most similar titles within the genre. Though the running gun ethos that made the original game so popular still remains, the designers of SoF II have incorporated a system that combines strategy, stealth and combat tactics that challenges the players into thinking out his or her attack plan before running into the fray. The advanced AI system that is used in the game adds to the challenge is a completely positive way. The lifelike reactions that come about from the enemy units are in direct response to the players actions (i.e., attacking/defending or stealth/non-confrontational). Gamers can choose to sneak up on enemies, taking them out quietly with a silenced pistol or knife, or pull out all the stops and declare war by opening fire with an assault rifle (with all of the consequences that are attached). Reaction of the enemy unit to your actions depends upon the caliber of the enemy unit (ranging from combat hardened soldier to hired thug) as well as difficulty level of the current game. Additionally, players can choose to make use of newer stealth elements like hiding in shadows to avoid confrontation all together. Again, having multiple options in the main gameplay really adds quite a bit of depth to the title, making it that much more enjoyable and less than ordinary for a FPS. The advanced AI system isn't the only feature of SoF II that mimics real life situations. The weapons and control of them found in the game have an extremely realistic feel overall, more so than in similar FPS title. Rifles, pistols, and other ranged armaments found in the game give an authentic 'kick-back' when in use, allowing short bursts and single shots the greatest chance of hitting a target while longer held fire tends to go astray. Reload times also have a more realistic timing to them as does weapons change ups: players must actually wait for Mullins to cock the weapon in hand before being able to use it. During the course of the game, players also have the chance to use mounted weapons onboard helicopters, tanks, and other vehicles as the game. Though not as realistic as the other weapons found in the game (unlimited ammo, etc.), it still adds to the combat excitement.
The single player mode of Soldier of Fortune II contains roughly 25 missions within its structure, each with their own set of goals, enemies, and strategies to complete them. Each of the maps found within the game were very detailed and extremely realistic, giving you the sense that you were actually in the location of the mission. One of the best maps was the Kamchatka mission, putting players in the wintry areas of the former U.S.S.R. The effects from the falling snow and gusty winds were incredible to view during the game. Another interesting element from the single player game comes in the form of a 'Random Mission Generator' that can be found on the main menu. Adding an immense amount of replayability to SoF II, this feature allows players to enter a randomly generated mission, each with its own terrain and set of goals that need to be accomplish in order to finish the game. Again, this is one of the most unique features we've ever seen in an FPS: kudos to the developers at Raven Software for this little gem. The standard multiplayer option comes standard with SoF II, and contains your basics components for Internet and LAN based play. The basic MP games include the standard Deathmatch Team Deathmatch, and CTF games as well as a Team Assassination game (last team standing wins the game) as well as a Team Infiltration game (allowing teams to use stealth in order to win the game). For the most part, the gameplay of SoF II MP is rather standard and straightforward. The only exception happens to be the insane amount of pre-made skins included in the game, which numbers somewhere in the thirties. Almost every character found within the game (both civilian and military) can be found in the setup process of the game, giving players an extraordinary amount of choice when it comes to tailoring an MP character. All in all, playing Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix
was an enjoyable experience. As a FSP, this game stands tall over the
competitors, especially when it comes to realism. Though the gore levels can be
high at times (as in real life) for the weak of stomach and children alike, the
gameplay itself is immense, forcing players to not come up with a strategy in
order to overcome the opposition and complete the goals found within a specific
level. Again, it's nice to see a FPS that makes you use your mind for a change
instead of mindlessly blowing up everything in your path. Warlords Battlecry II(PC) Hotel Giant (PC) Star Wars: Jedi Knight II(PC) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (PC) C&C Renegade (PC)
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